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Recent articles by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet

imageUmut Fırat Süvarioğulları, il rivoluzionario anarchico ... 0 comments

imageRevolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Süvarioğullar... 1 comments

imageDevrimci Anarşist Tutsak Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları... 0 comments

Recent Articles about Greece / Turkey / Cyprus Repression / prisoners

Η αλληλεγγύη &#... Mar 14 17 by Αλληλέγγυοι Λειτουργοί Υγείας

Αντιστεκόμα`... Mar 13 17 by Αναρχοσυνδικαλιστική Πρωτοβουλία Ροσινάντε

"Κορκονέας" Κο&... Mar 02 17 by Αναρχική Ομοσπονδία

Prison Sentence to Managing Editor of Anarchist Meydan Newspaper in Turkey

category greece / turkey / cyprus | repression / prisoners | feature author Saturday December 24, 2016 03:48author by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet - DAF Report this post to the editors

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An investigation was started by Istanbul Chief Public Prosecutor's office about our newspaper related to articles "Both Arrival and Departure of State is From Fear", "Banned Until Further Order", and "Recreating Life" in the 30. issue of our newspaper published on December 2015 with the caption "Banning Everything". The lawsuit following the investigation ended after almost a year of trials.

[Castellano] [Ελληνικά] [Türkçe] [Italiano]

On the summary judgment yesterday, the court sentenced the managing editor of our newspaper Hüseyin Civan to 1 year and 3 months of imprisonment with the charge "making the propaganda for the methods of a terrorist organization constituting coercion, violence or threats through legitimizing or praising or encouraging the use of these methods".

As we emphasized in the articles leading to the investigation, "State will never be able to captivate the passion of freedom of and the conviction of freedom of the peoples".
As an anarchist newspaper knowing that the free life that we believe in can only be created through struggle, we will never give up writing what we stand up for and distribute what we write. We will continue to resist, act and write against oppression, investigations, custodies and arrests.

author by Metro NY/NJ Workers Solidarity Alliance - Workers Solidarity Alliancepublication date Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:05Report this post to the editors

Solidarity with the newspaper "Hüseyin Civan" and her managing editor.

For free speech and liberty!

Related Link:
author by Metro NY/NJ Workers Solidarity Alliance - WSApublication date Sat Dec 24, 2016 10:17Report this post to the editors

Our comment should actually read:

Solidarity with Hüseyin Civan,managing editor of the newspaper Meydan

For free speech and liberty!

author by Alternativa Libertaria/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Tue Dec 27, 2016 05:38Report this post to the editors

Turchia: condannato a pena detentiva l'editore responsabile del giornale anarchico Meydan
L'inchiesta era partita dall'ufficio del procuratore in capo di Istanbul in relazione al contenuto degli articoli "Lo Stato non fa che diffondere ed usare la paura", "Proibito fino a nuovo ordine" e "Ricreando la vita" all'interno del n°30 del nostro giornale pubblicato nel dicembre 2015 col titolo "Proibire tutto". Alla sentenza si è giunti dopo quasi un anno di indagini e di udienze.

Con giudizio sommario, ieri il tribunale ha condannato l'editore responsabile del nostro giornale Hüseyin Civan a 1 anno e 3 mesi di prigione con l'accusa di "procurata propaganda dei metodi di un'organizzazione terroristica fondati sulla coercizione, sulla violenza e su minacce tramite la legittimazione o l'apologia o l'istigazione all'uso di tali metodi".

Come mettevamo in rilievo negli articoli messi sotto accusa "Lo Stato non riuscirà mai a mettere in gabbia la passione per la libertà ed il convincimento della libertà nelle persone".
Come giornale anarchico sappiamo che la vita libera in cui crediamo si può conquistare solo tramite la lotta, ecco perchè non smetteremo mai di scrivere ciò in cui crediamo e di farne diffusione. Continueremo a resistere, ad agire ed a scrivere contro l'oppressione, contro la repressione, la carcerazione e gli arresti.

(traduzione a cura di AL/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali)

solidarity by AL/fdca and freedom for all prisoners

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Devrimci Anarşist Tutsak Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları Açlık Grevinin 39 Gününde

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El feminismo es cuestión de vida o muerte

Greece / Turkey / Cyprus | Repression / prisoners | en

Wed 29 Mar, 14:21

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16602769_1841985462684002_7570215785476275251_n.jpg imageRevolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları Ended His Hunger Strike Wi... 01:02 Wed 15 Feb by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 1 comments

Revolutionary Anarchist prisoner and Anarchist Meydan Newspaper writer Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları has ended his hunger strike action that he started on December 11, 2016, against the conditions of State Of Emergency (SOE) he was exposed in Izmir Yenisakran T Type Prison number 4, where he was "transferred for exile", being forced with 20 people to stay in 14 person cells and sleep on torn beds with blood, against continued pshycological pressure, torture and unrecognition of his revolutionary anarchist political identity, on its 55. day. [Türkçe] [Italiano]

umutfirat300x194.jpg image[Turkey] Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları is on the 39 day ... 18:08 Thu 19 Jan by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 0 comments

Yesterday, at a time when the tears have not dried and the rage is not settled yet for the cities burned down to rubble with tanks and bombing, hundreds of people killed, thousands of old, young, child, women and men wounded and unhoused; the images of the perpetrators taking medals are alive in our memories; when the tanks and planes which burned down the cities and killed the people targeted Ankara and Istanbul on July 15, yesterdays heros were declared traitors overnight. Thousands of people were stuffed into prisons, tens of thousands lost their jobs. [Türkçe] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]

cofs6nrviaakceh.jpg imageGreece: Repression against squats 16:35 Mon 01 Aug by Anarchist Political Organization 0 comments

As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle.

ss.jpg imageCall for transnational solidarity 17:59 Thu 28 Jul by A.P.O. 0 comments

The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries.

