29 June 2009

David Lindsay Fails. Again.

David, David, David........ aren't you tired of being laughed out of court yet?

Some of our dear readers may be aware that Richard Warman is suing David Icke and a number of bookstores that refused to stop distributing Icke's Children of the Matrix for libel as a result of false allegations contained in it. Tom Kennedy, formerly of Ottawa has helped organize Icke's visits to Ottawa in the past and sold the book online and refused to stop selling the book after he was issued a libel notice. He's been trying to have detaxer Dave Lindsay permitted to represent him in the libel suit. Problem is, the libel suit is in Ontario Superior Court and only the parties themselves or lawyers can appear (real court as the far-right and the Free Dominion denizens like to refer to it - which, while we think of it, would have meant that Paul Fromm and Alexan Kulbashian would not have been permitted to participate in the CHRT hearings they did so maybe it wouldn't be such a bad thing after all...).

Mr. Warman’s legal team has consistently refused to have anything to do with Lindsay so Kennedy and Lindsay brought a motion seeking to have the court compel Warman’s attorneys to deal with Lindsay as Kennedy's agent in the libel suit.

Below is the decision from the Superior Court refusing the motion and awarding costs to Mr. Warman for it:

Note out of interest that Lindsay was involved in helping Paul Fromm in both the revocation of his teaching certificate by the Ontario College of Teachers and also the Warman v. Guille case. Eric Block, the lawyer at McCarthy who argued this motion was the main lawyer on the revocation of Fromm's teaching certificate.

28 June 2009

Wait a Moment! Did Fromm Even Attend His Own Protest?

We had fun ridiculing Paul Fromm's utter and complete failure in organizing the protest in support of the 'Nazi Mom' on June 23 in Winnipeg. The arrest of 'Nazi Mom' on fraud charges and her subsequent request for her children to remain in foster care only made the situation more comical.

In fact, it all might even be more funny.

When the media reported that only three individuals showed up at the protest, we at the ARC Collective (bad ass!) made certain assumptions. One assumption that we made was that 'Nazi Mom' was in the court house. A second assumption that we made was that Paul Fromm accompanied her.

However, the media had stated that only the immediate family and the media were being permitted to attend the court proceedings.

Is it possible that Fromm didn't show up to a protest that HE organized?

If that's the case, then that comedy of errors is truly complete.

And in yet another indication of just how unified the "White Nationalist" movement really is, here is a comment left on our blog by someone posting using John Marleau's online pseudonym jagermeister88:

Who cares about this? Good ridance to her. WP or not she is a jackass and a fraud

Keep in mind that only a few short weeks ago 'Nazi Mom' considered Marleau to be "her brother."

Anti-Racism March in Calgary A Success

Roughly 60 to 70 people began marching from Plaza Theatre to Riley Park, an area where the Aryan Guard has been especially active in recent months. On the way a number of passersby joined up with the march. There was also a great deal of support from the people and merchants who work in Kennsington who have to put up the Aryan Guard but who are not at all pleased with their presence.

Of note that despite the fact the Aryan Guard consider this area to be, "their turf" not a single member was spotted during the march.

Congratulations on a job well done.

Unfortunately, while the Aryan Guard didn't show up to harass the much larger number of marchers, it's believed that they were involved in the vandalism of a home of one of the organizers while the residents of the home were asleep:

At around 10:30am June 27th Anti-Racist Action (ARA) public spokesperson Jason Devine went out his front door to take out the garbage. It was at that point that he saw graffiti on the front of his family's house. Specifically on the front door was spray painted in red "C-18" which stands for Combat 18 (or C18) which is the "armed wing" of the racist British neo-nazi organisation Blood & Honour. On the front window spray painted in black was a swastika. This obviously occured some time in the early morning after 1:00AM.

Like the firebombing of Bonnie and Jason's house over a year ago this is a provocation against
Anti-Racist Action and the lives of Bonnie, Jason, and their four children. This is a threat designed to inhibit ARA from attending the rally of teh same day at 1:00PM in Kensington. This is also a threat to all people who stand up against violent racist thugs. We will not be silenced and we will not give in to terror!

And yet AGAIN, we at the ARC Collective (damn, that's cool) are NOT affiliated with the ARA, though if they wish to send us information and find your blog a useful source of information, good on 'em.

In addition to the press release, the "Calgary Sun" published the following article today:

Marchers protest racism
Swastika spray-painted on group leaders' home before anti-racist rally

Targets of a firebomb attack last year, anti-racism advocates yesterday found a swastika and other neo-Nazi symbols sprayed on their house.

Bonnie and Jason Devine, parents of four children, said it's no coincidence the most recent abuse was levelled at them on the same day they planned to hold an anti-racism rally in Kensington.

"This is to try to make us terrified of what we're doing -- but we won't stop speaking out," said Jason, spokesman for Calgary's Anti-Racism Action Group.

