Small Business

License article

Flash car tax facts

There are many limits that apply to taxation in general and specifically to small business owners. Some of the limits increase each year due to either inflation or increases in average weekly ordinary times earnings. There are other limits that remain the same and effectively devalue over time, such as the $500,000 small business capital gains tax retirement exemption. Some of the limits have a dual application to both income tax and the goods and services tax.

Q. I run a building business that requires me to have a four wheel drive vehicle. I recently purchased a new four wheel drive that will be used 100 per cent for business as I have a second car that I use for private purposes. The car cost me $76,000 and my accountant has told me that there is a limit on the depreciation and the GST I can claim. Is he correct?

A. There is a cost limit, labelled the luxury car cost limit, which applies to private passenger carrying motor vehicles for claiming depreciation and an input tax credit on the purchase cost. This limit was introduced in 1986 when it was $26,660. The limit increased every year until 1997 and then remained the same for a period of six years. Since 2002 the limit has increased only three times and currently stands at $57,466.

The luxury car cost limit has a glaring anomaly when it comes to the way it is applied to claiming depreciation and an input tax credit. The depreciation cost limit of $57,466 is the GST exclusive cost after deducting the GST included in the cost of the vehicle. This means where a vehicle cost $63,000, the GST included in the price was $5727, this results in an after GST cost of $57,273.

The luxury car limit applied to what can be claimed as an input tax credit for the GST included in the cost of a motor vehicle is the GST inclusive cost. This limit is $57,466 and means that the maximum amount that can be claimed for an input credit for a motor vehicle is $5224, which is one eleventh of $57,466.

In your case you would have also paid luxury car tax that would have been included in the purchase price of your four wheel drive. Just to make things interesting the luxury car tax threshold is currently $59,133. Luxury car tax is levied at 33 per cent on the value that exceeds this luxury car limit, after deducting the GST paid on the vehicle that exceeds the $59,133 limit.

This will mean for the four wheel drive that you purchased, if you qualify as a small business entity, you will be able to claim $5000 as a one of deduction. In addition your depreciation will be limited to $7870, which is 15 per cent $57,466 minus the $5000. In addition in the quarter that you purchased the Land Cruiser your input tax credit will be limited to $5224.

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