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Turnbull government warns Fair Work Commission against 'excessive' minimum wage rise

The Turnbull government has urged the Fair Work Commission to take a cautious approach to raising the minimum wage, warning an "excessive" pay rise could imperil job creation in a changing economy.

In its submission to the commission's annual wage review process, the government said increasing the minimum wage was "not an efficient way to address relative living standards or the needs of the low-paid".

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Around 196,300 - or 1.9 per cent of employees as of May 2016 - are paid the national minimum wage rate of $17.70 per hour. 

In a contribution that will incense low-paid workers still angry over the commission's cut to some Sunday penalty rates - a decision Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has backed - the Coalition said low-paid workers "are often found in high-income households". 

"The panel should take a cautious approach, taking into account the uncertain economic outlook and the need to boost employment and job creation, particularly for young people and the low-skilled," the 85-page submission noted.

"Wage increases that are not supported by higher productivity or higher prices for customers and consumers will most likely cost jobs. 


"Excessive increases in minimum wages are likely to reduce employment in award-reliant industries, particularly for youth, and especially when wages growth elsewhere in the economy remains moderate and inflation is low."

While not putting a specific figure in its submission, the government said "wage flexibility" is an important method to support employment amid structural adjustment in the economy.

The government pointed out wage growth was subdued at 1.9 per cent, as was inflation at 1.5 per cent. The unemployment rate is currently 5.9 per cent, up from 5.7 per cent a year ago.

A moderate rise would help the long-term unemployed and other disadvantaged people enter the workforce, it said.

And while business conditions have shown encouraging signs of improvement, small businesses remain cautious in taking on additional labour, the government said.

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten said he was "gobsmacked" by the submission.

"They are turning their backs on Australia's lowest paid workers. It's disgraceful," he told Fairfax Media.

Earlier on Wednesday, Mr Turnbull said the government would make an "informative submission that enables the independent umpire to make an independent decision."

New ACTU secretary Sally McManus confirmed unions would push for a significant rise in the minimum wage of $45 per week, saying it has reached "dangerously low levels".

Last year's increase was 2.4 per cent, or $15.80 per week.

The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry has recommended a 1.2 per cent increase this year. This would increase the wage by $8.10 per week, bringing it to $680.80.

Chief executive officer James Pearson said ACCI wanted the Fair Work Commission to deliver a decision "that is fair for jobseekers, fair for employees and fair for small businesses". 

"At present Australia has one of the highest minimum wages in the world," he said. He also said the ACTU needed a "reality check".

In its submission, the federal opposition put an emphasis on rising inequality.

"We recognise that the task of the minimum wage panel of the Fair Work Commission involves carefully balancing economic and social conditions," the Labor submission said.

"While the opposition respects the independence of the commission, any variation of a modern award which results in the reduction of take-home pay is unacceptable and inconsistent with the intention of the Parliament.

"We submit that the panel's decision should be one that firmly supports a fair and economically responsible increase in the national minimum wage and all modern award wage rates."

The Australian Retailers Association recommended the same 1.2 per cent increase, while the Australian Industry Group, which helped fast food outlets secure reduced Sunday penalty rates, is arguing for a 1.5 per cent rise - similar to the inflation rate.

This would mean an increase of about $10.10 per week in the national minimum wage and about $11.75 per week at the base trade level.

AIG chief executive Innes Willox said the "modest" wage increase was warranted because employment growth around the country was "exceedingly weak".