
From the Newsroom, March

I have an inbox crowding problem. And it’s my own fault. I am too embarrassed to reveal just how many emails are packed in there. Let’s just say if the number of unread emails in my inbox was translated into a dollar figure on a lotto win, I would be smiling.

I blame two things: press releases and my addiction to newsletters. Newsletters have become one of the major ways I read the news. Vox Sentences, Politico’s Playbook, Read This (a great recommendation service for features I wouldn’t otherwise come across), Nick Kristof from the New York Times, Significant Digits from stats guru Nate Silvers’ FiveThirtyEight site, The Washington Post’s Five-minute Fix, Fox News alert, Quartz Daily Brief, Nieman Lab for the latest trends in journalism, Matt Kiser’s WTF Just Happened Today – an email a day dissecting President Donald Trump.

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