A black swastika was found spray-painted on the front window of the couple's Radisson home.

Their front door was spray-painted red with the symbol "C-18," which stands for Combat 18 and refers to the armed wing of a British neo-Nazi group.

"It's always shocking but it's not a surprise," said Bonnie.

"It actually fuels the fire to fight racism."

The couple didn't let the "threat," which they believe is the work of local white supremacists, deter them from marching through Kensington to voice their opposition to the neo-Nazi group.

As many as 50 anti-racist supporters joined the couple, chanting "Clean the streets, run them out," as they marched from the Plaza Theatre to Riley Park.

The demonstration was prompted out of concern that neo-Nazis recently incited violence in Kensington, said Bonnie.

She said anti-racist members have been beaten in the area by white supremacists in recent weeks, while a Native man was also allegedly assaulted by members of the neo-Nazi group.

"It makes me alarmed that they're this bold," she said.

"It tells me we're not doing enough -- the community needs to band together and do a lot more."

Many participants of yesterday's anti-racism demonstration covered their faces with masks and bandanas out of fear of retaliation from neo-Nazis, said Bonnie.

"They're afraid that when they're walking alone they'll be targeted," she said.

Bonnie said she's concerned the ranks of the neo-Nazi group in Calgary are growing, estimating there are up to 30 members.

Police maintained a strong presence at yesterday's march, but unlike past demonstrations, there wasn't a clash with white supremacists.

Other relevant ARC Collective links:

27 June 2009

Nazi Mom Gives Up

We wonder what Paul Fromm, someone who has invested a great deal of time and energy fighting the good fight as he saw it, feels about this?

Mom in 'Nazi' case wants kids to stay in foster careCTV.ca News Staff      26/06/2009 10:37:53 PM

The mother of two children seized by social workers after her daughter went to school with white supremacist symbols on her body pleaded with the court on Friday to let her kids stay in foster care.

The woman took the stand in Winnipeg, as part of a high-profile custody battle that comes a day after she was arrested for an alleged credit card fraud.

Appearing in court in shackles without any legal representation, she said her estranged husband who is fighting for custody isn't fit to be a parent. She told the hearing that he drinks, often in the car, and has been suicidal.

She said that earlier this year, he put a knife to his throat and threatened to kill himself in front of her. She recalled how she once came home from work to find a babysitter caring for the children -- while their father was passed out drunk and naked in the bathroom.

She has also testified that, earlier this year, her husband lost his security job in a bar when he used a racial slur against a customer.

"I don't think he is capable of caring for the children," she testified. "I believe they are safest ... right now."

The Winnipeg woman spent the night in remand jail after she was arrested on Thursday and charged with two counts of credit card fraud, two counts of impersonation and one count of mail theft, said CTV Winnipeg's Kelly Dehn.

The charges against her stem from allegations she applied for a credit card in her mother's name, then applied for a second card in her own name, and allegedly racked up $22,000 in charges.

"The woman made bail this morning, and the lawyer who represented her at the bail hearing doesn't think it will affect the outcome of the CFS (Child and Family Services) trial," said Dehn.

Her testimony on Friday was unexpected, and left little time for her to be cross-examined. She told the court she needed to appear right away, because her bail conditions dictate she must return to her home out of province immediately.

During the custody hearing the woman's mother testified that she was told she would be held responsible for the debt unless she pressed charges against her daughter, which she did.

Dehn said the woman is expected to be released on bail after she meets conditions set by the Crown.
The children were taken from the woman last year after the daughter came to school adorned with the racist symbols.

Manitoba's Child and Family Services is attempting to get permanent custody of the girl and her younger brother. Social workers are concerned the children were being subjected to racist teachings and drug and alcohol abuse at home.

During the custody hearing, one social worker testified the girl had described how to kill black people using a ball and chain.

The mother of the children has been attending the hearings intermittently, and denies being a racist.
The estranged father has said his daughter got her racist ideas from "gangster rap" played at her school and accused his wife of being a Nazi -- an ideology he said he used to subscribe to as well.

The father also claims his right to freedom of expression is being violated. He is expected to appear in court next week.

With a report from CTV Winnipeg's crime reporter Kelly Dehn

Earlier today, the news of 'Nazi Mom's' arrest reached Stormfront. And, surprise surprise, the boneheads who post there tried to spin it in the most clumsy way imaginable:

Now, as funny as that was, get this:

Uhm, actually none of us have been convicted of a crime. And we suspect that most people reading this haven't been convicted of a crime, unless one count's traffic violations. Ironically, Jesus was convicted of a crime, hence his execution (hey, we never said the conviction), but we digress.

