Our Cafe

Bluestockings café has a variety of fair trade and vegan beverages and snacks to enjoy while reading or chatting. We have power outlets, but not Wi-Fi.


Coffee                                                          $1 (sm)     $1.50 (lg)   $2.50 (iced)
Tea (8+ varieties)                                       $2                                 $2.50 (iced)
Lemonade                                                  $2.50
China Cola / Ginger Brew                        $2
Bottled water                                             $1

Vegan cookie (2 varieties)                        $2

We have cow milk, soy milk, almond milk, and a variety of sweeteners available.

Our Products

Bluestockings is proud to support producers working to challenge systems of oppression and hierarchy.

Zapatista Coffee
Schools for Chiapas is thrilled to offer Zapatista Coffee, organically-grown, bird-friendly coffee produced by Zapatista families living on small farms in the highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Zapatista proves a vital and sustainable international market for the Mayan people of Chiapas. Profits are used to construct autonomous, indigenous schools and education centers.

Mister Sister Cookies
Dairy & egg free vegan cookies. Handmade, small-batch baked goods made locally is what Mister Sister specializes in.