Early career researcher opportunities

The Faculty of Arts is keen to support promising
Early Career Researchers (ECRs) to join our Faculty.

Please note: If you are a current Faculty of Arts academic see the Staff Intranet Research web page.

There are three competitive funding schemes that enable ECRs to take up fellowships in the Faculty of Arts: McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships programDiscovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) and the Indigenous Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship Program.

All schemes require you to have the support of a researcher or mentor currently employed in the Faculty of Arts. You can find staff lists and contact details on the Faculty of Arts School websites.

  • McKenzie Fellowships

    McKenzie Fellowships are funded by The University of Melbourne and enable researchers who completed their PhDs on or after 1 January 2014 to take up three year research positions at the University, along with an additional $25,000 to be spent on project costs over the term of their Fellowship. For more information please visit the McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowships program web page.

    Expressions of interest: for McKenzie Post-Doctoral Fellowships commencing in 2017 are now being accepted. To be considered for a McKenzie Postdoctoral Fellowship with the Faculty of Arts in this year's round, you must submit your Expression of Interest via the online form (accessible via the button below) by 11.59pm 5 August 2016 (AEST).

    The online Expression of Interest form will require you to upload a single document that includes both your current CV and a one page summary of your proposed research project. You will also be asked to provide 300 word responses to each of the selection criteria below:

    Proposed research project

    This includes its appropriateness to the area in which it would be located; anticipated project outcomes; and how these will make possible strong opportunities for further externally funded fellowships or academic employment.

    Track record

    This includes an evaluation of your research experience and publication record relative to opportunity, as well as the relationship between the research proposed and existing research in your discipline.

    Contribution to research renewal and development in the University

    This includes how your proposed research will contribute to strategic research directions and broader collaboration and linkages in the University of Melbourne. For information on the University's strategies for ensuring ongoing research excellence please see Research at Melbourne: Ensuring Excellence and Impact to 2025 (3.5Mb pdf).

    Applicant's expertise and project aligns with host School's strengths

    McKenzie Fellows are expected to take an active role in the intellectual life of their host School within the Faculty of Arts, and successful applicants usually have research interests that complement the existing strengths of their host School. Please refer to the School websites to determine which academic school is most appropriate for your research project.

    Expression of Interest

    The form can be saved and resumed up to 30 days after the date of commencement.

  • Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA)

    The DECRA scheme is funded by the Australian government through the Australian Research Council (ARC), and supports early career researchers who have typically received their PhD in the last 5 years, or have eligible commensurate career interruption. DECRAs provide funding for three year fellowships along with up to $40,000 p.a. for research expenses including (but not limited to) fieldwork, conference travel and research assistance. For more information please visit the Research Discovery Early Career Researcher Awards (DECRA) web page.

    Please note: Applications for the 2017 DECRA round have now closed. Early Career Researchers considering applying for a DECRA in the 2018 round should lodge a Notice of Intent as soon as possible. Prospective applicants deemed to be under-prepared or lacking experience will not be supported.

  • Indigenous Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

    The objectives of the program as of 2017 are to attract talented, recent Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander doctoral graduates to The University of Melbourne in areas that are a research priority for the University. This program aims to recruit Early Career Researchers who have the potential to successfully apply for future government funding available in their discipline area. Applicants must have been awarded their PhD on or after 1 March 2013 or have had a period of significant research career interruption.

    Fellowships will be awarded starting at Level A.6 in the University Salary Band (currently $84,458 plus a minimum 9.5% superannuation). In addition, the Faculty will provide $16,000 for project costs ($8,000 per annum) over the term of the two year Fellowship. Applicants will also be able to apply to the Faculty’s Indigenous staff development fund.

    Only Indigenous Australians are eligible to apply as this position is exempt under the special measure provision, Section 12(1) of the equal Opportunity Act 2011 (VIC). Applicants must be able to commence their Fellowship no later than 30 March 2017.


    For more information please read the Indigenous Australian Postdoctoral Fellowship Guidelines (385kb pdf)


    Applications for the Fellowship close at 11.59pm (AEST) Friday 30 September 2016.

    Apply online

    More information

    For any questions please email the Arts Research Team.