Are your Mutual Obligation Activities Fair?

Please note, the following applies only to unemployed workers attending jobactive agencies. If you attend a Disability Employment Services (DES) agency, click here.

Many unemployed workers are being forced to do things that, according to the letter of the law, they do not have to do.

Have a look below at the Government’s official jobseeker requirements tables (located in the mutual obligation requirements and job plan guideline) to ensure the mutual obligation requirement activities you are being told to do by your job agent are fair.

For a guide to the deliberately confusing jargon and acronyms, click here.

If your mutual obligations are over and above what it is stated in the guidelines below and the Deed, inform your job agent that you would like job plan immediately renegotiated to reflect the jobactive Deed and Guidelines.

Please note that after 1st October, 2016, the Work for the Dole phase will change to begin after 1 year of being on Newstart. For more info click here. We are have contacted the Department of Employment to release the new tables and are waiting for a response.

Only one appointment per month according to the jobactive Deed:

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Even in its 2015-2016 Annual Report, the Department of Employment acknowledged that appointments are monthly.screen-shot-2016-12-22-at-1-34-29-pm


All other requirements are listed in the Department’s Mutual Obligation Requirements and Job Plans Guideline:





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