This is how these people think. However, and much to our surprise, Bill Noble actually offers an interesting perspective:

Actually, we suspected something was funny as well. 'Nazi Mom' wrote the following Facebook profile update on Wednesday before her arrest:

['Nazi Mom'] is sorry for causing all the bullshit... «ben and «i are working things out... he is not a woman beater that was a fucking misunderstanding that was cleared up by parties involved. We are in love, that is all. Again I apologize to everyone most espescially Ben. And Craig, I would never do porn with you... or anyone else for that matter... thanks... my feet are for Ben. I LOVE MY FROG!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Messed up? We'd say so.

Let's all hope that this is an opportunity for the two children to be able to lead normal lives.

26 June 2009

Final Nail in the Coffin For 'Nazi Mom'?

We don't belive much commentary is needed for this:

Mother in racism custody case arrested, charged with fraud
Last Updated: Friday, June 26, 2009 12:33 PM CT

The mother in a controversial Winnipeg custody trial, involving a girl who was sent to school with white supremacist symbols drawn on her skin, has been arrested.

The mother has been in jail since Thursday, charged with a number of fraud-related crimes.

The news came just as the custody hearing was set to resume with lawyers for Child and Family Services wrapping up their case.

According to court documents obtained by CBC News, the mother is accused of stealing her own mother's credit card last fall and racking up charges of more than $20,000. It is also alleged that she impersonated the woman for a few days last October in order to commit the fraud.

The court was working Friday morning to get the mother transferred from the remand centre to the courthouse. The judge in charge of the hearing wants the mother present.

Earlier this week, the mother made her first appearance at the hearing, which began in May and ran a couple of weeks before breaking in early June and resuming this week. She does not have a lawyer and told reporters she hoped she would be able to defend herself and make a case for getting her children back.

Mother emotionally a teenager: psychologist

On Wednesday, a psychologist at the hearing told the court the mother has the emotional age of a 14-year-old. None of the people testifying can be identified in order to protect the identities of the children.

The mother no longer lives in Manitoba and didn't attend the first weeks of the hearing because she said she didn't have the money to travel.

The custody case has garnered international attention and sparked debate over how far parents can go to instill beliefs in their children — and how far the government should go to protect children from those beliefs.

Manitoba Child and Family Services is trying to gain permanent custody of the girl and her younger brother over concerns about alleged racist teachings, drug and alcohol abuse in the home.

The children were taken from their home in March 2008 when the girl, now eight years old, went to school with a swastika drawn on her arm. Her teacher scrubbed it off in the afternoon, but the girl showed up again the next day with another one, along with other white supremacist symbols drawn on her body.

Family services caseworkers were alerted and went to the family's apartment, where they found neo-Nazi symbols and flags, and took custody of the couple's two-year-old son. CFS officials picked up the daughter at her school.

The parents, who are now separated, are also accused of failing to provide adequate care for their children. Lawyers and social workers have told court there were problems related to drug and alcohol abuse, domestic violence, criminal behaviour and mental health problems.

Parents separated, each seeking custody

The parents — the girl's biological mother and stepfather — are each seeking custody of the children. The stepfather — who is the boy's biological dad — has launched a constitutional complaint, saying social workers violated his freedom of expression, religion and association by apprehending the children.

Social workers told court last month the girl was well versed in racist and hateful propaganda and also provided graphic suggestions of how to kill people. One social worker also testified the girl spoke about people of other races and how they should all be dead because this is a white man's world.

The girl also told social workers that she was missing school because her mom and stepfather didn't wake her up on time. She said they would often be drunk and forgot to change her brother's diaper.

The children have been living in a foster home with their aunt. The girl has shown great progress, is getting along with everyone in school and has a perfect attendance record, court has been told.

The lawyer for the girl’s stepfather was cross-examining social workers on Friday morning in an attempt to expose gaps in how CFS investigated the family and determined the children should be taken. The father is expected to take the stand in his own defense later in the afternoon.

24 June 2009

Free Dominion Sure Pays an Awful Lot Of Attention To Us

So looks like our useless, inconsequential blog that no one reads has caught the attention of Connie and the Free Dominion folks. Again.

And they continue to claim that ARC (fyi, they now refer to as the, "ARC Collective" which makes us sound far cooler that we are and also as if we should have a secret lair in a volcano and a Weather Dominator; we're SOOOO going to start referring the the blog as the ARC Collective now) is synonymous with the ARA despite absolutely no proof to back that claim up, not to mention their claims that we are violent. And of course we've said ourselves that we have no affiliation with the ARA. But, we'll move on for now since there isn't a hell of a lot we can do to convince them otherwise (that and we don't really care much what they've chosen to believe about us). Ms. Fournier did make a request that we thought that we could provide an answer to regarding why Mr. Abrams joined her forum back in 2007. So we decided to try something novel.

We contacted Mr. Abrams and asked a few questions.

Yes, we did a bit of a search online and found his email address. And, kindly, Mr. Abrams responded:

This Connie person is completely hysterical. Anyway, it would be a good idea to get some proper info out there before it gets wildly out of hand with another game of broken telephone across even more blogs...

