Volunteer With Us

Bluestockings is a volunteer-powered space, so we are always looking for new volunteers! While at Bluestockings, volunteers help run the store, from serving coffee and café goods, to ringing people up for purchases, to receiving books, setting up for events, or just generally talking about that book you just read that was the best ever. Projects and tasks vary week to week. Volunteering with us is a great way to meet new people, learn new things, and contribute to the Bluestockings project.

Volunteering – Volunteers typically work a three-hour shift during store hours (11 am – 11 pm) once a week. If you are interested in volunteering at Bluestockings, come by the store anytime we’re open (daily 11 am – 11 pm) and ask for a volunteer application. Our Volunteer Coordinators will be in contact with you via email.

Interning  – Bluestockings hosts a select number of high school/college interns, who receive school credit for their work at the store. If you are interested in interning at Bluestockings, email educationproject@bluestockings.com with the details of your desired internship. Our Intern Coordinator will be in contact with you via email.

Unfortunately we do not have paid positions available.