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  1. Retweetol používateľ
    14. 4.

    At rental car agency, can’t find my name on the monitor to find my car, go inside & wait in line. Finally get to the front, agent sees me & says “you really are Tony Hawk” Me: um, yes. I was looking for my name outside on the list Him: “I deleted it because I thought it was fake”

  2. Retweetol používateľ
    27. 4.

    Sigourney Weaver visiting the NBHS cast and crew at their encore performance of Alien after national media recognition was unbelievable!! – v North Bergen High School

  3. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 4.

    I never, in my wildest dreams, thought I would have to explain the "Cowbell" sketch to another human being, but okay, here we go.... First: Yes, there's a joke, and no, it's not watching other people pretend they get it. They actually get it. You're the one who's lost.

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  4. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 4.

    It’s happening again

    Toto médium môže obsahovať citlivý materiál. Viac informácií
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  5. Retweetol používateľ
    26. 4.

    Thank you, and for featuring my screenwriting video on Breaking Bad on . Check out their article here:

  6. Retweetol používateľ
    25. 4.

    Today someone sent me hate email in all caps so I told him that I had a disorder where I couldn't read capital letters and he retyped the whole thing in lowercase.

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  7. Retweetol používateľ
    24. 4.

    In other transit news today, the 2nd Avenue subway has been extended to 2nd Avenue & 4th Street — courtesy of a 'Mr. Robot' shoot later today. [Photos by Derek Berg]

  8. Retweetol používateľ
    24. 4.

    City Will Ban Most Private Traffic On 14th Street During L Train Slowdown

  9. 23. 4.

    Just binge watched all of Lefie's videos. Highly recommended if you are interested in experimenting with minimalism.

  10. Retweetol používateľ
    23. 4.

    friends: omg your campaign life must be so glamorous how exciting me: no, yeah, the pretzel dog or $7 LGA airport chili served in a coffee cup is the height of luxury

  11. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 4.

    the byte beta we’ve been running with friends and family *feels* exactly like the vine friends and family beta, down to the weird but appealing randomness of the videos. that’ll change as we expand, but it’s a pretty good sign

  12. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 4.

    Pigs can't look up. But I could pick a pig up one night and raise it into the sky and tilt this pig ever so gentle. I can make sure this pigs eyes line up with the stars. Imagine seeing the stars 4the first time.I want 2b treated that kindly and see the stars for the first time.

  13. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 4.

    hey everyone our awesome movie about the secret world of emoji regulatory approval now has an awesome website: world premier is at tribeca on 4/28... c u there? 😍

  14. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 4.
  15. Retweetol používateľ
    22. 4.

    Mmuseumm (yes, the spelling is unusual) displays collections of small objects in a very small space

  16. Retweetol používateľ
    20. 4.

    When you ask what it's like living in a small town in the bible belt, I give you exhibit A:

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  17. Retweetol používateľ
    16. 4.
  18. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 4.

    Stopped a woman with a Border Collie on a Manhattan sidewalk. Me: “Mind if I pet your dog?” Lady: “Why are you asking me? It’s entirely up to him.” I ❤️ New York

  19. Retweetol používateľ
    19. 4.

    One of the BLF’s greatest hits. The absolute ease of improving this billboard is hard to understate. All we did was turn off 6 switches on the three letters to the left and the three letters to the right leaving the correct three letters in the middle

  20. Retweetol používateľ
    18. 4.

    We live in that scene in the coffee shop from Children of Men.

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