Connie's big hate on for me stems from when I suggested on the Westernstandard shotgun blog quite some time ago that she wasn't in a good position with Warman and would be well advised to make amends. I think I reminded her that she had repeated Fromm statements found by a judge to be libelous and this exposed her to the same liability. Of course she didn't heed that one and her blog has been pumping out malice and threats against Warman ever since and she's been drowning in legal problems and fundraising . I think I used "Brian Esker" to register at FD when the Warman matter was just getting underway, to express a similar warning, but Connie banned my IP after only a couple of postings if memory serves.

I wouldn't be surprised if Connie wakes up in the middle of the night wondering if "beating up on Warman" was maybe not such a good idea. I suppose that will be one of the questions in her cross examination in a court room one day. Connie's reference to my penis stems (pun intended) from a humourous posting to a yahoo group I did some years ago joking about a nude bicycle riding event. This should be most frightening for her, because it shows I have a sense of humour too....

Another misconception that I would like to eventually see corrected in the public eye is the accusation that we tried to change the complaint after we had filed it. In this thread:


Topham's trusty PR hack fourhorses regurgitates Topham's bizarre assertion that somehow Daniel Poulin had changed the complaint to include "Jews and non-whites" rather than "Jews and citizens of Israel." I believe that Topham misinterpreted this notion from part of the text of one of Daniel's emails as we were corresponding back and forth.

Meanwhile he [Topham] made motions over this twice in attempts to stall or dismiss the complaint. That and his quest for us to supply him with a copy of the Protocols which he has had posted on his own site all along anyway.

Unravelling this is obviously too complicated or subtle a concept for your average FD participant (like Ed Kennedy?) and both were shot down in our most recent interim Tribunal decision so I think we'd best leave it for now....

So there you have it Connie. Hope this helps explain things a bit better for you.

Oh, and further fyi, Daniel Poulin is the counsel for the CHRC while Nancy Lafontant is the registrar for the CHRT. Topham, obviously not a fan of theirs, decides to take a swipe at them as French Canadians:

....we can imagine Kurz saying to his bud Dan in the commissar’s basement, why not just drop it and replace it with “and non-whites”? That oughta fool them, eh? What the hell it’s suppose to mean is irrelevant because both you and I know that our Zionist controlled media isn’t going to give this wacko neo-Nazi shit-disturbing, truth-telling Topham any coverage anyway so we’ll just get rid of any incriminating evidence that could possibly jeopardize our chances of a big conviction and a big bucks, maximum fine. Whatcha think Dan my man?

Dan, being a good and dedicated and highly paid commissar lackey and an unwitting sycophant of Jewish lobbyists such as B’nai Brith and the CJC who control the Harper government and his own tenure, likely considered this option for a few brief moments and then responded to Kurz, “Yes, I tink dat just might work. ‘E’ll spot it for sure but so what. Besides us, ‘eem and da Tribunal, oou we already know wee’ll rubber stamp whatever we do, it wee’ll make our chances of a quick, silent and bloodless lynching virtually 100% assured. So for sure, let’s do dat Marvin. I’ll type eet up right away. What was dat again? “non-white?”

“Yes,” Marvin replies, all the while thinking to himself, “Hopefully he’ll remember it and get the spelling correct.”...

Even as stereotypical represenations of French Canadians go, this one seems a bit overly hamfisted.

Mr. Abrams also pointed out his believe that Free Dominion poster, “fourhorses” is a Topham megaphone who posts whatever Topham sends his way and has some issues with Free Dominion being referred to as a “pro-Israel/Jewish” website: “fourhorses would be happy to have us argue about the Protocols and whether the Holocaust happened for weeks or months…” Mr. Abrams also believes that it's pretty ironic that fourhorses thinks that perhaps Free Dominion has been missing something in thier coverage considering Mr. Abrams belief that fourhorses has been posting most, if not all, of Topham's statements without sorting the reality from the fantasy.

However, there is light praise for one Free Dominion poster who seems to concur with Mr. Abrams that the use of a pseudonym might not be such a bad idea at times.

By the way, that reminds us. We also want to address this part of Ms. Fournier's comment:

Ha ha! It really stings that we are calling Old Harry on his Brian Esker-pades. Harry was too clueless to understand the PR implications of announcing that he tried to entrap someone with a fake id. After all of the flak that Warman and the CHRC losers have taken for that, it should have been obvious.

Uhm, where did Mr. Abrams try to entrap Mr. Topham? If one actually reads the content of the exchange between Abrams and Topham, Mr. Abrams was warning Topham that some of his writting was a violation of Canadian laws and suggested that they be removed:

February 12, 2007

Dear Mr. Topham,

I am writing to notify you of unacceptably racist material posted on your website at

One such article is titled:
Trapping Wiesel's and Other Rodents, posted at http://www.radicalpress.com/?p=380#more-380

Here is an excerpt:

"...Jewish supremacists are poisoning, subverting, perverting, and murdering people of all races. The world is enslaved by their control and their ideologies , with the aid of treasonous gentiles...."

