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London attack: Family of woman who fell into the Thames is 'overwhelmed by love'

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London: In the day of terror that beset Westminster just seven days ago, one particular eyewitness account stood out as especially horrific. 

"I saw a body fall into the water," a horrified worker who had been sitting on Parliament's balcony told Fairfax Media.

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Woman falls from bridge during terror attack

Disturbing footage has emerged of a pedestrian falling into the River Thames from Westminster Bridge during the London terror attack. Vision: BBC News.

An hour earlier he had seen the horror Khalid Masood was able to unleash in just 82 seconds, beginning at 2.40 pm.

CCTV footage broadcast later would show a dark figure plunging into the Thames below.

Romanian woman Andreea Cristea, 29, was pulled from the Thames by the London Fire Boat Crew after she was driven at by Masood in his rented Hyundai.

Ms Cristea, reported to be an architect, remains in hospital in a critical but stable condition. Her boyfriend Andrei Burnaz was also injured but has since left hospital after being treated.


More than 50 people were injured and four people died in the attack, in which Masood mowed down motorists on Westminster Bridge, crashed his car into the carriage gates at Parliament and fatally stabbed police officer Keith Palmer before being shot dead.

The families of Ms Cristea and  Mr Burnaz released a statement on Wednesday, thanking the British agencies for their care.

"Andreea is still in a critical, but stable condition and benefits from the best medical healthcare possible. We are overwhelmed by the love, support and respect for our Andreea," the statement said. 

"Our family is so grateful for the first responders, the medical personnel and the assistance of the UK Government agencies.

"The Metropolitan Police have been and continue to work tirelessly in providing their care and support during this very difficult time."

A minute's silence will be held on the bridge on Wednesday afternoon, to mark the moment the attack took place.

The inquest into the deaths of PC Keith Palmer, 75-year-old Leslie Rhodes, American tourist Kurt Cochran and mother-of-two Aysha Frade will formally begin on Wednesday in London. 

The inquest into the Masood's death will begin on Thursday. The 52-year-old convert to Islam was shot dead after he stabbed PC Palmer in the Parliamentary estate, but Scotland Yard are not confirming how he died.

Police have successfully sought a warrant to extend their detention of a 58-year-old man arrested in Birmingham on Thursday, the day after the attack. The warrant expires at 6.50 am local time on Thursday, March 30. 

Police have until 11.35 am this Sunday to continue questioning a 30-year-old man, also arrested in Birmingham, after successfully being granted a warrant to extend the suspect's detention under terorrism laws.

Nine people arrested in the aftermath of the attack have been released with no further action.

One 32-year-old woman arrested from Manchester has been released on bail.

Police have raided 17 properties and are still searching one in Birmingham. Investigators think Masood, who was born Adrian Russell Ajao in Kent, acted alone and say they have no evidence to link him to any jihadist groups, even though Islamic State, which is under military attack in Syria and Iraq, attempted to claim him as one of their "soldiers".

Masood had a criminal past and went by a number of aliases, including Adrian Elms.

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