Land grabbing

Henry Machina, Zambia Land Alliance
Africa, Interviews, Land grabbing

African Anti-land Grabbing Struggle

Interview with Henry Machina and Ibrahima Coulibaly All across the world small farmers point to the negative consequences of increasingly widespread global phenomenon of ’land grabbing’, which leads to concentration of agricultural land and natural resources ownership in the hands of big investors and international corporations. This process, in addition to seizure of farmland, is very often accompanied by eviction […]

Balkans, Interviews, Land grabbing

Anti-landgrabing campaign in Serbia

By Pavle Antonović ( Anti-landgrabing campaign in Serbia – launched by the Pokret za slobodu ( several years ago as a part of its broader struggle against criminal privatization and corruption – points out that the process of the Serbia’s accession to the European Union will in fact benefit only those deeply involved in privatization theft in the last decade. […]

Africa, Land grabbing, News

Ethiopia to Continue Land Grabbing and Forced Resettlement

Millions of acres of Ethiopia’s most fertile lands are being offered to foreign investors, often in long-term leases and at bargain prices. At the same time, through its ‘villagization’ program, the Ethiopian government is forcibly displacing hundreds of thousands of Indigenous Peoples in order to free up their land so the transnational agro-industry can move in and grow foodstuffs and […]