I am quite sure that maligning Jews in this fashion offends section 13 of the Canadian Human Rights Code, which may be seen here:


Hate messages

13. (1) It is a discriminatory practice for a person or a group of persons acting in concert to communicate telephonically or to cause to be so communicated, repeatedly, in whole or in part by means of the facilities of a telecommunication undertaking within the legislative authority of Parliament, any matter that is likely to expose a person or persons to hatred or contempt by reason of the fact that that person or those persons are identifiable on the basis of a prohibited ground of discrimination.


(2) For greater certainty, subsection (1) applies in respect of a matter that is communicated by means of a computer or a group of interconnected or related computers, including the Internet, or any similar means of communication, but does not apply in respect of a matter that is communicated in whole or in part by means of the facilities of a broadcasting undertaking.

Could you kindly delete this at your nearest convenience, and advise me when this has been effected so that I can point out more articles of a similar nature also for removal.

Failure to do so may result in legal action being taken against you.

Thank you for your attention,

Mr. Topham refused the request, so Mr. Abrams and the B'nai Brith initiated proceedings. That, and Abrams was upfront with the CHRC that he had used a pseudonym to contact Topham. So, where is the entrapment exactly?

ARC Collective, signing off.

23 June 2009

Paul Fromm Protest: Fail

So hey, Paulie. How've you been? Heard that you were organizing a protest in support of the 'Nazi Mom' and, to a lesser degree, 'Nazi Dad.' How'd that go for you?

Planned protest fizzles

They were vastly outnumbered by media and counter protestors who gathered in front of the Law Courts Building.

Oh god. This is too funny for words!

The rally was intended to show support for the mother of two children seized by CFS after the daughter was sent to school with Nazi symbols inked on her body.

And you did a bang up job of that Paulie!

Child and Family Services is seeking a permanent order of guardianship for the girl and her younger brother. The agency seized the children following the school episode and have argued in court that the parents’ racist views amount to emotional abuse and put the children at risk.

"Children are always better off with their parents," said protester Margaret Feakes. "It doesn’t matter their religion or politics or whatever. If the children are clothed and well fed they should stay. It’s just another freedom being taken away."

Hey, did the mother even show up for her own protest? We think she may have. Since we're feeling so sorry for Paulie right now, we will say that 4 people showed up. Maybe.

The protest was organized by the Canadian Association for Free Expression (CAFE). Director Paul Fromm issued a statement calling the seizure of the children "the state kidnapping of the children of dissidents."

Or they're terrible parents.

In a telephone interview, Fromm said his group has 50 supporters in Winnipeg.

Oh no! Milk came out of our nose on that one! We didn't think that could actually happen! We can hardly breath! Jesus this is funny stuff!

He denied they are white supremacists, insisting they simply support freedom of speech.

However, Fromm has been called a neo-Nazi due to his links with far-right political parties and Holocaust denial.

Perhaps because he is one too?

CAFE has been vocal in what it sees as injustices against whites in the Canadian system, has argued that the law does not robustly defend the free speech of whites, and is too weighted towards minorities. The group is a signatory of the New Orleans Protocol, indicating a kinship with white nationalism.

Didn't Kevin Strom sign that document as well?

Counter protestor Cynthia Wolfe-Nolin said she believes in freedom of speech but doesn’t think the children should be kept in a home where they are taught to hate minorities.

The biological father of the girl, who has not seen the child in years, said yesterday that if he’d known the white supremacists were outside the court building he "would have kicked their (expletive) asses."

Helmut-Harry Loewen, a sociology professor specializing in hate crimes, said CAFE was simply trying to use the mother as "a poster girl" for the far right.

He said Fromm is "trying to re-energize a lost cause."

We think that this proves that Paulie is a lost cause. Is there a Viagra powerful enough to pump up his reputation and ego to what it was before?

A visibly upset Margaret Feakes left the Law Courts building after being denied entrance to the courtroom where the hearing is being held. Only immediate family and the media are allowed in.

"The world is watching this," she said. "I can’t believe it’s a closed hearing. I can’t believe this is going on in Canada."

No they aren't! Iran? Yes, the world is watching. Neo-nazi parents in a custody case? Sorry, not happening. We're watching, but mostly to laugh at them and since no one reads us (according to the FreeDom folks) that's even colder comfort. Hell, more of the world is interested in "Jon & Kate Plus 8" right now. Perspective people, perspective! Besides Margaret, this isn't about you and your needs.

Two police officers on bicycles were on hand to quell any possible clashes but left shortly after the scheduled start time of the protest.

And there's the kicker. The police left because they were bored.

Congratulations Paulie. You've proven yourself to be less than significant. Epic fail son. Epic fail.

