Wednesday, March 8, 2017

The Santa Fe, Veracruz Grave

The latest report of the exhumation work in the collective grave of Colinas de Santa Fe in Veracruz highlights that most of the remains found in the grave are of young high school and college aged men and women.  The search groups narrate that they haven’t walked through half of the land and they don’t stop from discovering corpses.  People continue to disappear in Veracruz, in the context of the war declared by the delinquency against the local government.  240 bodies from 170 clandestine graves have been exhumed.

By: Ignacio Carvajal García | Translated by Valor for Borderland Beat

Mexico City/Veracruz, March 7, 2017— Blogexpediente had access to the latest report on exhumation work in the collective graves of Colinas de Santa Fe, and what stands out the most of the 240 bodies exhumed so far is that they mostly consist of young people.

The last cutoff on the works in the collective graves of Colinas de Santa Fe state that 240 bodies from 117 clandestine graves have been exhumed.

And in the middle of the cluster of bodies, the mothers of the collective Solecito, who are actively working in this grave, what has surprised them is the high number of young people among the victims.

“Most of them are young people, women and guys, although people with gray hairs have also been found, despite the advanced state of decomposition, that detail has been observed,” said a source close to the work on the grave, at the request of anonymity.

Among the findings of the various graves, which show the slaughter of young people; clothing, footwear, and intimate clothing corresponding to the ages of 14 and 25 are also abundant.

The information that this medium accessed shows that the finding of bodies far from diminishing increases, and these graves are not even half of the terrain.

The last cutoff on the works in the collective graves of Colinas de Santa Fe state that 240 bodies from 117 clandestine graves have been exhumed. Photo: Cuartoscuro Archive
They consist of 125 graves located until the beginning of March, of which 177 have been worked on, which have resulted in the findings of 240 skulls, which is equal to the number of victims, more than half, correspond to boys who were high school or college aged.

However, the number of victims could be much higher, as some bodies are being removed without a head, only limbs or legs.

Usually, most of these corpses are being removed whole and it is atypical that they appear dismembered.

“A lot of clothes has been found, credentials of all kinds, shoes, both men as well as young women,” said the source.

According to the progress of this search, there is at least 60% of land that needs to be analyzed by experts and search dogs for more graves, hence, in a few months, Colinas could be one of the worst clandestine graves found in Latin America.

Beyond the massacres in Coahuila and the graves of Tetelcingo, Morelos [with 117 victims] or the massacres of Tamaulipas, Colinas de Santa Fe is one of the worst violations of human rights, beyond those that occurred in the dictatorships of Chile, Guatemala, and Argentina, where the armed forces were evidenced to having implemented public policies to exterminate people.

Usually, most of these corpses are being removed whole and it is atypical that they appear dismembered. Photo: Cuartoscuro Archive
Javier Duarte de Ochoa and Arturo Bermúdez, accomplices of the responsible criminals, would pass to a level equal to that of the PRI perpetrators of the massacres of Agua Blancas, El Halconazo (The Corpus Christi Massacre) and El 68 (Tlatelolco Massacre), in which dozens of young people disappeared and nothing else was known from them.

To hunt and kill the youth is a dynamic that doesn’t stop and that has been displayed with the five boys of Playa Vicente who were assassinated in Tierra Blanca, the missing ones of Papantla at the hands of municipal [police]; the case of Génesis Urrutia, deprived of her liberty in Veracruz with five other youths, found dead, among six other bodies, dismembered, in October 2016, the same month in which the bodies of five other boys were also found between San Andrés and Santiago Tuxtla.

Data from the National Registry of Lost or Missing Persons indicates that from 2010 to date, there are 722 reports of missing persons in Veracruz, most of them are in the Veracruz-Boca del Río area, where it converges with the graves of Colina de Santa Fe.

Regarding the recognition of the victims, it has only been possible to establish the identity of the former agent of Public Prosecutor Pedro Huesca; the clothing and credentials found in the same graves are expected to help identify the victims who are reported as missing.

