




hey like, if you happen to do something abusive because of your mental illness

you still gotta apologize for it???? 

you still have to accept responsibility???

you can’t expect the people around you to just suck it up when you hurt them because you’re mentally ill. 

spiraling further and self-deprecation/calling urself a monster also isn’t an apology. an apology does not involve another person comforting you for your harmful actions. 

same with claiming that you are a failure and are doomed to never change or improve. Apology should not involve the other person comforting you and rooting for you, and essentially being your cheerleader.

Same if you claim that not doing abusive things to someone repeatedly is “so hard” while also refusing to examine your behavior, to create a plan of action to help you cope with your mental illness in a healthy way, or by refusing to seek help in any shape or form. Twice as bad if you expect the person you abused to be your mental health therapist/processor.

!!!!!!!!! SAY IT LOUDER !!!!!!!!!!!!!