Ångström distribution

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OS family Linux
Working state Current
Source model Open source
Latest release 2016.06 / October 19, 2016; 8 months ago (2016-10-19)[1]
Package manager opkg
Platforms ARM
Kernel type Monolithic kernel
Default user interface Console, X Window System, GPE, OPIE
License Free software licenses
(mainly GPL)
Official website angstrom-distribution.org

The Ångström distribution is a Linux distribution for a variety of embedded devices. The distribution is the result of work by developers from the OpenZaurus, OpenEmbedded, and OpenSIMpad projects. The graphical user interfaces (GUIs) available are OPIE and GPE among other options.

The Ångström distribution is in "cooptition" with Poky Linux. Ångström is based on the OpenEmbedded project, specifically the OpenEmbedded-Core (OE-Core) layer. While both Ångström and Poky Linux are based on OE-Core, mostly utilize the same toolchain and are both officially "Yocto compatible",[2] only Poky Linux is officially part of the Yocto Project.

Ångström primarily differs from Poky Linux in being a binary distribution (alike e.g. the Debian, Fedora, OpenSuse or Ubuntu GNU/Linux distributions), using opkg for package management. Hence an essential part of Ångström builds is a binary package feed, allowing to simply install software distributed as opkg packages, without having to compile them first (just as one might install a binary package per ‘apt-get install <package-name>’ with dpkg).

Target platforms[edit]

According to the Ångström wiki,[3] Ångström is being developed for at least the following devices:

See also[edit]


External links[edit]