The great toddler chase: every pregnant mum's nightmare

Heavily pregnant Kearstin struggling to retrieve her naked toddler from the play gym.
Heavily pregnant Kearstin struggling to retrieve her naked toddler from the play gym. Photo: Kearstin Leslie/Facebook

You can always bank on a toddler dismantling your life. Sometimes it's in the confines of the home and you go for a toilet break and return only 30 seconds later to find your two-year-old has upended every box of cereal you own onto the kitchen floor.

Sometimes it happens in public - in a most unexpected way.

One expectant mum has posted a hilarious photo of her trying to extract her toddler from a play centre after the little girl removed all her clothes while inside the impenetrable maze.

Kearstin Leslie took her daughter Charlie, as well as Charlie's younger brother, to a Burger King outlet for breakfast after a pregnancy checkup at the doctor's.

Being nearly eight months pregnant with her third child and running around after two toddlers is hard enough, but what little Charlie did next takes mum exhaustion to the very next level.

In a Facebook post she wrote, "If anyone is wondering how my day has went ...

"After bubbas doctor appointment we went to Burger King for breakfast, and I of course let the kiddos play in the play area. Charlie decided to climb to the top and take ALL OF HER DAMN CLOTHES OFF. So my HUGE pregnant a** had to climb in that damn thing and get Charlie's little naked a**."

Kearstin's mum Miranda was along for the ride and snapped her daughter trying to get to Charlie out of the play equipment. It's a moment we all feel right along with her.

We've all regretted letting them loose in those play areas and we suspect it'll be drive-thru next time for Kearstin and her little family.

Breastfeeding Mama Talk also shared the post and mums there responded with their own tales of play centre woe.

It's clear Kearstin has a great sense of humour - just look at her brilliant pregnancy announcement for her third baby.