Tag Archives: poll

POLL: 2017 #AshWednesday Ashes and You

Lent is an important season in the yearly cycle of a Catholic Christian’s life.  The inclination toward a feeling of obligation is laudable. The desire to begin the spiritual war of Lent by marking it with ashes is good. Nevertheless, people … Continue reading

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Our Solitary Boast, POLLS | Tagged , , | 28 Comments

POLL: Did you see Rose vestments on “Gaudete” Sunday 2016?

Here is a little poll for your 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete. Please choose an answer and add a comment in the combox. Anyone can vote, but only registered members can comment. UPDATE: Here are the new rose vestments in … Continue reading

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, POLLS | Tagged , , , | 52 Comments

FOLLOW UP POLL: 26 Sept 2016 – Trump v Clinton

We had a poll before the 26 September debate.  I had a pre-debate post (with food) HERE. Did the debate change anything? Was there anything that happened during the debate that moved the needle for you? And… Anyone can vote, … Continue reading

Posted in POLLS, The future and our choices | Tagged , | 55 Comments

URGENT POLL – 26 Sept 2016 – Trump v Clinton Debate

PLEASE SHARE THE POLLS WIDELY! A great deal hangs on the outcome of tonight’s presidential debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton (boooooooo).  I, for one, would vote for the corpse of Millard Fillmore to keep the later out of … Continue reading

Posted in POLLS, The Drill, The future and our choices | Tagged , , | 25 Comments

POLL: For whom will you vote in the 2016 Presidential Election?

I’m curious.  How are you denizens of these USA (who can vote legally) leaning right now regarding the upcoming presidential election. Make your best choice.  If you wish to comment, the combox is open to registered and approved participants here. … Continue reading

Posted in POLLS, The future and our choices | Tagged , | 280 Comments

ACTION ITEM! Survey on Deaconettes! Please help.

In the wake of Pope Francis mentioning a “study” about deaconettes (which I think was already done – but, as they say, “Quis sum ego ut iudicem.”) one of you alert readers alerted me to a survey that the women’s … Continue reading

Posted in ACTION ITEM!, Liberals, POLLS | Tagged , , | 76 Comments

POLLS: Holy Thursday Foot Washing – What happened where you are?

This year for the first time it is licit that women’s feet be washing during the entirely optional “Mandatum” in the Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Holy Thursday. NB: Before this year, those who were doing so, did so in violation … Continue reading

Posted in Liberals, Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, POLLS | Tagged , , , | 72 Comments

POLL – VIDEO: Should there be a basic quiz before you are given a ballot?

We are in soooo much trouble. We let these kids vote! Look what the education system as accomplished. Yes, that video is from 2014. Does anyone think that the situation has improved in the meantime? Basic civics… history… gone. Could … Continue reading

Posted in POLLS | Tagged , , | 69 Comments

POLL: #AshWednesday Ashes and You

Some people are under the impression that Ash Wednesday is a Holy Day of Obligation. It is not. Lent is an important season in the yearly cycle of a Catholic Christian’s life.  The inclination toward a feeling of obligation is … Continue reading

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Our Catholic Identity, POLLS | Tagged , , | 53 Comments

Pope Francis to play himself in a movie… uh huh. POLL

UPDATE 2 Feb: See below… ____ ORIGINAL  Published on: Feb 1, 2016 From Variety (not The Onion… not Eye of the Tiber): Pope Francis will play himself in the new religious movie “Beyond the Sun,” marking his acting debut and the first … Continue reading

Posted in POLLS, Pope Francis | Tagged , , | 53 Comments

POLL: Gaudete Sunday Vestments

Yesterday was Gaudete Sunday.  In the Roman, Latin Rite we could wear Rose vestments for Holy Mass and for celebration of the Hours. What color were the vestments you saw this year?

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, POLLS | Tagged , , | 31 Comments

POLL: My plans for Pope Francis’ new encyclical ‘Laudato si”

A reader sent some questions for a poll.   Let’s see what the reaction is. Yes, I know there are other possible answers, but choose the best here and then use the combox to explain. Registered, approved users my post … Continue reading

Posted in POLLS, Pope Francis | Tagged , | 58 Comments

UPDATED! POLL(S): 2015 Holy Thursday Foot Washing Rite – what happened?

UPDATE 10 April Alas, I ran into a problem.  I found that once I “stickyed” this post to the top of the blog page, I couldn’t un-sticky it after that.  Thus, I had to transfer the content to a new … Continue reading

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ACTION ITEM! POLL ALERT! Wisconsin Judge strikes down law requiring abortion docs to have hospital privileges

At the Milwaukee Wisconsin Journal Sentinel there is a poll about a recent decision of a federal judge (an Obama appointee, probably raised Catholic HERE) to strike down a law requiring that doctors performing abortions (aka infanticide) also have admitting privileges … Continue reading

Posted in Emanations from Penumbras, POLLS | Tagged , , , | 26 Comments

POLL: St. Blaise Day Blessing of Throats

Today we traditionally have the blessing of throats in honor of St. Blaise.  Since yesterday was Candlemas it is logical to associate the blessing with candles. Did you receive a St. Blaise Day blessing of the throat?   The combox … Continue reading

Posted in Liturgy Science Theatre 3000, Our Catholic Identity, POLLS | Tagged , , | 18 Comments