Research publications

The University uses Minerva Elements as collection tool and management system for its publications collection. All academics and honorary staff members are responsible for ensuring their publications are recorded in Minerva Elements.

For more information log into Minerva Elements

Please note: You can find a step by step guide to claiming and entering publications in Minerva Elements in the Minerva User Guide (3.8Mb pdf).

2016 Publications Collection

Arts academics are required to nominate their 2016 publications by Wednesday 1 March 2017.

The Faculty of Arts requires all academics to enter their 2016 publications data into Minerva for a number of reasons:

  • Verified publications are an integral part of the annual academic performance appraisal process.
  • Only claimed publications are displayed in Find an Expert profiles.
  • Accurate publications data is essential to the regular Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessments.

Research Quality Officer Laura Liao is available for regular drop-in sessions in the Arts West Digital Studio 307 to troubleshoot issues relating to the 2016 publications collection. Scheduled times are as follows:

Tuesday4-Apr-172pm - 4pm
Thursday6-Apr-172pm - 4pm
Monday10-Apr-1710:30am - 12:30pm

Publications process

Arts academics


Claim/create publication in Minerva Elements


Add publication labels (FOR, SEO, HERDC)


Nominate your publication for HERDC review


Upload supporting evidence (e.g. published paper) to Minerva

Publication Coordinator


Check publication year, author affiliation, and supporting evidence


Review publication category


Refer publication to ALO for approval

Academic Liaison Officer


Review publication category against HERDC guidelines


Accept publication (if appropriate)

Common questions

  • Why is it important to keep quality publications data in Minerva Elements?

    The University of Melbourne annually collects data on all research publications published by staff and students of the University. While this had formed part of the University's annual Higher Education Research Data Collection (HERDC) report in the past, the collection of accurate publications data in Minerva Elements is important because:

    • It is an integral part of the Faculty’s annual academic performance appraisal process
    • It helps to build reliable staff research and scholarship profiles, facilitating collaboration via resources such as Find an Expert
    • The University uses it to allocate research-related funds to academic divisions
    • It is essential to the regular Excellence in Research for Australia (ERA) assessments
  • Where can I find research coding information?

    Part of the publications process involves coding your research. We are required to report on two sets of research codes - the Field of Research (FOR) and Socio-Economic Objectives (SEO). For each research publication, the full 6 digit code for both FOR and SEO codes are required. For example, a journal article from anthropology may be coded using the FOR code 160104 Social and Cultural Anthropology, with the SEO code of 970116 Expanding Knowledge through Studies of Human Society. Multiple FOR codes can be selected and each code is assigned a percentage depending on relevance (ensure) that they equal 100% in combination.

  • What are the types of research publications?

    The University uses HERDC guideline as proxies of total publication performance. There are four categories counted in HERDC:

    • Books - authored - research
    • Chapters in research books
    • Journal articles - refereed
    • Conference publications - full written paper - refereed

    The University also collects publication data that does not fall into the above categories as part of our non-HERDC collection. This includes: creative recorded, exhibited or published works; computer software, reference works; audio-visual recordings; and report/working papers, and patents. This data is also used to allocate funding, create research reports and produce bibliographies. See section 5 of publications classification guidelines.

    Further information on publication classification can be located in the 2015 Publications Collection Classification Guidelines (1.1Mb pdf).

  • Do I need training for using Minerva Elements?

    You can find the step by step guide to claiming and entering publications in Minerva Elements in Minerva User Guide (3.8Mb pdf).

    Arts Research Quality Officer hosts a regular ethics and publications consultation session in Schools during the semester. Details will be released soon.

    For one-on-one Minerva training and research publication data issues, please email Arts Staff Research.

  • How do I deposit my publications into the University’s repository?

    Researchers can deposit their digital scholarly works into Minerva Access the University's repository which includes published papers, pre-prints, chapters, and theses. Both the Australian Research Council (ARC) and the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) have mandated the deposit of publication outputs arising from new ARC and NHMRC funded research into an institutional repository within 12 months of publication.

    For more information please email the repository team.

  • Are there any research skill development sessions I can go to?

    The University's Library provides a range of workshops to help researchers develop library research skills: from literature searching to publishing research strategically and tracking impact.

    To book a session please see the University Library Classes and Tours web page.

2017 Faculty Academic Liaison Officers

The 2017 Faculty Academic Liaison Officers are:

School Academic Liaison Officer email
Asia Institute Professor Anne McLaren
School of Culture and Communication Professor Peter Otto
School of Historical and Philosophical Studies Assoc. Professor Louise Hitchcock
School of Languages and Linguistics Professor Alison Lewis
Melbourne School of Government Assoc. Professor Sarah Maddison
School of Social and Political Sciences Assoc. Professor Sarah Maddison