The sweetest things that happened in 2016

Photo: YouTube
Photo: YouTube 

It's been a tricky year to evaluate. So much tragedy and loss on a global scale can overshadow those every day sweet moments, but perhaps you welcomed a new baby this year or saw your toddler reach milestones that gladdened your heart.

We're guessing there have been lots of things that have brought joy to you all and we're hoping we've been a part of that in 2016. Here are our top-ranking articles for this year, that will make you smile.

1. A baby with vision impairment sees his mum clearly for the first time

It's one of the sweetest videos of the year, as four-month-old Leopold, who has impaired vision, sees his mother after receiving new glasses. Wait for the tears of happiness to roll as this little guy steals your heart away for a few gorgeous seconds. Full article and video.

2. The happiest baby in the world

Baby Freya

Baby Freya

At only five days old, baby Freya - who was born prematurely weighing just 1.7kg - showed the world how glad she was to be here, and we smiled right along with her. Read the full article here.

3. The one-year-old owning life in her homemade wheelchair

Photo: YouTube/Canadian Press

Photo: YouTube/Canadian Press

Just get a look at one-year-old Evelyn Moore getting on with life after aggressive treatment for cancer left her paralysed from the waist down. See the video of her happily wheeling around in the wheelchair her dad made for her - the is one kid who has life sorted out early.

4. This photographic celebration of triplets

Photo: Child Expressions Photography

Photo: Child Expressions Photography

The first thing many think of when it comes to triplets is the overwhelm. Of course having multiples is going to be busy, but one mum of three girls decided to celebrate their magic in her very own way, with a divine photographic tribute to them. See the full gallery of photos and background information here.

5. The little girl who sang perfectly from the heart

Photo: YouTube

Photo: YouTube

If three-year-old Claire Crosby singing an adorable rendition of Part of your World from The Little Mermaid doesn't melt your heart, then we do not know what ever will. Watch this must-see video here.