ACT News


'It's crazy': Barnaby Joyce rubbishes ACT's renewable energy target

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Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has rubbished the ACT's 100 per cent renewable energy target, describing it as "completely insane" on Tuesday morning.

"The ACT saying they want 100 per cent renewables is crazy," Mr Joyce told the ABC's AM radio program.

"That might be a policy setting, but it's also completely insane. It just doesn't work."

Mr Joyce had been asked whether the lack of a clear national energy policy in recent years had contributed to rising power prices.

He said the tendency to set "aspirational" and unrealistic energy targets had not helped the problem.

"So what we have to have is that the Labor party have to stop listening to the Greens and start listening a bit more to common sense," Mr Joyce continued.


Last year the ACT government set a target of using 100 per cent renewable energy within the territory by 2020.

Just one year before they had set a target of 100 per cent renewable energy by 2025.

The Deputy Prime Minister has some form on the topic, recently describing Queensland's 50 per cent renewable energy target by 2030 as "bonkers mad". 

"If you want to know what a basket case looks like, look at South Australia," Mr Joyce said in December,

"They had a major storm, you had one last night, they had a major storm and the whole state blacked out.

"This state is now talking about, what, a 50 per cent renewable target? You must have gone bonkers mad.

"This is crazy, haven't you seen South Australia on the news?"