Esther Han

Esther Han is the consumer affairs editor for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Sun-Herald. She was previously the food and wine news writer for Fairfax Media.

A child garment worker.

How to avoid slavery in your fashion

In the wake of the Rana Plaza factory collapse some Australian fashion brands have made huge leaps in stamping out exploitation from their supply chains. Others have not.

Patricia Borg, and her granddaughter Miracle, aged 2. Patricia is the owner of a Samsung
washing machine that caught ...

'It was a hush-hush thing'

A fire broke out in Patricia Borg's laundry. But two different stories have emerged about what happened in the aftermath.

Auburn's developer councillors, Salim Mehajer and Ronney Oueik, have been suspended.

'We're living in a black hole'

Hundreds of residents left homeless after a storm ripped off the roof of their Lidcombe apartment block have suffered another blow, with their insurer rejecting their multi-million dollar claim.

Oregano has become a staple in kitchens with the growing popularity of Mediterranean cooking.

What's really in your oregano?

Shoppers buying and sprinkling chopped oregano leaves to flavour their food might actually be using entirely different ingredients, says consumer advocacy group Choice.