UPDATE: And look! Here we have pictures of the three of them.

Wow. the master race has really let it's self go.

More Topham Looniness

We've started to follow the strange case of Arthur Topham. A complaint against him and his website, "Radical Press" is currently working it's way through the CHRC and CHRT. On Sunday we published part of his "Statement of Particulars." Today we received a partial copy of the complainant's response by B'nai Brith (we've added some hyperlinks ourselves):

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

This is our reply to Mr. Arthur Topham's response to our Statement of Particulars of March 2009.

Before framing the substance of our response, it bears mentioning at this stage of the proceedings, that to date, nearly all of the communications and correspondences received from Mr. Topham continue to include multiple forms of vituperative racist expression, and not just directed towards Jews, Israelis or the complainants in this action, either.

We must protest Mr. Topham's disgraceful insults, taunts and verbal abuse targeting both Ms. Lafontant and Mr. Poulin for the fact that English is not their first language.

Meanwhile, and as per usual, Mr. Topham's response contains more antisemitic slurs and canards.

22 June 2009

Nazi Parents Update: Oh, Paulie Isn't Going to Like This

Paul Fromm has been a vocal supporter of the "Nazi Mom" and "Nazi Dad" in their efforts to have their children returned to them. We know that he has been planning a protest for some weeks. Now the mainstream media has caught wind:

White supremacists plan protest
By: Staff Writer
22/06/2009 7:08 PM

Police said Monday they know of plans by a white supremacist group to hold a protest this week at the Law Courts Building.

However, a police spokeswoman said there have been no parade permits granted to hold an event there.

The police spokeswoman also said they attend as needed for security.

The Canadian Association for Free Expression sent a notice out to media Monday announcing the protest.

The organization also supports Ernst Zundel, a former Canadian resident and Holocaust denier, who is currently in jail in Germany for hate speech. Tuesday, the trial over two Winnipeg children at the centre of a heated custody dispute resumes.

The children were removed from their parents in 2008 after the girl showed up at her Winnipeg school with neo-Nazi markings.

Court has heard the children’s father and mother are both supporters of the white nationalist, or white supremacist, movement.

The province’s Child and Family Services are arguing the now estranged mother and father of the children are unfit parents, in part due to their beliefs.

Without a doubt Paulie is going to cry slander much as he does when anyone in the media accurately describes the people who associate with Fromm and his various front groups as white supremacists. However it really doesn't help your case when your protest is being promoted on the Internet's preminent White Power websites by an admitted National Socialist:

White Nationalist News

Law Courts Building
Main Floor, 408 York Avenue
Winnipeg, Manitoba

P.O. BOX 332S

Okay, so Kevin Goudreau is the one who's posted the message and he's viewed by most neo-Nazis as being a few seig's short of a seig heil.

Perhaps more interesting are other posts in another part of the Canadian section, primarily about the father, by at least some posters who actually knows both parents:

Inscriptor: One thing: the step-father is best described as a layabout with a heroin habit. I hear from a few skins I know in Winnipeg and on the net that use of hard drugs amongst skins is verboten. I think the step-father is just a deadbeat junkie with a big yap.

TMason: I'm not going to go so far as to call him a heroin junkie unless someone can verify that they've actually witnessed him shoot up or can verify that this info comes from a reliable source.I've heard him claim past heroin use, but I put no faith in any of his claims.Deadbeat? Definitely. Alcoholic? Definitely. Pathological Liar? Definitely. Junkie? Maybe, maybe not. Who knows.

Model: Sounds like a great environment to raise and have your daughter around an ex-junkie layabout lying alcoholic Seig Heil!!Lets support this couple as they are everything a white family should aspire to be and just trying to live the 14 words.

Wow, with friends like these......

21 June 2009

Bits and Bites: June 2009

Well it looks like Doug Christie hasn't been in the spotlight enough for this weeks so he's now challenged Richard Warman to a debate on freedom of speech and the CHRC. Tomasz Winnicki has posted the challenge on Stormfront and VNN while and Arthur Topham has published it on his website. As one of our friends has noted:

Christie's obviously trying to gain friends with Ezra Levant syncopants. If I was Warman and pressed to respond I'd say that I'd consider it after he hears that Christie has paid his $22,500 fine to the BC Law Society for malpractice.

We would also add that such a debate has already occurred, though perhaps not formally. Considering the number of times Mr. Warman's complaints have been upheld by the CHRT and the number of Christie's friends who have found themselves on the loosing side after a tussle with Mr. Warman, we suggest that any apparent necessity for a debate might be moot. We're sure others would argue with that though.

Speaking of Topham, he has submitted a "Statement of Particulars" regarding the complaint against him filed by the B'nai Brith. Now, there's a lot, and we mean A LOT, of crazy, but the following "Remedies Sought" part sort of takes the cake:

The Respondent requests that the complaint be dismissed on the grounds that:

Section 13 of the "Canadian Human Rights Act" is an unconstitutional piece of legislation designed only to benefit one particular group in Canada, that being the Zionist Jews and their foreign lobbyist organizations.

