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Smoking passenger in critical condition after PSO 'wrestle' at Preston station

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A man is in a serious condition in hospital after he was hit by a moving train following a "wrestle" with Protective Services Officers at Preston railway station on Monday night.

The man is believed to have leapt down onto the tracks between the platforms to escape PSOs in the moments before he was struck and took a heavy blow to the head.

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Passenger in critical condition after PSO 'wrestle'

A man is in a serious condition in hospital after he was hit by a moving train following a 'wrestle' with Protective Services Officers at Preston railway station on Monday night. Vision courtesy Seven News Melbourne.

According to an internal Metro report seen by The Age, the "unidentified male [was] pursued by PSO, [and] struck side of departing train".

Ambulance Victoria said the man, aged in his 30s, was taken to the Royal Melbourne Hospital in a critical condition with head injuries.

A rail industry source said the man was apprehended by PSOs after being observed smoking in the external walkway between carriages on a citybound train, not inside the train as police initially said.

The PSOs escorted the man from the train, which left Preston station while they spoke with him on the platform, and an outbound train pulled into the opposite platform soon afterwards, the source said.


He said the man suddenly bolted away from the PSOs and jumped onto the tracks, attempting to run around the stationary train and up onto the opposite platform, but was struck by the train as it pulled out of the station.

He damaged his head and an eye in the incident.  

Metro Trains would not confirm the details of the event, instead directing inquiries to Victoria Police.

Police investigating the incident said the PSOs saw a man smoking on a train at about 9.30pm, and they held the train at the platform until the man got off the train and spoke with them.

As the train started to leave the platform, the man attempted to run from the officers, when "a wrestle occurred near the end of the platform," a police spokesman said.

"The man managed to get away from the officers before hitting the side of the departing train," he said.

His condition had improved from critical to serious by Tuesday evening.  

There were delays on the South Morang train line following the incident, a Metro spokeswoman said.

She said buses replaced trains until 11.45pm.

The Victoria Police Professional Standards Command has been notified as per standard procedure and an investigation is under way.