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Retail workers face another wage blow on back of penalty rates decision

Retailers are asking for the minimum wage to be increased by less than the inflation rate a month after winning a reduction in Sunday penalty rates.

The Australian Retailers Association has recommended a 1.2 per cent increase in the national minimum wage in response to a fragile labour market. This would translate to an increase of $8.10 per week, bringing it to $680.80. The increase does not keep up with inflation which means it would effectively be a reduction in real wages. 

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In contrast, the ACTU will seek a $45 per week increase in the minimum wage, with secretary Sally McManus saying a sharp jump is needed with the minimum wage at "dangerously low levels."

In its submission to the Fair Work Commission, the retailers' association said the workplace umpire had been generous in the past "given the faltering economy and slow pace of growth across key sectors, rising unemployment, weak jobs market, global risks, rising business costs and increased global competition through the rising dollar".

"We seek the FWC to consider high minimum wage increases over recent years as compensation that the economy, employment levels and businesses can no longer afford," the association said.

It said it had suggested the 1.2 per cent figure in consultation with peak business group, the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and its retailer membership.


Chamber executive director Russell Zimmerman said the industry could not afford to deliver more than a 1.2 per cent increase to the minimum wage "given economic uncertainties, historically low inflation along with rising costs for retailers". He said wages needed to be kept below inflation in the interests of addressing high youth unemployment.

"With low to flat price growth we believe this is the best way to preserve employment within the retail sector," he said.

Mr Zimmerman said the reduction in Sunday penalty rates awarded last month was not expected until July at the earliest and was being challenged by unions and might be subject to a longer phasing in period.

"You can't count your chickens before they are hatched," he said.

The Australian Industry Group, which helped fast food outlets win reduced Sunday penalty rates, is arguing for a 1.5 per cent increase in the national minimum wage, which is close to the inflation rate.

This would mean an increase of about $10.10 per week in the national minimum wage and about $11.75 per week at the base trade level.

AIG chief executive Innes Willox said the "modest" wage increase was warranted because employment growth around the country was "exceedingly weak".

He said rising energy costs and other cost pressures had eroded business capacity to afford wage increases. Productivity growth was weak and national aggregate income remained weak and unevenly distributed.

"Rising youth unemployment and underemployment, and falling participation, suggest significant pockets of spare capacity are building up, particularly at the lower-skilled end of the labour market," Mr Willox said.

"In such circumstances, it is important that the Fair Work Commission adopt a cautious approach when determining the level of any minimum wage increase in this year's annual wage review."

In the wake of reductions in Sunday penalty rates for retail and hospitality workers who are among the lowest paid in the country, the ACTU is seeking a historic increase, with Ms McManus saying a $45-a-week jump would provide security to workers.

"Building economic security for the lowest paid workers in our society is at the core of the ACTU's objectives, and increasing the minimum wage is one of the most effective tools available to achieve this goal," she said.

"Australia's minimum wage has been forced down to dangerously low levels when compared to average wages – stifling economic security for workers and entrenching inequality, which is now at a 70-year high.

"According to the OECD, the benchmark for an effective minimum wage is 60 per cent of average wages. Our claim will move us towards this target," Ms McManus said.

James Pearson, chief executive officer of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry said the ACTU "needs a reality check" if it thinks employers, the unemployed and the underemployed can afford a $45 a week increase.

"The hundreds of thousands of small businesses who employ staff on minimum wages should not be treated like an ATM by the ACTU," he said.

"This claim, which is many multiples of the inflation rate, is patently ambit. It would squeeze thousands of low-paid workers out of their jobs, adding many people to the unemployment queue.

"The ACTU claim is irresponsible to young people, given youth unemployment is more than double the adult rate. 

"We need a minimum wage decision that is fair for jobseekers, employees and small businesses in the current fragile economy."