Products and Services

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Elastic Compute Service

Stay flexible and reactive to the real time needs of your business with reliable, scalable and on-demand compute capacity on the cloud.

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ApsaraDB for RDS

An on-demand cloud database service which increases your efficiency with automated monitoring, backup and disaster recovery capabilities.

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Object Storage Service

Easy to use cloud storage that allows you to process and handle millions of requests per second. The product also supports media applications, as well as big data, scientific and financial analysis.

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Shield against DDoS attacks and protect your network and data with a powerful and cutting edge security guard.

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A suite of secure and scalable cloud services that help you create, implement and deliver global digital media content. This tailored solution provides massive storage capacity and efficient delivery of a full range of video, audio and other digital content from the cloud.

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Provides game developers and operators with dedicated clusters, multi-scenario and multi-type game deployment solutions. This helps gaming SMEs and large enterprises to keep up with demand and grow rapidly.

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Internet of Things (IoT)

Fully integrated, data driven and highly scalable cloud solutions built to help smart technology providers. This solution allows you to develop a cost-efficient and reliable platform with a smooth transformation process and rapid system upgrades.

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Alibaba Cloud offers a range of O2O (Online-to-Offline) solutions to suit different business needs. These comprise cost-effective resources including network, computing, storage and big data analysis to make offline processes smoother and more manageable for your application.

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Why Alibaba Cloud

Cloud Security

Safeguard your web applications with Alibaba Cloud’s record-breaking Anti-DDoS technology, including Anti-DDoS protection integrated into all ECS instances.

Cloud Without Borders

Cut down latency and deploy globally on Alibaba Cloud’s international network of 13 data centers and manage all regions through a single global account.

Safeguard Your Data

As a Singapore registered company, Alibaba Cloud complies with high-level international certifications to guarantee data security, including Gold Certification in cloud security from the British Standards Institute.

China's Largest Cloud Service Provider

With 5 Regions in China and multiple Availability Zones in each region, Alibaba Cloud allows you to cut down latency, as well as access to ICP support, CDN and web hosting from China's leading cloud provider.

Record-Breaking Computing Power

Save time with Alibaba Cloud's advanced big data-backed technology, and record-breaking data sorting speed.

Economies of Scale

Access the same economies of scale that power Alibaba’s global ecosystem to power your own international business.

Our Customers


"Since upgrading to Alibaba Cloud, Nestle Philippines has been able to set up automated data backups without worrying about data security and storage related issues."


"Philips is running their workloads on Alibaba Cloud to ensure users can remotely operate their Smart Air Purifier app in real-time anytime and from anywhere."


"Using Alibaba Cloud's Big Data and Security services, Alipay completed a record 140,000 payment transactions per second during our yearly 11-11 sales event. Not a single order dropped. This is what we've come to expect from Alibaba Cloud."


Alibaba Cloud is a leading cloud provider in China and has the biggest potential to become a global leader, so we have the confidence that we can have more integration with Alibaba Cloud in China and globally in the future.


“With more than 20,000 active bloggers, Blogmint relies on Alibaba Cloud's reliability and scalability to cope with more than 100% growth in traffic each month.”

Schneider Electric

“The elastic scalability of Alibaba Cloud ensures that our IT resources can expand in line with our business growth."

Our Partners Alibaba Cloud's partners provide a variety of integrated cloud computing solutions, services and applications. Alibaba Cloud's partners help to accelerate your international expansion and bring your company up to speed with the benefits of cloud computing.

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