

Lost and found

Thought to be extinct for almost 200 years, the newly-named Hibbertia Fumana makes a comeback.

Claims of a cover-up as a plant lost for two centuries turns up on a development site.


There has been a spate of shark attacks off the north coast of NSW this year.

Have a spate of bites and sightings up and down the NSW coast raised the odds that an attack awaits beachgoers this summer? Peter Hannam investigates.

40 years later, the Snowy Mountains Scheme is back in vogue

A Sydney Morning Herald drawing showing Sir William Hudson in front of one of the Snowy Mountains Scheme dams.

It is easy now, as thousands stream blithely each winter to the ski fields of the Snowy Mountains, to overlook the monumental events of last century on those heights that still affect our daily lives and our industries, and how, in the exploitation of the high country, Australia was transformed, economically and culturally.