ACT News


Six Bimberi staff under investigation as new incidents come to light

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An employee at the Bimberi Youth Justice Centre is under investigation following allegations they "inappropriately" watched a detainee in the shower. 

It can also be revealed another staff member has been stood down for allegedly having an "unauthorised physical interaction" with a detainee.​

A total of six Bimberi staff are now under investigation in relation to three separate incidents uncovered by The Canberra Times.

It has previously been reported that four employees were stood down after an incident last May in which detainees allegedly bashed a youth worker unconscious, with that 10 month investigation ongoing. 

The Community Services Directorate confirmed the latest allegations, with a spokesman saying they were isolated problems that had been swiftly dealt with. 

"The directorate can confirm there were allegations of potentially inappropriate behaviour by a staff member in November 2016," the spokesman said. 


"The directorate took action immediately following the allegations and the investigation is ongoing. At this time, the allegations have not been proven."

"The directorate can confirm that a staff member was suspended following an allegation of an unauthorised physical interaction with a young person in Bimberi in October 2016," he added. 

"The investigation into this matter is ongoing."

Sources said the October incident related to an employee allegedly holding a youth in a headlock, while the November incident related to a staff member allegedly watching a detainee showering.

The Canberra Times can also reveal a Bimberi officer was suspended, investigated and cleared in 2015 for allegedly looking at pornography on the job. 

"The directorate can confirm that an officer was suspended on the basis of an allegation that the officer had been accessing pornography at work in 2015," a directorate spokesman said. 

"Following a thorough investigation, the allegation was not substantiated and although ACT Policing were informed of these allegations, this referral was not pursued as there was no evidence of potential criminal activity."

Sources came to the defence of Bimberi staff members, saying the alleged May bashing and the alleged headlock incident stemmed from situations the employees should never have been put into. 

Staff shortages and the cloud of suspicion cast by ongoing investigations had subsequently made the centre a stressful and unhappy place to work, they added.

"The severe staff shortages contribute significantly to reducing the safety of the detainees...[and] there is no interest in staff safety," one source said. 

Opposition youth spokeswoman Elizabeth Kikkert said Bimberi needed to be a place where both staff and detainees were safe. 

"This is like déjà vu," she said. 

"More than six years ago, the Canberra Liberals tabled a motion asking for the Human Rights Commissioner to do an audit into the conditions at Bimberi because of reports of violence and security breaches, staff shortages, staff dissatisfaction, and poor outcomes for children and young people.

"What we are hearing now is that these exact same problems are still occurring."

Official Visitor Narelle Hargreaves OAM is the government-appointed representative responsible for monitoring the safety of Bimberi detainees. 

"The centre is well managed and the interactions with the young people are constructive and focused on their welfare and wellbeing whilst they reside at the centre," she said. 

"I wish to assure the ACT community that the 'voices' of the young people are heard and listened to by the management at Bimberi."

The Community Services Directorate admitted the incidents were "disappointing" but said they did not reflect systemic problems at Bimberi. 

"As the directorate has previously advised, Bimberi is a highly regulated environment with strict protocols and procedures in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the young people.

"The directorate's swift response to all incidents reflects its commitment to meeting the high standard of care for young people and its expectations that its staff will also reach this standard."