

Surrogate.Northbridge.March 21st, 2013.Photo.Sahlan Hayes.Melbourne Age.Left to right. Philip Copland and Sam Everingham ...

Surrogacy's painful path to parenthood

Commercial surrogacy is illegal in Australia, leading hundreds of people each year to pay women overseas amid difficult decisions and sometimes tragic outcomes.

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Controversial ... International commercial surrogacy must be challenged.

The business of making babies

When author Kishwar Desai began researching her novel abiout commercial surrogacy in India, she wasn't prepared for what lay ahead. Poverty-stricken surrogates give over their lives, bodies and rights to the "commissioning parents", while doctors, lawyers and tourism agents grow rich on the resulting deals.

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Is this baby really a crime?

From March 1, it will be a crime to enter into a commercial surrogacy agreement paying a willing mother at a clinic in India, as Krista and Matt Geary have done with their new daughter Elizabeth. The couple would be in breach of the new NSW Surrogacy Act.

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Surrogacy bill gives parents more rights

Parents of children born through surrogacy would be given full legal recognition for the first time, under a bill introduced in Parliament last night. Couples would also be able to enter into surrogacy arrangements abroad.

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Complex surrogacy laws to be untangled

After years of legal confusion, couples who use a surrogate mother in NSW will be able to get legal recognition of their status as parents in state courts.

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In the name of the fathers ... John Allen-Drury, left, and his partner, Darren, nurse their son, Noah, who was born in ...

Indian IVF bill may stop gay couple surrogacy

A growing number of male couples from Australia and other Western countries are hiring surrogates in India to bear children, but that might no longer be possible if a draft bill to regulate IVF in India becomes law.

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Surrogacy - could you do it?

Sarah Jessica Parker and actor husband Matthew Broderick have welcomed twin baby girls born to a surrogate. EB Blogger Amity Dry discusses the emotional minefield the experience must be for all involved.

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"DNA testing had to be done in Australia and the bureaucracy was just incredible."

Does it matter where babies come from?

Like most two-month-old babies, Luke sleeps a lot, waking only to blink at the world and feed. He does not yet know that according to the Australian High Commission in New Delhi, he is the first Australian baby to be born of an Indian surrogate mother.

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Takeaway baby boom

Surrogate mothers and egg donors are a burgeoning business in India, writes Matt Wade in New Delhi.

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Parents turn to India for surrogate mothers

Parents-to-be turn to India

Eager parents-to-be are turning to India in pursuit of their dream, but proposed regulations could crack down on the practice, writes Kate Benson.

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