30 March 2017

Top US general calls for military action against Iran

By Peter Symonds, 30 March 2017

General Joseph Votel’s provocative remarks and calls for military action feed into the growing clamour in Washington for tough measures against Iran.

Washington protests proposal for nuclear disarmament

The massacre in Mosul

Trump administration steps up anti-immigrant campaign
ICE raids and push to build border wall

By Genevieve Leigh, 30 March 2017

The White House is directing a nationwide crackdown on immigrants that is laying the basis for police-state attacks on all working people.

Photo Essay: Outrage in upstate new York over detention of immigrant family

Stop the attacks on immigrants! For a socialist policy of open borders and full rights for all workers!

More on the attack on immigrants »

Conflict over Trump-Russia probe reaches stalemate in Washington

By Patrick Martin, 30 March 2017

The foreign policy dispute behind the divisions was underscored by remarks from Dick Cheney, who called Russian intervention in the US elections an “act of war.”

Democratic Party floats proposal for a palace coup

Ford warns of layoffs to cut inventories as Trump boasts of “JOBS! JOBS! JOBS!”

By Shannon Jones, 30 March 2017

Ford’s warning follows a string of layoffs by GM, belying the claims of the Trump administration of a jobs revival in the auto industry.

The UAW’s corporatist alliance with Trump

Chicago teachers to vote on one-day strike

By Kristina Betinis, 30 March 2017

As part of the latest round of cuts, the administration of Mayor Rahm Emanuel has threatened to end the school year nearly three weeks early.

Market turbulence fuels warnings on health of global economy

By Nick Beams, 30 March 2017

Two major international economic organisations, the IMF and the OECD, have voiced concerns about the impact of the US protectionist trade agenda on the stability of the world economy.

Tensions erupt between the Philippines and China over disputed island

By Joseph Santolan, 30 March 2017

Sharp divisions emerged in the Duterte administration after a Chinese official announced plans for an environmental monitoring station on the Scarborough Shoal.

Bloodletting in Polish army leadership

By Clara Weiss, 30 March 2017

Some 92 percent of the cadre in the general staff and 82 percent of colonels have been replaced over the recent months, according to the Polish defence ministry.

UK teaching assistants march in Durham to oppose pay cuts and attacks on conditions

By Liz Smith, 30 March 2017

Labour Party-led Durham council propose to fire and then rehire teaching assistants on a contract that will result in a 23 percent pay cut.

Protests underway in UK against school education funding cuts

Australian Education Union agrees to sell-out deal with Victorian state Labor government

By Susan Allan, 30 March 2017

Teacher union claims of a “great win for our members” are a fraud.

New in Russian

Тысячи человек приняли участие в протестах по всей России

Владимир Волков, 30 mартa 2017 г.

В то время как участники протестов выражали свое недовольство неравенством, крайне правая прозападная программа Алексея Навального не имеет ничего общего с подлинными интересами трудящихся.

Сочинения Троцкого 1917 года
Война и революция

Лев Троцкий, 30 mартa 2017 г.

В этой статье Троцкий пишет о значении того, какие мотивы двигали решением Соединенных Штатов вступить в Первую мировую войну в разгар революционных потрясений в России.

Сочинения Троцкого 1917 года
Кто изменники?

Лев Троцкий, 30 mартa 2017 г.

В этой статье Троцкий отвечает на обвинения, согласно которым его осуждение военных планов буржуазного Временного правительства делает его «германофилом и изменником».

New in Turkish

Sosyal Medya Videosu: Maruti Suzuki işçilerine özgürlük!

30 Mart 2017

Dünya Sosyalist Web Sitesi (WSWS), komplo kurulan ve ömür boyu hapse mahkum edilen Hindistan’daki 13 Maruti Suzuki işçisinin serbest bırakılması kampanyası için bir sosyal medya videosu yayınladı.

Batı Balkanlar’da savaş tehdidi artıyor

Markus Salzmann, 30 Mart 2017

Balkanlar’daki siyasi ve toplumsal kriz, bölgede başka bir savaş tehdidini yükseltecek şekilde, Yugoslavya’nın ardılı devletler arasındaki çatışmaları şiddetlendiriyor.

Devrim arşivlerinden
Petrograd Sovyeti’nin “1 Nolu Emri”

Petrograd İşçi ve Asker Vekilleri Sovyeti, 30 Mart 2017

Petrograd Sovyeti, askerlerin talebiyle, 14 Mart’ta (E.T. 1 Mart), Troçki’nin “Şubat Devrimi’nin tek dikkate değer belgesi” olarak tanımladığı “1 Nolu Emir”i yayınladı.

New in Spanish

La masacre en Mosul

Por James Cogan, 30 marzo 2017

En febrero, el gobierno de Trump dejó claro que intensificaría la sangría en Mosul sin importar cuántas vidas se puedan perder.

New in French

Washington est contre une proposition de désarmement nucléaire

Par André Damon, 30 mars 2017

Ayant tué des millions de personnes prétendument pour empêcher la prolifération d'« armes de destruction massive », les États-Unis et leurs alliés ont dénoncé une proposition onusienne d’interdiction des armes nucléaires.

Des milliers de manifestants dans toute la Russie

Par Vladimir Volkov, 30 mars 2017

Si de nombreux manifestants s’opposaient à l’inégalité, le programme d’extrême droite pro-occidental de Navalny n’a rien à voir avec les véritables intérêts de la classe ouvrière.

Un quotidien allemand réagit à la décision du tribunal dans l’affaire Baberowski en lançant une campagne contre l’IYSSE

Par le Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 30 mars 2017

Le Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung a réagi à l’arrêt du tribunal de grande instance en dénonçant le Parti de l’Égalité socialiste et son mouvement de jeunesse, l’IYSSE.

