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Last Update: Sunday 26 March 2017

Sunday March 26 Full Program

Sunday March 26 Full Program

Barrie Cassidy interviews Shadow Finance Minister, Jim Chalmers. On the panel, the Financial Review's Phillip Coorey, ABC 7.30s Andrew Probyn and The Australian's Niki Savva.

Childcare changes.

Childcare changes.

Malcolm Turnbull gets his childcare reforms through the Senate, but not without a lot of negotiation and compromise.

Jim Chalmers joins Insiders.

Jim Chalmers joins Insiders.

Barrie Cassidy interviews Shadow Finance Minister, Jim Chalmers.

The Hateful Eighteen-C.

The Hateful Eighteen-C.

Video editor, Huw Parkinson, is back. This time, the Hateful Eight meets 18c.

Talking Pictures.

Talking Pictures.

Mike Bowers talks pictures with Buzzfeed's Alice Workman.

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