

Daily Mail focuses on legs over legislation

British tabloid The Daily Mail is under fire for a front page which emphasises the legs of female politicians over any substantive news.

The front page won't be on newsstands until later today in Australia but has been shared online already.

"Never mind Brexit, who won Legs-it!" the paper asked.

"It wasn't quite stilettos at dawn, but there was a distinctively frosty atmosphere when Theresa May met Nicola Sturgeon yesterday," the paper wrote.

Theresa May is Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Nicola Sturgeon is the First Minister of Scotland. The meeting, as reported by other outlets, concerned May's imminent plan to trigger "Article 50" - formally beginning the exit of Britain from the European Union (EU).


Sturgeon and the majority of Scotland do not want to leave the EU. She is calling for a second independence referendum for the country given the exit.

As such, the talk was "cordial" but not exactly friendly. Sturgeon said she was "frustrated by a process that appears not to be listening". May has repeatedly said that now is not the best time for another Scottish independence referendum.

Many were not pleased with the Mail's front page.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn, who has not been treated kindly by the right-leaning tabloid, said "this sexism must be consigned to history. Shame on the Daily Mail."

He wasn't alone.

Even the Daily Mali got involved, clarifying that their news account about the going ons in the African nation of Mali was not involved in the front page.