
Centrelink workers join fight against robo debt

Workers at Centrelink are opposing the scandalous “robo-debt� collection process, despite bullying and the threats of action under their Code of Conduct. Whistleblowers have fed crucial

Murdoch Uni’s brazen assault on staff

As the holiday wind down began last December, management at Murdoch University in Western Australia delivered a nasty Christmas surprise that could have drastic implications for university

Strikes not arbitration needed in public service

Workers in Immigration and Border Protection are headed to compulsory arbitration, after three years of bargaining across the federal public sector where there government has refused to even negotiate.

Public servants strike for 24 hours

Thousands of federal public servants were set to strike as Solidarity went to press, continuing the campaign against plans to cut working conditions in exchange for a miserable 2 per cent a year

Striking back against the new economy at Deliveroo

Around 200 workers at Deliveroo in London stopped the imposition of a new unfair work contract in August after six days of strikes. Their victory showed that even workers in the new so-called

Time to reignite CPSU campaign

The severely weakened Coalition government should give confidence to unionists in the federal public service.

Sacked for being Australian? No sacked for being union

Since February, the maritime union’s ad “Sacked for Being Australian� has been playing on TV and radio, and is part of a marginal seat campaign saying the union is fighting for “Australians and

Nationalise to save steel jobs at Arrium

The jobs of 1100 workers at the Whyalla steelworks in South Australia are at risk after their employer, Arrium, went into administration in early April. Altogether 7000 jobs across the country