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Ex-West Coast Eagles star Ben Cousins guilty over 'low speed' police chase

Ex-champion AFL footballer Ben Cousins was having delusions that his family was being held by police when he drove recklessly, failed to stop and refused a breath test during a "low speed chase" in March.

The former West Coast Eagles player, 37, pleaded guilty to the charges at Fremantle Magistrates Court on Wednesday.

He was fined $2679 in total, was disqualified from driving for 10 months and remains on an existing community treatment order. 

The police prosecutor told the court at 11.10pm on March 11, police saw Cousins driving on Preston Point Road in Bicton. They were already on their way to his house in Bicton to check on his welfare after they received a call from him. 

When they saw him on the road they tried to pull him over but he kept driving slowly - at speeds of 40km/h to 50km/h - into North Fremantle, running three red lights on the way.


Police aborted the pursuit but another car tried to pull Cousins over on Solomon Street in Mosman Park, at which point Cousins got out of his car and ran off. 

He had not turned off his car and it rolled 50 metres before hitting a tree.

Police stopped him, breath-tested him and took him back to Fremantle Police station, where the prosecutor said he refused a follow-up breath test. 

The prosecutor asked that Cousins be placed on a community-based order to ensure he got the correct treatment for "recurring paranoid behaviour" aggravated by drugs. 

Cousins' lawyer told the court that the incident was the first of three incidents Cousins' failing mental health sparked that month, having come into further contact with police and mental health services after behaving erratically around Campbell Barracks in Swanbourne and homes in Canning Vale

On the night in question, he had been under a delusion that his parents and brother were being held by police, which was why he had made the call. He had then set off to drive to his brother's house, which was near where police saw him. 

He said Cousins' initial breath test at the scene had yielded a 0.00 reading. 

Cousins' lawyer Michael Tudori told the court his client had spent time in a mental health facility after the three incidents in March, been diagnosed by a psychiatrist as delusional and been placed on a community treatment order.

The order was a rigid one, Mr Tudori said, and meant Cousins was obliged to comply with his psychiatrist's orders, received ongoing mental health treatment and medication, and would be hospitalised if he failed to obey orders. 

He said Cousins had failed to hold down a steady job since his football career ended but had recently been working part-time in a fencing job on a friend's Collie property. 

Mr Tudori said the resulting stability had been important for Cousins and was allowing him to return to "baseline" mental health and regain a sense of belonging to the community. Cousins had not breached any of the treatment order's conditions since the episodes in March. 

He asked the magistrate to punish Cousins by way of fines and continue the treatment order, instead of handing down a community-based order, as this would allow him to keep his job. 

Magistrate Steven Malley told Cousins he was a "microcosm" of the issues with substance abuse his court saw every day and he was in this situation because of his past decisions. 

"I wonder where this is all going to end," he said.

"But these are your first of these types of offences so I won't be going to make an example of you."

The magistrate fined Cousins $1200 for reckless driving, $500 for failing to stop and $900 for refusing a breath test, as well as $70 court costs. 

He also gave him driving disqualifications of nine months and 10 months respectively for reckless driving and refusing a breath test, to be served concurrently. 

Police had originally charged Cousins with more serious offences of aggravated reckless driving, aggravated failing to stop and refusing a breath test, and then furthermore with breaching bail after he failed to jmake a court appearance in April.

In May, his lawyer asked for all charges to be dropped, and said Cousins had failed to appear because of a medical appointment. 

At Cousins' most recent appearance, on June 24, the police prosecutor dropped the breach of bail charge and also the "aggravated" portions of the two driving charges.

Cousins was also fined on June 26 for property damage and trespassing after the Canning Vale incident in March, when he climbed the roof of a Canning Vale home to evade police.

An Armadale magistrate moderated his sentence, acknowledging his guilty plea and mental illness at the time of his offences, fining him $800 in total for the two offences plus $150 in costs. 

Cousins' playing career had almost every imaginable honour - a Brownlow Medal in 2005, an AFL premiership the following year, captaincy of the West Coast Eagles and six All-Australian jumpers.

But he has fought a long-standing battle with drug addiction and was deregistered by the AFL for the whole of the 2008 season because of his problems.