The articles posted on RadicalPress.com do not expose groups to hatred or contempt. They are, in fact, historical, literary and political analyses and opinion.

The Complainants in this case, Harry Abrams and Anita Bromberg, are abusing an intentionally flawed piece of legislation contained in the Canadian Human Rights Act, to wit, Section 13, for political purposes and to vilify and smear both myself, Arthur Topham, and my news site RadicalPress.com.

The organization known as B’nai Brith Canada is a false front organization controlled by B’nai Brith International headquartered in the foreign state of Israel which is a proven subversive organization controlled by Zionist Jews and operating under the guise of a fraternal society and an advocacy group. It has proven connections to the International terrorist organization MOSSAD as well as to its American arm of B’nai Brith International known as the Anti-Defamation League (ADL). The ADL is also linked to Crime Syndicates throughout the USA and is a proven Terrorist organization also ran out of Israel for the purpose of slandering and silencing critics of Israeli foreign and domestic policies which are, at their basis, proven to be racist, apartheid and supremacist in nature.

The Canadian Human Rights Commission, through its blatant complicity with this foreign lobby group B’nai Brith Canada has discredited itself as a neutral and impartial human rights organization. As such its actions can only be perceived as being detrimental to the democratic rights of the majority of Canadians now enshrined in the Charter of Rights and Freedoms and an abuse of legislation which ostensible was designed to ensure equality of rights for all Canadians not just special interest groups like B’nai Brith Canada. In this case both the Complainants and the Commission are abusing legislation which is allegedly remedial and are using the legislation in an attempt to destroy a perceived political enemy and to silence political opposition to policies not only of the Canadian government but of a foreign state (Israel). Such actions on the part of these two bodies are not only detestible but should be viewed as highly illegal as well, bordering on, if not in fact, commensurate with, treason.

Arthur does crazy almost as well as anyone we've ever met. And we imagine his latest defense of James von Brunn won't do anything to change that perceptions:

The mind control techniques of Zionism and Judaism are exactly the same as those practiced by the ancient empires; but the sheeple don’t understand these psychological techniques of mind control and brainwashing because they are themselves the victims of it. People speak in hushed tones, or avoid controversial subjects, “for fear of the Jews,” and still it hasn’t dawned on them that they don’t realize they are the ones being oppressed! They interpret their own inability to speak out loud as “politeness”! Only the “black sheep” of the family, like James von Brunn, verbalizes his “anti-Semitism”!

Digging that hole even deeper, eh?

Oh, and if anyone else cares, Kevin Goudreau is out of the loony bin and being, well, Kevin Goudreau.

16 June 2009

Melissa Guille Grasping at Straws

Usually we make fun of the posts boneheads leave on our moderated blog, but here we all have a chance to laugh at Melissa Guille's efforts vise vi her request for subpoenas for all the people named within for her Lemire carbon copy "constitutional challenge":

Now we're not legal experts here, but this strikes us as an, "everything and the kitchen sink" approach. We may very well be surprised and that Ms. Guille's request could be granted, but we wouldn't put a hell of a lot of money on it happening.

15 June 2009

Nazi-Free Calgary Rally

In case any of our readers are interested in attending:

Saturday, June 27, 2009
1:00pm - 3:00pm
Outside the Plaza Theatre
1133 Kensington Road NW
Calgary, AB

We're sure that the organizers would like a large showing at this rally.

14 June 2009

A Blind Monkey Got a Hold of a Laptop Again.........

What can we say? We present the wit and wisdom of the bonehead "SCARBOROUGH":

AAHAHAHAHAHA ur a goof i hang ou t bathurst and quweeeeeen alll the time never see you fucks there u guys are alllll junkies.get a life, a job and maybe a g/f faggots.

Our educated guess leads us to believe that this is Eric Sheridan, but regardless, wow.

Now, we usually make fun of these abortions of attempted communication ourselves, but we thought instead we would allow our dear readers in on the fun. So, we invite our readers to critique "SCARBOROUGH's" communication skills.

13 June 2009

James W. von Brunn Links to Canadian Boneheads

Although we hadn't yet commented on the incident before now, we have been following the situation regarding the attack on the Holocaust Museum by James W. von Brunn, an 88 year old known for decades as a virulent antisemite and racist who once was imprisoned for trying to kidnap members of the Federal Reserve back in 1981 and served a 6 year sentence.

A few of our readers asked us to write an article on any connection that von Brunn had to Canadian racists. On that we would invite our readers to take a look at BigCityLib's discussion of the subject, though we would add our own belated input as well. Below is an excerpt from an ADL profile on von Brunn:

To Von Brunn, the Holocaust was another Jewish sleight-of-hand; he was an avid Holocaust denier with connections to a variety of denier groups and individuals. Holocaust denier Jack Wikoff identified Von Brunn in 1995 as one of four "dedicated activists" who helped air the Holocaust denial videos of Canadian Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel on public access television. In return, Zundel interviewed von Brunn on his radio show, identifying him as an "American artist and businessman."

