Working Groups

AUWU national organising is a work in progress. Currently, AUWU branches operate according to the strengths and interests of local members, within the context of the AUWU demands. A good way to get active with the AUWU is to join your local branch.

Meanwhile, the Victorian branch of the AUWU operates as a default national branch. The Victorian branch is structuring its activities into four ‘working groups’. We see this as a model other branches might potentially follow.

We encourage AUWU members located anywhere in Australia to contact any Victorian working group below, if you would like to help out with any activity that can be done online, such as supply graphics for the AUWU facebook page. Feel free to contact any working group below with any questions or comments.

The working groups and branches coordinate via the AUWU national facebook organising group. You will need to make a facebook request to “join” this page if you would like to be involved in our national organising.

Whether you prefer to be on the streets or behind the scenes, whether you like to “do” or to organise, we hope you find a way of contributing that suits you. We look forward to working with you!



  • Coordinating meetings and mailouts
  • Organising branches
    • developing inter-branch newsletter
    • supporting branch activities
  • Coordinating national organisation
  • Recruiting members
  • Printing and posting activist packs (if you can make it to Melbourne Docklands on Tuesday or Wednesday afternoons, we need all the help we can get!)


  • Operating national AUWU Advocacy Service
    • staffing hotline in shifts from any location
    • respond to email queries
  • Presenting Rights Workshops
  • Developing case studies for media
  • Coordinating legal challenge against centrelink
  • Lobbying government for regulation of jobactive system
  • Coordinating workshops


  • Establishing campaign timeline (priorities)
  • Developing and executing campaigns (from demands list)
    • Organising protests
    • Lobbying government
  • Building alliances
    • outreach to Trade Unions
    • send Centrelink volunteer site approval applications to favourable organisations
  • Developing research database
    • from advocacy, surveys, petitions etc
  • Managing petitions
  • Coordinating outreach and promotion (along with Communications working group)


  • Managing Facebook pages
    • create Facebook event pages
  • Managing, updating, editing this website
    • proof reading
    • responding to comments
  • Managing You Tube channel
  • Developing radio programs
  • Building media list
  • Promoting AUWU and events
  • Connecting case studies to media
  • Writing articles for media
  • Writing press releases
  • Monitoring online news sources and coordinating social media and online reactions to articles, debates
  • Designing leaflets, posters etc