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Married At First Sight 2017: Nadia fails to dump nightmare Anthony as Susan bursts fairytale bubble

It seems Nadia makes a mistake of biblical proportion as she fails to call in the snake catcher. And Susan gets swayed by a wicked witch.

If theirs was a modern-age story of Adam and Eve, Anthony would get told that he had no place in the garden of Eden. But no Nadia still falls for temptation. Damn it.

On a brighter note, Susan plans to recommit to her Prince Charming, Sean, (who is "definitely in love with her") and we all sigh with happiness. "I absolutely love Sean ... I'm looking forward to going into the next chapter in our lives. I'm gonna completely go for the relationship. I want Sean in my life forever."

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MAFS: Susan and Sean's decision

Will Susan choose to move to the farm for love? Vision: Married At First Sight, Nine Network.

But in one of the nastier twists of the evening, the happily ever after is not to be.

"Everyone wants to live happily ever after for the rest of their life. I know I could see her happy living on the farm... but Susan has to give up a lot to move for love. That's a massive decision," Sean firstly acknowledges before a dagger is driven into our hearts. But more on that later.

At the start of the episode, Anthony told a best mate. "I can't foresee there being any huge issues" ... only moving to Sydney, mate. "I've got to talk her around."

"I'm confident that she'll feel the same way and that doesn't make me nervous because I know Nadia," he tells the cameras.


Meanwhile Nadia says she doesn't want to make the same mistake by moving for love only to get hurt, twice. "I need someone who is multi-faceted, someone who understands that, who gets me and not someone who pushes me into a mold. He's very structured and quite conservative person. He's quite rigid in some of his ways."

She just wants an authentic Anthony who can be the father of her children, but after a nightmare (Side note: Nadia is the second bride after Sharon to rely heavily on her dreams) in which her dog gets killed by a black snake, it would seem evident that Anthony should be destined to be disposed of by pest control.

And while on the subject of omens, Nadia's horseshoe ring from Anthony has been facing down, which means the luck has poured out.

"Although she has had concerns over the past few weeks, I know that I'm a good person and that I've treated Nadia well through out the experiment."

And to help Nadia's "intelligence" along he sends her flowers, but she sees straight through it. "It's a sweet gesture, but he just wants me to say yes."

I love Susan... ..now and forever.


Back to Sean and Susan, and an interfering friend starts to derail their fairytale ending.

"You can't be a City Beach girl and a country farm boy. How can you possibly, as a city girl who loves the beach, who loves the spontaneity of life, be with someone who's a country boy, who's a farm boy and there's plans, there's schedule, there's, 'I must be doing this at this particular time and...'? Like, I just don't see how this could be something worthwhile for you," Susan's friend tells her.

The friend, who I have now determined is actually a wicked witch in disguise (just because it's television and know nothing about her), tells viewers: "Sean's lifestyle is very much about the farm and that's just not the same lifestyle Susan is after." But they can ride off into the sunset together!

It's now Nadia's turn to walk down the aisle again, and she's recalling to her friends the last date she had with Anthony when she called him out on his bullshit.

"I've planted a seed of doubt in his mind, like you know when I had my final date and I questioned his integrity and I questioned a lot of the things that I guess, moving forward, were importance to me," she said before breaking down in tears over the stress of the decision.

"After that date, I felt sick. I felt like I wanted to pack my bags and run away. I think a lot of the negative experiences that I've had in the past,around moving, has brought up shit, like just emotional shit."

Cutting past all the dramatic music at the vow renewal ceremony and Anthony's seemingly disingenuous words (what was that move to rearrange her out-of-place hair?), Nadia initially shuts him down.

"Initially in the relationship, you took the reins immediately, calling the shots, perhaps expecting me to be more passive than I actually am. I felt a bit unheard, and like my opinion or voice didn't matter. This was made evident at our first commitment ceremony when you adamantly said, 'She's mine.'"

But then this:

"Whilst I've never pointed these things out, you managed to rectify each of these moments by learning to value my thoughts and ideas. We cruised through things well and we really got to know each other until our final date.Everything became overwhelming, and I questioned everything about us – your integrity, what was real,and what was part of the experiment. 

"Over this last week, I've used this time to really look back on the last two months to really think about our relationship. And I've realised that in the end... (dramatic pause) ..the good outweighs the bad, and I'm ready to take this leap with you.

"When I'm with you, I feel secure, protected, and happy. Home is where the heart is, and for me, I've realised my home is with you. 

"It might not be easy living in different states, but I'm up for the challenge if you are."


"This has, like, been life-changing for me, because I've met somebody who I connect with, somebody who I really care about, and someone I wanna spend my future with. I feel really good. I feel elated. I feel happy. I feel like it's, you know... we're on the same page," she tells the cameras.

And his response?

"It was really special. It was really nice when Nadia said that the good outweighed the bad."

But the icing on this bitter apple cake: "To be honest, there's not that much bad, really, is there?"

"No. You're perfect," she responds.

Turning to Susan to make everything in the world right again, was a big mistake. Despite renewing her vows with words of love and respect, Sean's face fell when this almighty blow came crashing down.

"I have to be truly honest with myself and think about my happiness. And if I could really see myself living in your world on your farm and completely missing my world and everything that makes me happy on a daily basis. I've decided... (dramatic pause) ..I can't be in a relationship with you. ... And I hope we can be the best of friends." 


"It's OK," says the Prince. "(Yeah?) Yes. (I love you.) Love you too. (I'm so glad I met you.) Thank you for all those kind words, and I fully understand everything that you said."

"It's been really special. It's been good to have a really good man in my life that looks out for me. Keep being a good man," says a poisoned Snow White.

Sean: "That was very hard, to just stand there and...you know, and wave goodbye and see her go. ... She is one of the most caring, positive people I have ever met. I understand why we can't be together, but I've loved every moment I've been with Susan in this experiment. ... I love Susan... ..now and forever."

And I am weeping!

Channel Nine is promising that this may not be the end of Sean and Susan but who can see past that image of Sean left lonely at the altar.