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Warld cairt shawin whaur Asie is

Asie's the maist muckle continent in the warld, an ye'll find it in the northren hemisphere. It's jyned tae Europe in the wast. Thegither, Asie an Europe is cried Eurasie.

Asie's surroondit bi the Mediterranean Sea, the Black Sea, the Arctic Ocean, the Paceefic Ocean an the Indie Ocean, an sindert bi the Caucasus Muntains an the Ural Muntains frae Europe.

Some o the auldest human ceevilizations stairtit in Asie, lik Sumer, Cheenae an Indie. Cheenae an Indie forby is the twa kintras wi the maist fowk.

See an aa[eedit | eedit soorce]