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Timo Uotila Politics 23.2.17

Timo Uotila - politics 23.2.17
Domestic polititics as well as international politics from a Finnish point of view and the economy.  
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Timo Uotila - Cultural review 23.2.17
This week, discussion about freedom of speech and the national broadcaster, YLE
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Parlamentary reform

A Turnbull Government M-P has reignited debate about whether the federal parliamentary term should be increased from three years to four
In theory, voters are only meant to go to the polls every three years, but the average time between federal elections is just two-and-a-half.   Liberal M-P David Coleman has told the ABC he is pushing for that three-year federal parliamentary t...
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Small business - smoked Trout

Ann Vicary's small business operates in a remote section of the New South Wales' Riverina region. In fact, you'll need a four-wheel-drive to get into Cypress Valley Farm.  
And in three years of selling her smoked trout online, Ann Vicary says she's barely had any difficulty.    
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Sugar tax

Nutrition researchers say a tax on junk foods, including on sugary drinks, is needed to try to bring down obesity rates. 
Both the major political parties reject the idea, but the Australian Greens say it has merit.  
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Scandi Art Now exhibition

An exhibition of Scandinavian non objective art opens at the Sydney Non Objective Centre in Marrickville on the 4th of March
This is Australia's first exhibition of contemporary Scandinavian non objective art. The Scandi Art Now exhibition is open 4 -26 March at the SNO Centre at level 1, 175 Marrickville Rd, Marrickville

My Aged Care service explained

Australians are getting older and the need for good quality aged care is a growing concern.Many dont know about the services and how they can access them. 
Aged Care services have changed significantly over the last 15 years. One major change is the setup of My Aged Care, a call centre and website service launched by the government in July 2015 where elderly people can request aged care services tai...

Hela Donela - artist

Hela Donela is a Finnish artist who lives and works on the NSW South Coast
Hela tells about her art and how she goes about making it and her creative process. I asked her what brought her to Australia........
What is being termed a groundbreaking report suggests Russia and Syria deliberately targeted civilian-populated areas of Aleppo in last year's aerial bombing of the besieged Syrian city. 
What is being termed a groundbreaking report suggests Russia and Syria deliberately targeted civilian-populated areas of Aleppo in last year's aerial bombing of the besieged Syrian city. The report, a collaboration between a Washington-based res...

Mysterious murder

North Korean observers have been left stunned by the suspected assassination of President Kim Jong-un's half-brother in Malaysia
While he was a critic of the North Korean President's leadership, 45-year-old Kim Jong-nam was not widely considered a serious threat to the North Korean government
Timo Uotila's regular political report from Finland
Donald Trump is followed with interest in Finland like everywhere else in the World. Also discussion about dual citizenship
Timo Uotila on cultural news 9.2.17
This week the Emma Gala music awards, also about the Eurovision song contest and other events of interest...

Pekka Kuusisto in Australia

ACO Collective's Artistic Director, Pekka Kuusisto starts the ACO's season with a new work consisting of music by Janacek combined with folk music inspired work performed by Sam Amidon.
This is a powerful, murderous, psycological drama, exploring sex, adultery, betrayal, murder and ultimately redemption. Pekka Kuusisto tells all....

Tiia Heinikäinen

Mosman Community College offers courses in Finnish
The courses are popular and there is now a new tutor, Tiia Heinikäinen

Australia Post CEO high salary

Its been revealed the man in charge of Australia's postal service earned more than $5 million last year
It would take even Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull ten years to earn Ahmed Fahour's salary