
Charge likely over booze-bus incident

February 26, 2006 - 2:45PM
Ben Cousins leaves a press conference last week after announcing he had stepped down as West Coast captain.

Ben Cousins leaves a press conference last week after announcing he had stepped down as West Coast captain.
Photo: Mal Fairclough

Police are expected to charge former West Coast Eagles skipper and Brownlow medallist Ben Cousins following an incident in which he abandoned his car near a booze bus.

The footballer ran off leaving his girlfriend in the four-wheel drive Mercedes Benz which was found 50 metres from the police breathalyser unit on Canning Highway in the Perth riverside suburb of Applecross two weeks ago.

Police delayed a decision on what charges to lay against the 27-year-old and others involved in the incident pending advice from the state solicitor.

A police spokesman said today the legal advice was expected tomorrow and at least one charge was expected to follow against Cousins who would most likely be charged by summons.

Cousins' girlfriend of seven years Samantha Druce has meantime broken her silence on the incident telling The Sunday Times newspaper in Perth that the episode and subsequent media interest had put intense pressure on the couple's relationship.

Ms Druce, who remained in the car after Cousins and his friend real estate agent Nathan Hewitt left it, would not comment on why Cousins allegedly ran from the vehicle.

She also declined to comment on why passengers in the car allegedly lied to police about who had been driving the car.

"I'm waiting for it all to blow over. It hasn't been the easiest time - I really don't want to say any more than that. I just want it to blow over," Ms Druce said.

Cousins is expected to be charged with obstructing traffic while passengers in the abandoned car could be charged with more serious offences, including misleading police, over information supplied to police at the time relating to who the driver of the car had been.

Cousins and Hewitt were observed by police sprinting away from a booze bus.

Police gave chase, catching Hewitt, who was breath tested but Cousins managed to allude them.

Cousins resigned from the Eagles captaincy this week saying he had, through "errors of judgment" put enormous scrutiny and pressure on the club.

"I did not intend for this to happen and hope that my decision today will alleviate some of the pressure the footy club finds itself in," Cousins told a press conference on Monday.

He is due to play in a derby against Fremantle later this afternoon and is expected to receive a fair amount of ribbing from the crowd.


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