Helpful Links

Please click on the links below.

AUWU Website Links

And finally here is a list of resources to help you get more involved with the Australian Unemployed Workers’ Union:

AUWU services are run by volunteers. As it is free to join the union, the AUWU relies heavily on donations for funding. Please click here for more information on how to donate.

Government Document Links

Helpful Websites

Other Helpful Links

Here are some simple but effective things you can do to help us give the unemployed a voice within Australian society (we have also sent this list to you via email):

  1. Share this form through your email, Facebook or Twitter.
  2. Like our Facebook page here.
  3. Send through a summary of your experience of unemployment to us and join the discussions on our facebook page or website forum (helps others realise they are not alone).
  4. Like and comment on our YouTube videos here (influence others with your opinions).
  5. Promote our advocacy hotline throughout your networks using our video here and our unemployed workers rights booklet (help other unemployed workers learn about their rights). Additionally, we encourage you to find a no cost meeting room to hold a “Your Rights” workshop (contact us if you would like to help organise a workshop).
  6. Get involved with your local AUWU branch here (go to a meeting, a good way to meet like-minded people). If there is not one in your local area, contact us to set one up.
  7. Come to our events here (another good way to meet like-minded people)
  8. Help us hand out our leaflets and booklet (in cafes, bookshops, laundromats, community noticeboards etc, contact us if you would like us to send you some printouts)
  9. Staff our hotline (contact us if you would like to be trained up on this)
  10. Become a delegate (contact us if you would like to be trained up on this.