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My ingenious scheme to dob in bad drivers

It's one thing to dob in a litter tosser; what we really need is my scheme to shame drivers who fail to indicate when changing lanes or turning.

You can hardly miss those posters at most Sydney bus stops. "Report a tosser," they say.

Snigger, snigger, snigger. Tosser: Someone who throws litter out of a car but also a person who is selfish/inconsiderate or someone who – you know the rest.

March and April are apparently big months for getting people to dob in tossers. The Environmental Protection Agency is even having what it calls a "tosser blitz".

The agency reckons 20,000 people have already registered as dobbers through the watchdog's website and phone app.

The army of tosser-tellers is ready to dob in anyone who chucks rubbish from a private car. They'll be slapped with a $250 fine. It's $500 if crap is chucked from a business vehicle.

One hurdle is that dobbers have to agree to go to court if the alleged tosser fights the fine.


But the important issue is: what's worse: being a tosser or a dobber?

Various government agencies are asking us to dob in litterers, cigarette-butt discarders, welfare cheats, tax dodgers, ice dealers and even potential terrorists.

Even though dobbing is widely seen as un-Australian, these dob-in appeals seem to work.

Which gives me great confidence that my dream will come true: to have the state government instigate my ingenious dob-in-a-dud-driver scheme.

While you can already tell police about shocking drivers, that doesn't always guarantee results.

So for years I have been developing a plan to name and shame any driver who fails to indicate when changing direction, changing lanes, turning or leaving the kerb.

Here's how it works.

Every driver carries three buckets of balloons in their car. The first bucket has balloons filled with yellow paint, the second one orange and the third one red.

When you see a driver fail to indicate as legally and morally required, then you toss the red balloon at his or her car.*

The dud driver is usually in an expensive car because, as you know, rich people don't need to use blinkers: they own the road. 

When Highway Patrol officers spot any car marked with three or more red blotches, they stop the driver, issue a fine and require them to attend a road skills retraining course.

The same ballooning attack applies to anyone who uses a mobile phone while driving – they get an orange ssshhhplatt – and for drivers who fail to give a thank you wave when you give them space to merge in traffic – they cop the yellow paint bomb.

​"A-ha!" I hear you say. "Won't you just fuel road rage? Aren't you encouraging vigilantism? Won't do-gooders target drivers of cars they dislike, like BMWs and 4WDs? And don't you know that people in 1997 Toyota Starlets with dodgy rear ends shouldn't throw red balloons?"

Therein lies my plan's fatal flaw – and that of governments which ask you to dob in your fellow Australians: there is no guarantee that everyone would accept my balloon scheme, even if I relented and allowed for washable paint.

In a 2007 article for Fairfax Media, Chris Berg of the right-wing, government-driving Institute of Public Affairs argued that being anti-dobbing helped foster the Aussie egalitarian spirit. While he accepted dobbing in relation to terrorism and assaults because everyone is united behind laws that ban those offences, he drew the line at dobbing for bad driving.

I don't draw that line.

We know that talking on a mobile phone distracts drivers and increases the risk of accidents. If we had research showing road accidents were being caused by failure to indicate when changing direction, then my balloon punishment would be perfectly acceptable, at least as a deterrent.

What's more, it turns out Australians are actually among the most supportive of dobbing. In 2012 the World Online Whistleblowing Survey showed that while only 53 per cent of the 1211 respondents thought Australian society was generally accepting of whistleblowing, 81 per cent of Aussies thought whistleblowers should be supported, rather than punished, for revealing inside information about serious wrongdoing.

One of the researchers for that study, Suelette Dreyfus from the University of Melbourne, makes a good point: "Safety on the roads is a public good – like clean air. It requires keeping the roads well maintained but also identifying the riskiest drivers and getting them retrained. One accident can touch many lives."

The NSW Road Rules say that before changing directions, a driver must give a signal for long enough to give sufficient warning to other drivers and pedestrians. In addition, using your indicator does not alone give you the right to change direction whenever you want.

Yet the rules are breached thousands of times every day.

Makes you feel like throwing the book of road rules and a red paint balloon at bad drivers – except that you'd be dobbed in for being a tosser.

Such is life …

* Do not do this until the government approves my scheme. Throwing paint at cars is illegal.