IMD World Competitiveness Center

We are dedicated to the advancement of knowledge on world competitiveness by offering benchmarking services for countries and companies using the latest and most relevant data on the subject.

"There is no single nation in the world that has succeeded in a sustainable way without preserving the prosperity of its people. Competitiveness refers to such objective: it determines how countries, regions and companies manage their competencies to achieve long-term growth, generate jobs and increase welfare. Competitiveness is therefore a way towards progress that does not result in winners and losers: when two countries compete, both are better off."

Director IMD World Competitiveness Center
Professor of Finance

For over 25 years IMD World Competitiveness Center has pioneered research on how nations and enterprises compete to lay the foundations for future prosperity.

The competitiveness of nations is probably one of the most significant developments in modern management and IMD intends to remain leader in this field.

The Center conducts its mission in cooperation with a network of 55 partner institutes worldwide to provide the government, business and academic community with the following services:

  • Competitiveness Assessment & Education
  • Programs/Workshops/Conferences on Competitiveness
  • Special country/regional competitiveness reports
  • World Competitiveness Yearbook and Online
In our efforts to match the dynamism of competitiveness, we are committed to further our cutting-edge research and to broadening our activities portfolio.

Discover IMD World Competitiveness Online

Access our online database with 20-year time series on competitiveness for 61 countries.

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Order our products

Order the World Competitiveness Package, online database or Yearbook+CD, as well as country profiles and factors from our eShop

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Contact Us

IMD World Competitiveness Center
Chemin de Bellerive 23,
P.O. 915, CH-1001 Lausanne

Tel: +41 21 618 02 51

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IMD World Competitiveness Center