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Meth in the water reveals WA's $2 billion drug problem

Sewerage tests have revealed West Australians have a $2 billion a year methamphetamine habit.

Alarming figures from the West Australian Meth Strategy, released in May, showed 3.8 per cent of people over 14 years old used meth - nearly twice the national average of 2.1 per cent.

A waste water trial recently completed in Perth, Geraldton and Bunbury in the past year showed West Australians consumed around two tonnes of methamphetamine annually.

The broader Perth metropolitan area accounted for 1.6 tonnes.

Police Minister Liza Harvey said the trial had provided science-based evidence of the scale of meth use across WA.


"The results provide the most accurate data yet on consumption levels, daily, weekly and seasonal rates, trends, and a broad geographical breakdown," she said.

The WA Meth Strategy showed the number of people arrested on amphetamine-type stimulants had nearly doubled between 2013-14 to 2014-15, and of those incarcerated in prison, nearly half admitted to using meth.

Labor WA leader Mark McGowan has slammed the state's meth use rate, claiming the state government had ignored the problem for too long.

"They've had eight years of this issue running out of control, and they finally discovered it just before the election," he said.

He stopped short of supporting the state government's recent proposal to allow families to apply to a court to force meth-addicted relatives into rehabilitation.

"The biggest issue, as anyone who is involved in this or has a family member who suffers from addiction issues will tell you, is those people who want services, those people who are desperate for services often can't get them," he said.

"We've got to make sure those people who are keen to access services, who are ready for treatment, who have hit rock bottom, are able to get treatment when they need it, that's the first priority.

"The second priority is making sure there is an opportunity, in the right circumstances, for people who need it, to get involuntary treatment."

The state government plans to add 60 more beds to WA's existing 350 residential rehabilitation beds for drug and alcohol addicts by 2017-18.

The additional beds form part of its strategy to tackle WA's meth problem. 

"The state government's Western Australian Meth Strategy 2016... tackles meth on three fronts - education to stop people from ever using this insidious drug; support and treatment services to help people who are impacted by meth; and disrupting supply," Ms Harvey said.

Evidence shows the supply of meth to WA was mainly coming from overseas, with one kilogram of methamphetamine costing $6,522 to produce in China and selling on Australian streets for $590,000, according to Australian Crime Commission statistics. 

WA Labor will release its plan to tackle the state's meth problem before the 2017 state election.