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Disabled man gets nine years jail for frenzied stabbing of five-year-old girl

A man with cerebral palsy who has been sentenced to nine years' prison still does not accept that he deliberately stabbed a five-year-old girl, a court has been told.

Ty Ranger, 25, previously lived in the same block of units as the girl in Ballarat, the County Court heard on Monday.

The girl was playing outside the units on November 22, 2015, when Ranger gestured to her to come over to his apartment.

When she entered his home, he cuddled her, started to remove her clothes, touched her body and repeatedly stabbed and slashed her with a pocket-knife.

The girl bit the man on his lip, allowing her to escape his apartment and run home to her mum, covered in blood.

Judge Roy Punshon said that she suffered about 20 incisions, with deeper cuts to her face, chest, back and stomach.


One of her wounds left a fold of fat protruding through her abdomen, he said.

Police later found two images of child pornography in the man's apartment. 

Ranger initially told investigators that the child had got hold of the knife herself and was injured as he tried to take it from her.

He later pleaded guilty to intentionally causing serious injury and possessing child pornography, in exchange for prosecutors withdrawing an initial charge of attempted murder.

Judge Punshon said Ranger had arguably failed to demonstrate remorse for his crimes in pleading guilty to them, because he still did not accept that the prosecutor's summary of the attack was "the truth".

The man, who has been in prison for more than a year, appeared in court with the assistance of a wheelchair.

The court heard that Ranger needed help with personal care, often fell down and struggled to communicate with others, but had an average level of intelligence and suffered no mental disability,

The judge sentenced him to nine years' prison with a non-parole period of six years and three months.

Judge Punshon said there was "no satisfactory explanation" for the violent attack, though there was evidence that it had a "sexual component" to it.

He could not conclude that the motive was sexual from the two child pornography images found in the man's home, because they were downloaded many months beforehand, and were found amid many more images of adult pornography.

The court heard Ranger was suffering post-traumatic stress disorder, triggered by a fire months before the attack, and may have been drinking more alcohol than usual at the time.

The judge was not confident about his prospects for rehabilitation, saying "without evidence of why [he committed the crime] it is not possible to determine that the cause of offending is being addressed."

While the girl had recovered from her physical wounds, it was unknown what long-term psychological injuries she may suffer, the court heard.

She lived with her aunt for a period after the attack, and her family had since moved from the block of units.

The Ballarat Courier reported that the girl's aunt was "pleasantly surprised" with the length of the sentence.