Badly Treated By Your Job Agent? Write a Letter!

Is your job agency treating you badly?

Its time to fight back!

As the Department of Employment have failed to effectively regulate the industry, making a complaint to the Department (1800 805 260) is often not enough (although something you still should do, more on that later).

It is increasingly up to you, the unemployed worker, to bring punitive job agencies into line.

If your job agency is treating you badly, the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union strongly recommends that you write a letter to your job agent to firstly resolve the issue, and secondly hold them accountable.

The AUWU has found that writing emails is the best way for unemployed workers to communicate with their job agencies as they are unable use bullying tactics to derail the issue. It also provides a written record of your issue which you can use later.

The AUWU has created a step by step guide (including letter templates) to help unemployed workers with these emails

Step one – What has Your Job Agency Done Wrong?

For this email to be a success, you need to determine exactly how your job agency has broken to job active deed.

A few common examples include

  • Forcing you to attend more than one appointment per month (for jobactive agencies) or one appointment per fortnight (for DES agencies)
  • Forcing you to do Work for the Dole when you are ineligible
  • Denying you your right to ‘Reasonable Notice’ or a ‘Reasonable Excuse’
  • Denying you your right to be provided with basic employment services.

If you would like more information on your rights, have a look at the AUWU’s your rights booklet

Step Two – Get Your Job Agent’s Email Address

If you don’t have your case managers email already, contact your job agency by phone and ask them for the best email address to contact your case manager.

If you cannot get a straight answer, the best technique might be to email reception and put your case managers name in the subject line.

Step Three – Write Your Letter

Your letter must include a clear summary of how your job agency has failed to uphold the jobactive deed (or Disability Employment Services deed).

The AUWU has the produced seven letter templates to assist you to write your letter. Please edit the letters so you are comfortable with them.

The following issues are covered (click to download):

Step Four – Send Email

When you are ready to send the email, be sure to CC the following emails into the email: [for our records]  [to inform Minister of Employment] [to inform complaints line] [to inform the Shadow Minister for Employment Services] [to inform the Greens]

Now your ready to make a splash with your letter!

Please forward any responses to


Work for the Dole Letter