New in German

Washington protestiert gegen Vorschlag für nukleare Abrüstung

Von Andre Damon, 30. März 2017

Die USA und ihre Verbündeten haben im Namen der Nichtverbreitung von „Massenvernichtungswaffen“ Millionen Menschen getötet. Jetzt verurteilen sie einen Vorschlag der UN, Atomwaffen zu verbieten.

Große Demonstrationen in ganz Russland

Von Wladimir Wolkow, 30. März 2017

Viele Demonstranten kritisierten die Ungleichheit in Russland. Alexei Nawalny allerdings vertritt ein prowestliches sowie äußerst rechtes Programm und keineswegs die Interessen der arbeitenden Bevölkerung.

Gabriels Europastrategie

Von Johannes Stern, 30. März 2017

Unter dem Titel „Für ein stärkeres Europa kämpfen“ plädiert der sozialdemokratische Außenminister für die Aufrüstung des Kontinents, die Stärkung der „Festung Europa“ und die Fortsetzung der Austeritätspolitik.

Berlin: Protest gegen Flüchtlingsghetto des rot-rot-grünen Senats

Von Verena Nees, 30. März 2017

Die Berliner Regierungskoalition von SPD, Linkspartei und Grünen ist erst seit gut drei Monaten im Amt. Doch in vielen Bereichen wächst die Wut auf ihre rechte Politik.

Other Languages


UK officially begins process of exiting the European Union

30 March 2017

The centrifugal forces tearing apart the EU reveal the failure of any attempt to overcome, within the framework of the capitalist system, the national antagonisms that gave rise to two world wars.

Earlier Perspectives »


Four hundred attend screening of Tsar to Lenin in Leipzig

By our correspondents, 30 March 2017

Mehring Verlag, the publishing arm of the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, sponsored two well-attended meetings on the Russian Revolution and its contemporary significance as part of the Leipzig Book fair.

German daily reacts to Baberowski ruling with campaign of lies against the IYSSE

By the Sozialistische Gleichheitspartei, 29 March 2017

The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reacted to the Cologne District Court ruling with a denunciation of the Socialist Equality Party and its youth organisation, the IYSSE.

Jörg Baberowski: A right-wing extremist professor

By Johannes Stern, 29 March 2017

More on the fight for historical truth »

New York University’s ties to Trump, Wall Street banks and Gulf monarchies

By Sandy English, 29 March 2017

“A university should be a place for free speech”
New York University students denounce decision to deny IYSSE club status

New York University Student Activities Board rejects IYSSE appeal on club status: An act of political censorship

More on the fight for democratic rights at NYU »


The New York Times’ hypocrisy over protests in Russia

By Bill Van Auken, 30 March 2017

The “newspaper of record” has seized on last Sunday’s protests to promote escalating confrontation with Moscow and nurture the most right-wing forces in Russia itself.

Caterpillar workers react with anger, suspicion to UAW contract ratification

By Marcus Day, 29 March 2017

While the UAW has claimed that a new six-year contract with Caterpillar was approved by workers at ratification meetings Sunday, it has yet to release company-wide vote totals.

“The way I look at it is, the UAW is Caterpillar”
Caterpillar workers in Peoria, Illinois denounce UAW sellout deal

Thousands protest throughout Russia

More on the war in Iraq »

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Indian auto workers demand release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By Moses Rajkumar and Yuvan Darwin, 30 March 2017

Indian auto workers voice their support for the ICFI campaign and demand release of the Maruti Suzuki workers.

Sri Lankan SEP/IYSSE to picket and hold public meeting for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

30 March 2017

The campaign to overturn the frame-up of the Maruti Suzuki workers requires the independent mobilisation of the working class in India, throughout South Asia and internationally.

“This is nothing but class war”
International support grows for petition to free framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers

By Jerry White, 29 March 2017

Thirteen sentenced to life imprisonment in India
Free the framed-up Maruti Suzuki workers!

International Committee of the Fourth International, 20 March 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 27-April 2: Trotsky departs for Petrograd

27 March 2017

Parting for Russia with promises to bring down the Provisional Government and stop the war, Trotsky sets sail via Oslo aboard a Norwegian liner, while Lenin remains stranded in Switzerland, where he is feverishly working to shape Bolshevik policy in Petrograd from afar.

This week in the Russian Revolution
March 20-26: Dual Power in Russia

Online lecture: “The Legacy of 1905 and the Strategy of the Russian Revolution”

Writings of Leon Trotsky on The Russian Revolution

Writings of Trotsky from 1917
War and the Revolution

By Leon Trotsky, 27 March 2017

More from the archives of the Revolution »


Lyrical and left-wing film
Nicholas Ray’s They Live by Night (1948): “They’re thieves, just like us”

By Joanne Laurier, 29 March 2017

Get Out: The horror of racism, and racialist politics

By Hiram Lee, 28 March 2017

The foul attempt to censor and suppress Dana Schutz’s painting of Emmett Till

By David Walsh, 24 March 2017


New discovery sheds light on the deep roots of the Agricultural Revolution

By Philip Guelpa, 27 March 2017


Beryl Hood: 29 November 1938–21 March 2017

By Mike Head, 25 March 2017

A Trotskyist for four decades, Comrade Beryl was a fine and steadfast representative of the most advanced layers of the working class, attracted, above all, to internationalism.

The real legacy of Martin McGuiness: Sectarianism and austerity

24 March 2017


Trump turns to American history
The strange political afterlife of Andrew Jackson

By Tom Mackaman, 21 March 2017

The political art of Jackson, which so inspires the Trump administration, consisted of his ability to obscure powerful contradictions behind a veil of nationalism and populist demagogy.