At the time that this interview occurred, Zundel's webmaster was Marc Lemire. Also, while Zundel was being held in detention in Canada awaiting deportation, von Brunn signed his name to a petition demanding that Zundel be released:

Dear Sir:

RELEASE Ernst Zundel, a great man, and with him RELEASE FREEDOM of THOUGHT.

James von Brunn USA

Well, at least he referred to Coderre as sir.

Not long after the attack that left one man, security guard Stephen Tyrone Jones, dead, the Aryan Guard forum announced the news of the attack. Bill Noble immediately justified the murder, as well as the 1981 attempted kidnapping:

Not to be outdone, other members of the Aryan Guard's forum chimed in to praise von Brunn for his attack on the Holocaust Memorial:

10 June 2009

Free Dominion Posters In Meltdown

We were sent the following link to some FreeDom posts voicing concern over our having published information on the John Does:

Okay, now I'm REALLY mad!!!

We wondered whether or not we should address this or allow the fine folks at Free Dominion to stew in their conspiracy theories. In the end, we decided to respond.

Ladies and gentlemen of Free Dominion, we at ARC do NOT have in our possession the pictures and the maps you believe we have. If they do exist, they may very well have been included in the package you received, but we don't have them. And if we did have them, we would not publish them, nor would we provide them to people who requested them.

But we DON'T have them.

We suspect that the inclusion of the information in the packages you received was the evidence used to support the claims made about the identities of the John Does. As one of you posters so astutely noted, nothing that we posted couldn't have been found on the Internet as posted by the individuals in question. In fact, we redacted a great deal of information on the files simply to make sure that it couldn't be used for illegal purposes.

Now we here at ARC are quite certain that you won't believe us and will continue to perpetuate the idea that we're a vicious gang of thugs hell-bent on causing you and your loved one's harm. Sorry to burst your paranoid fantasies. No, we have stated and will continue to state our opposition to violence as a means of effecting change. Maybe this will assuage the concern of your free speech loving, yet oddly threatening of litigious action when others exercise their free speech rights, forum members.

And Connie, we assume you're aware of a situational comedy from the 1950's called, "I Love Lucy." We understand it was quite popular at one time. Do you remember one of Desi's catch phrases and when he would use it?

Not everything we write in relation to you and your website has something to do with Richard Warman (though we guess that at this point you're telling horror stories to children about him so we understand your preoccupation). Sometimes, we're wittily referencing pop culture.

Oh, and did you ever stop to consider that the ARA sign thanking Warman for the bus money might have been to cause a vitriolic reaction, sort of like the reaction you folks are having to it, given the animosity held by some of his opponents towards Warman? No?

And besides, as one of your other posters wrote, we're insignificant. We're half a tenth of a fly shit on the 120 story glass skyscraper that is the Internet. So if we were you, we'd ignore us. Hardly worth your time.

Actually, that's a good idea. Since it's basically more of the same from FreeDom anyways, we think we're going to ignore them.

UPDATE: The reading skills of our FreeDom friends are obviously lacking. You might want to re-read what we posted before accusing us of lying. And yes, we did archive the text we had posted on June 2. The text that did not include pictures or maps and had the names of everyone not the John Does redacted, as well as the addresses. But if you want us to re-post it to prove that to you just say the word.

9 June 2009

Paul Fromm Continues to Promote The Aryan Guard

Paulie has been in Alberta speaking at various "free speech" engagements this week. He was just in Edmonton yesterday. On Sunday, he spoke in Calgary:

We'll just repost that Sunday status update again so it's clear:

I'm elated. We had another tremendous meeting in Calgary today. I complimented the Aryan Guard for putting Alberta on the map as the heartland of White Pride.

This isn't the first time Fromm has promoted the Aryan Guard. In fact as the recent article from "The Intelligence Report" noted Fromm, along with Terry Tremaine, assisted in the formation of the gang:

The Aryan Guard was founded in late 2006 with help from two disgraced ex-teachers who marched with the fringe group at the March 21 rally: Paul Fromm of the Canadian Association for Free Expression, who lost his teaching certificate because of his white supremacist activities, and National Socialist Party of Canada leader Terry Tremaine, a former part-time university lecturer who in 2007 was fined $4,000 by the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal because of his racist and anti-Semitic Internet postings.

Yes, the Aryan Guard has put Alberta on the map as the heartland of "White Pride."And here is one way that they've managed to do that. And here's another. And these two founding members of the Aryan Guard did their part too. And how about this? And of course who can forget this one?

You know, somehow we don't think the people of Alberta wants the Aryan Guard to put their province on the map.