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The real problem with 18C is the fragile white people who abuse it

The political drama surrounding section 18C of the Racial Discrimination Act has featured a polarised cast of characters: on the one side we have hyper-sensitive ethnic minorities and on the other we have embattled white people. The plot, as narrated by conservatives, charts how the oppressed became the oppressors, how subjective feelings trumped reasoned debate culminating in the apotheosis of Bill Leak – freedom of speech's ultimate blood sacrifice. The lesson is obvious: beware of bestowing legislative gifts upon litigious, grabby minorities.

Aside from all the criticisms commentators have made of the reforms – freedom of speech is never an absolute right; democracy is best promoted by respectful communication- there is one thing patently wrong on both sides: namely, the idea that the claimant is always ethnic and the respondent is always white. In fact, white people have long alleged to be the victims of hate speech. I know this because I myself had a claim brought against me for racial vilification against white people. It was argued that my casual derision of Anglo-Saxons in a 2013 article comparing Sydney's urban design to Paris, was hate speech. I had vilified a fellow SPF 50-wearer.

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At the risk of incurring another s.18C charge, allow me to give you my hurtful words. "It is a deeply upsetting historical fact that Australia was almost invaded by the French. When Matthew Flinders came to chart the continent he was sailing neck-a-neck against Nicolas Baudin, a little known French explorer... Flinders won, which only added insult to the injuries of colonisation. Instead of becoming a nation of Amelies, Australia inherited the world's worst cuisine, worst urban planning, worst teeth and worst skin tone. Someone did a poo in the Anglo Saxon gene pool. And no cricket, Victorian fiction or Earl Grey tea could make it better."

The publication of this article was followed by a claim against me in the Human Rights Commission and a flurry of very earnest legal letters debating the word 'poo'. Did I have an honest and reasonable belief that someone really had done a poo in the Anglo-Saxon gene pool? Was it in the public interest to share this knowledge? I knew I was probably protected by the list of exceptions in s.18D that balance a person's freedom from racial injury against a commentator's freedom of speech, and that my words simply didn't meet the bar of vilification. But the case continued to the next level of the hearing process, at which point I decided to do some research. How common was it for white people to use s.18C?

It turns out racial vilification laws have a long history of white victimhood. Although we only hear about the QUT students, Bill Leak and Andrew Bolt, in fact the very first case for racial vilification was brought by an Anglo-Saxon called Byrant who charged the Sunday Mail with racial vilification for referring to English people as 'pommies'. In 1998 Mr De La Mare brought a complaint against SBS television for their screening of a satirical ethnographic documentary, Darkest Austria, which featured a faux anthropological tour of Austrian culture, including a description of garden gnomes as "an animistic belief system" and Alpine cyclists as exhibiting a "primitive migratory urge". In 2001 Mr Gibbs, a white prison guard, brought a claim against Indigenous inmate Mr Wanganeen for calling him "white trash". And in 2003 Mr McLeod, another white prison officer charged Ms Power, an Aboriginal single mother on a parent benefit with racial vilification for calling him a "white piece of shit". That these white prison officers would turn to the State to assert even more power over the most grievously disempowered is shocking. Most recently we have had Senator David Leyonhjelm's claim that being called an 'angry white male' is hate speech.  

None of these claims were successful, and nor do they represent the majority of cases. But their very existence speaks to a pervasive colonial mentality: if white power is even symbolically threatened by laws promoting equality, then those laws will be appropriated by white litigants spurred on by a sense of aggrieved entitlement or qualified by white politicians until dominance is restored. We might also compare these white complainants to the plight of Muslims under the Act who have limited capacity to sue as the laws do not extend to religion alone. 

As someone who has suffered the annoyance of having to defend myself legally against a white claimant with too little pigment and too many feelings, my response is not to call for a watering down of the legislation. Rather, these examples speak to the need to reaffirm why we passed this legislation in the first place: to send a clear state-sanctioned message that in a multicultural society racist words are unacceptable and harmful. Far from diluting the laws we need to extend them so that Muslims and other minority groups are protected. And if politicians really want to protect free speech, I suggest they call for a Bill of Rights, as most other Western democracies have done, rather than spending months in Parliament debating how best to permit the abuse of minorities.

Alecia Simmonds is the author of the award-winning book Wild Man: A True Story of a Police Killing Mental Illness and the Law and an academic in law and history at UTS and NYU-Sydney.


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