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gtgacaaaga cataatggat tccaacacga taacctcgtt tcaggtagat tgttatctat
ggcacataag aaagctactc agtatgagag acatgtgtga tgcccccttt gatgacaggc
tccgaagaga ccaaaaggca ttaaagggaa gaggcagcac acttggactc gatttaagag
tggctacaat ggaggggaaa aagatcgttg aggacatcct gaagagtgag acaaatgaaa
acctcaaaat agccattgct tccagtcctg ctcctcggta tatcaccgat atgagcatag
aggagatgag ccgagaatgg tacatgctga tgcctaggca gaaaataact ggaggcctta
tggtgaaaat ggaccaagcc ataatggata aaagaattat ccttaaagca aatttctcag
ttctatttga tcaactagag acattagtct ctctgagggc attcacagaa agtggtgcta
ttgtggctga aatatttccc attccctccg taccaggaca ttttacagag gatgtcaaaa
atgcaattgg aatcctcatc ggtggacttg aatggaatga taactcaatt cgagcgtctg
aaaatataca gagattcgct tggggaatcc atgatgagaa tgggggacct tcactccctc
caaaacagaa acgctacatg gcgaaacgag ttgagtcaga agtttgaaga gatcagatgg
ctcattgctg aatgtagaaa tatactgaca aagactgaaa atagctttga acagataaca
tttttgcaag cattgcaact cttacttgaa gttgagagtg agataaggac cttctctttt
cagcttattt aatactaaaa aacac


Getting interested in RNA sequences, are we?

This is a DNA sequence not RNA

in RNA there no adenine bases which is reffered to as A in the sequence and instead of adenine there is uracil bases which is refered to as U just some medical bullshit :DD

The 3 types of RNA: m, r and t contain Adeninr.

The DNS Thiamine not Adenine is the one replaced by Uracil

this is the lost DNA code of Ahmad El-Fishawy (Abo Lina)....(from the control room)

u r right that was a mistake

إيه يا لول .. أنت بعد شرح التشفير بالمفاتيح العلنية قررت تشرح التشفير بالطريقة الخفية ولا إيه ؟؟

ديوان أبو يوسف

oh my god; u found the a7a gene!

How H5N1 kills

H5N1 is a virus, not a poison. We have pictures of it reproducing. It has eight RNA molecules in each viron. We know the exact molecular makeup of hundreds of genotypes (varients) of both H5N1 and other avian flu viruses. For example, according to this genome database, the NS RNA molecule of one varient looks like this:

gtgacaaaga cataatggat tccaacacga taacctcgtt tcaggtagat tgttatctat ggcacataag aaagctactc agtatgagag acatgtgtga tgcccccttt gatgacaggc tccgaagaga ccaaaaggca ttaaagggaa gaggcagcac acttggactc gatttaagag tggctacaat ggaggggaaa aagatcgttg aggacatcct gaagagtgag acaaatgaaa acctcaaaat agccattgct tccagtcctg ctcctcggta tatcaccgat atgagcatag aggagatgag ccgagaatgg tacatgctga tgcctaggca gaaaataact ggaggcctta tggtgaaaat ggaccaagcc ataatggata aaagaattat ccttaaagca aatttctcag ttctatttga tcaactagag acattagtct ctctgagggc attcacagaa agtggtgcta ttgtggctga aatatttccc attccctccg taccaggaca ttttacagag gatgtcaaaa atgcaattgg aatcctcatc ggtggacttg aatggaatga taactcaatt cgagcgtctg aaaatataca gagattcgct tggggaatcc atgatgagaa tgggggacct tcactccctc caaaacagaa acgctacatg gcgaaacgag ttgagtcaga agtttgaaga gatcagatgg ctcattgctg aatgtagaaa tatactgaca aagactgaaa atagctttga acagataaca tttttgcaag cattgcaact cttacttgaa gttgagagtg agataaggac cttctctttt cagcttattt aatactaaaa aacac

The NS RNA molecules codes for two proteins called NS1 and NEP.

The NS1 protein of the highly pathogenic avian H5N1 viruses circulating in poultry and waterfowl in Southeast Asia are currently believed to be responsible for an enhanced proinflammatory cytokine response. H5N1 NS1 is characterized by a single amino acid change at position 92. By changing the amino acid from glutamic acid to aspartic acid, researchers were able to abrogate the effect of the H5N1 NS1. This single amino acid change in the NS1 gene greatly increased the pathogenicity of the H5N1 influenza virus.

In other words, we know down to the very atoms themselves what is (probably) going on. WAS 4.250

صباح الفل يا عم علاء "بخ" جابتني على ملا وشي. :)

بتقول بخ طب عو على فكرة يعم علاء رسالتك وصلت بس مش باللغة العربية بلغة تانية حروف غريبة زي قرارات الحكومة بالظبط ولم تفلح معها محاولات المعارضة قصدي تظبيطها أعمل إيه

يا عم أنا بعت ايميل عربي عادي، المشكلة في هوت ميل، لازم سيادتك تقلب في encodings في المتصفح بتاعك غالبا من قائمة view

من هى بهيه

قرات فى موقع يقدم اخبار مصر فى صحف العالم ضمن ما يقدمه جاء فىمتابعات صحافة العالم ان الذى يكتب تحت اسم بهيه هو اكاديمى مصرى معروف يحمل جنسيه اجنبيه ومعروف بعدائه للنظام الحاكم

ويمكن متابعة هذه الأخبار وغيرها فى قسم اخبار مصر فى صحف العالم فى الصفحه الرئيسيه للموقع وعنوانه مجدى يوسف

بهية هى هذه المدونة وقد قيل أن صاحبها هو د.سعد الدين ابراهيم وقيل أحيانا أنه محمد حسنين هيكل ولكن فى الأغلب القولين غير صحيحين.

سعد الدين ابراهيم! واضح ان اللي قال كده عمره ما قرا لا بهية ولا سعد الدين ابراهيم


There's a 1 hour programme on egyptian opposition on french radio France Culture today at 3 pm (local hour), with "Alaa et Manal, fondateurs du blog le plus consulté d'Egypte" among the guests. I think it will remain available during one week

All viruses sequence, including RNA viruses, is written in its DNA template form, if you check pubmed, you ll never find a sequence containing Uracil even for RNA viruses.