ACT News


Fashion crimes: Alexander Maconochie Centre inmates set for wardrobe overhaul

The ACT government is in the market to give inmates at the Alexander Maconochie Centre a wardrobe overhaul.

On the government's shopping list are 800 pairs of black track pants, 1000 pairs of black thongs and 1500 pairs of men's and women's black underwear.

The requirements are set in a request for tender document released by the Justice and Community Safety Directorate earlier this week.

As many as 440 inmates are housed at the AMC, a minimum-to-maximum security facility with both male and female detainees.

"Each detainee within the facility is required to wear AMC issued clothing and footwear during their incarceration," read the tender document.

"When a detainee arrives at the AMC they receive the allocated clothing amount in the colours relevant to their sentence."


Each inmate receives one polo shirt, two t-shirts, three pairs of socks, three pairs of underwear and one pair of thongs, while female inmates also receive three bras.

Female uniforms range from size 8 to size 26, while male uniforms range from small to 6XL.

Many of the clothing items come with special requirements to protect the safety of inmates and guards.

Thongs must be "double plug standard" and not in the "flip-flop style", track pants should have elastic waist bands and no pockets, while bras should not have wires.

Steel caps are outlawed in prisoners' work boots and all shoes should be Velcro, not lace-up.

The request for tender closes on April 27, with the winner of the contract advised in May or June.