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Respect time ... your own and that of others

If I hear one more time "I'm busy", "I don't have time", or "that's a waste of time", I'll scream.

So, you should hear me yelling from here in one permanent yell-fest.

I find the whole notion of people complaining about time ironic sometimes. When people simply waste time and don't have any qualms about wasting other people's time.

There just doesn't seem to be any respect of this precious commodity of which we all seem to crave more.

We schedule things so tightly together there is not transit time between events, which means we will be running late all day from the very outset. A constant fluster of sorry, sorry, sorry ensues instead of managing time and respecting other people's time.

Now I get it that sometimes stuff happens and a reschedule is just the way it is, but having no respect for other people's time just because you 'feel like it' is just not OK.


How do you feel when you are expecting friends for dinner, only to have them bail at 5pm on the afternoon of the event? It shows zero respect for the time your host has taken to do the groceries, to prepare the meal and clear their own schedule to spend time with you.

I feel that we often have a very selfish attitude toward time in that we expect everyone to manipulate their schedule around us but woe-betide anyone who messes with our day.

What you give out, you get back people, the rule of Karma I believe.

So before you decide to cancel something or don't keep to time for meetings, think about how you would feel when that happens to you.  

How can we expect to have an abundance of time if we don't respect it; our own time or the time of others?