Shannon WattsOvěřený účet


Founder of , the grassroots army working to end gun violence in America. Board member. Mother of five. Coloradan.

Připojil se únor 2011

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    America’s Next Top Model star in critical condition after two are killed in shooting

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    před 2 hodinami

    Victim’s mother: Stand Your Ground law emboldens shooters via

  3. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 56 minutami
  4. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 5 hodinami

    Vile. "You saw what happened to Whitney Houston. Step away from the crack pipe..." - to

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    před 2 hodinami

    Statement from SEC commissioner Greg Sankey concerning Arkansas' gun law (HB 1249):

  6. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 2 hodinami

    Got a ticket? will give you 20% off leggings

  7. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 2 hodinami

    I was also once thrown off a United Airlines flight for wearing these

  8. Reakce na uživatele
    před 1 hodinou

    . Welcome to my tweet site!

  9. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 5 hodinami

    Missouri at to oppose gun lobby bill to punish business owners who disagree w/them & support closing deadly DV loophole

  10. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 3 hodinami

    Colorado Springs visited King Soopers today! No guns in stores! Prohibit guns!

  11. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 2 hodinami

    WV Chapter talking to stop SB388 and other dangerous gun bills threatening our families.

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    před 2 hodinami

    A rep w. testifying against bill. He has LTC, served in military. He is against unlicensed carry, open or concealed.

  13. Reakce na uživatele
    před 1 hodinou

    . He's a man who loves air travel and women.

  14. Reakce na uživatele
    před 1 hodinou

    . My tweet site is en fuego.

  15. před 1 hodinou
  16. Reakce na uživatele
    před 2 hodinami

    . Thank God!!

  17. před 2 hodinami

    Yes, Kirby. You called it. I'm a 46-year-old mom of five who lives to be an "Internet star." Also, amazing hashtag.

  18. Retweetnuto uživatelem
    před 2 hodinami

    Bill O’Reilly apologizes for saying Congresswoman Maxine Waters’ hair looks like a “James Brown wig”

  19. Reakce na uživatele
    před 2 hodinami

    . All banned clothing items, like miniskirts, impact women, only a few impact men. But thx for insight re what is and isn't sexist.

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