12472486_1708820332703174_1627080330251749890_n.jpg imageGreece: Squats raided and evicted 21:30 Wed 27 Jul by Dmitri (republishing) 0 comments

The message the left wing government wants to transmit is that there is no space for solidarity and self-managed responses to the ordeal of the refugees, only the state’s charity and the confinement, marginalisation and selective deportation carried out by a government that follows to the letter the criminal immigration policies of the EE.

168224917.jpg imagePolice and State terror continues in Istanbul - the struggle is growing 17:30 Tue 11 Jun by Devrimci Anarsist Faaliyet 0 comments

The State and police terror continues in Istanbul.
The police have attacked the people in Taksim Square and in Gezi Park. The resisters keep on fighting in Istanbul, our struggle goes on. [Italiano]

athensindymediaorg300x225.jpg imageAthens Indymedia has been shut down 19:54 Sun 14 Apr by Administration Collective of 0 comments

Athens Indymedia has been shut down – Repression in Greece ensues

270376_4099788014704_1952897479_n.jpg imageStatement by the 93 arrested at Villa Amalias from inside the police HQ 17:10 Thu 10 Jan by Dmitri 1 comments

“We will do it again, as many times as it takes”: statement by the 93 arrested from inside the police HQ

villa_1.jpg imageStatement by the Villa Amalias squatters held in the police HQ in Athens 15:21 Sun 23 Dec by Glykosymoritis 0 comments

The Villa Amalias squat has been an open political, cultural and social space, as well as a housing collective, for the past 23 years. In all these years there have been plenty of active groups in the squat including groups on theatre, concerts, musical studio, stained glass, kids’ space, dancing, foreign languages, computing, printing press, screenings, lending library, vinyl exchange – while the squat has also hosted plenty of political and cultural events by other groups. Apart from these activities inside its building, Villa Amalias has also contributed to the resolution of neighbourhood issues by participating in the residents’ assembly of Victoria square and by organising open, outward looking activities in the area – including open mic interventions, free markets, collective kitchens and kids’ events at the square.

botrero.jpg imageTurkish police forces arrest 60 anarchists in night raids 21:48 Tue 15 May by Doğa İsyanda 0 comments

Wave of repression hits anarchists in Turkey following May Day demonstrations.

Yesterday night turkish state organized a night raid to various houses and anarchist social centres in a night raid in Istanbul. 60 people were arrested. It is yet uncertain if some of those people are anarchist or just related/friends of some anarchists.

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imageOccupying democracy Jan 25 by Ercan Ayboga 0 comments

The replacement of democratically elected HDP/DBP mayors and local municipality workers by AKP appointees is a grave threat to democracy in Turkish Kurdistan and the larger region.

imageMass murder in Ankara - the finger points at the Turkish state Oct 13 by Andrew Flood 1 comments

Graffiti has appeared at the site of the bomb explosion in Ankara yesterday that reads "It was not terror that killed us, it was the state." This is reflecting the widespread belief that the true origins of the bombing that killed around 100 people at the pro Kurdish peace demonstration are to be found in Erdogan's AKP party desperate attempt to intensify conflict in the hope of polarizing the electorate ahead of Novembers elections. The same process in other words that those killed yesterday were demonstrating against.

image‘The lost honor of Marie Fee Meyer’ Feb 06 by Costas Despiniadis 0 comments

In Böll’s universe, catharsis comes even by the distorted way of vigilantism. In real life, we watch every day the rapid fascist conversion of society, the nightmarish police-judicial fortification, the States’ arbitrariness (which are able to conveniently confess that they adduced and beat someone because he looks like someone else, as was the case recently with Dimosthenis Papadatos-Anagnostopoulos, member of the parliamentary party Syriza) and the media’s brinkmanship in the conductor’s part that step over anyone without punishment.

textNothing will ever be the same Jan 01 by Movements for the generalisation of revolt 0 comments

On 6 December, at nine in the evening, a man of the special police force stopped, took aim and shot dead a fifteen-year old kid in the neighbourhood of Exarchia, Athens. This murder is not a singular event of police violence. The morning of the same day, immigrants waiting to apply for asylum at the police station of Petrou Ralli avenue were attacked by riot police.

image[Turkey] Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları is on the 39 day ... Jan 19 0 comments

Yesterday, at a time when the tears have not dried and the rage is not settled yet for the cities burned down to rubble with tanks and bombing, hundreds of people killed, thousands of old, young, child, women and men wounded and unhoused; the images of the perpetrators taking medals are alive in our memories; when the tanks and planes which burned down the cities and killed the people targeted Ankara and Istanbul on July 15, yesterdays heros were declared traitors overnight. Thousands of people were stuffed into prisons, tens of thousands lost their jobs. [Türkçe] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]

imageGreece: Repression against squats Aug 01 0 comments

As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle.

imageCall for transnational solidarity Jul 28 0 comments

The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries.

imageAthens Indymedia has been shut down Apr 14 0 comments

Athens Indymedia has been shut down – Repression in Greece ensues

imageStatement by the 93 arrested at Villa Amalias from inside the police HQ Jan 10 1 of Anarkismo Editorial Group 1 comments

“We will do it again, as many times as it takes”: statement by the 93 arrested from inside the police HQ

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