Source: Sin Embargo


  1. Lost nephew 4 years ago

    1. Feel sorry for nephews disappearance . Sure family wants closure to whatever news can be given.

    2. We r not rich only work hard for families. Never kill anybody
      Don't use drugs
      When we go to US we got our crossing cards. And we buy things cheap in US

    3. 3:37 These days, police on the US just want to hunt you, federal subsidies are on the line.

  2. Not all but some cartels pick up dead rivals bodies after gun battles so that the famlies never give them proper burials its a way to disrespect your contras...

    1. These are not casualties "killed in cartel gun battles", baboso.
      Kidnappings for ramsom, slave work and white slavery or just sex purposes for the zetas is most likely the case, and the local police chief knows everything about it.
      After the disappearance of Public Prodecutor Pedro Huesca, his replacement must have made a pretty coin by seeing, hearing and saying nothing, let's talk to his ass, and r3member, epn said cesar duarte and javier duarte were two of the most i.portal examples of the NEW PRI GENERATION of young governors...
      --should have said "DEGENERATION".
      --also the authorities of the HUASTECA REGION tried to implement their own regional military/paramilitary "police" to cntrol the gulf area, from nuevo leon coahuila, san luis potosi, tamaulipas, veracruz, hidalgo, puebla, morelos, Tabasco and all the yucatan, but the real mexican melitary opposed the extension of the zeta empire, they are too busy fighting to be the nazi al military police and will not yield to governors' narco-gangs without their 3/4 of the cake slice...

  3. So sad a dumping ground for the criminals. How many others ( Dumping sites) exist in Mexico?

    1. Mexico is the largest graveyard in the world.

    2. 10:09, google your question, and bring a report, in spanish or english, no problemo, you only have to account for about 50 000 disappeared, plus 43, and a out 300 000 killed, murdered or tortured to death by the police, military and some, i guess, by narcos.

    3. 2:06 not even close, sorry.

    4. The 'Killing Fields' of Indonesia beats Mexico easily unfortunately :-(

    5. Ya, id have to agree w 2:06. As far as recent killings go. and I'm talking post Ww2. America lost 58,000 in 10 yrs in Vietnam. Mexico loses that a yr. and I'm sure its double that in reality. Its becoming genocide on a Sierra Leon scale. what a shame.

    6. The United States of America is also known for its own disappearances. Thousands . But the majority of these disappearances is from serial killers. So America has its own dumping ground nation wide.

    7. We will never know where most murders occur because it happens most in closed countries where dictators rule, free media does not exist, and all news reported to the outside world is propaganda. I am no expert on estimating comparisons but based on what I read, travels, and speaking with people from different places I believe several countries in Africa, North Korea, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Venezuela and many other countries far exceed murders that occur in Mexico. Regardless it is sad that humanity can be so cruel and Mexico must acknowledge and protect its poorer and more rural citizens.

    8. On the US, the police has been getting militarized little by little, with equipment and training, and the replaced with real retjred military looking for employment opportunities where the can use their skis and discipline ( that discipline consists in obeying orders or understanding unwritten ones)
      --Military should retire,
      --police should have some education, but not what they have been getting.
      --Both should know they are to serve and protect the people, not themselves and their own...
      Of course, not all are the same, problem is almost all of them keep silent about the bad ones.

    9. The american serial murderer is a special species,
      they do it for the love of art.
      State Sponsored Terrorism is way worse, because it is done cold in cold blood in wars for profit where most of the victims themselves have nothing to profit from.

    10. I agree with everything you said except for one phrase - "American serial murderers are a special species". Serial murderers are not unique or exclusive to America. They exist in countries all around the globe.

  4. To think the government condoned this behavior by cartel activities. Or is the work of a serial killer? How many grieving families looking for love ones? Where municipal officials refuse to investigate disappearances. Where official time is engaged in criminal activities. That's Mexico for you! Come to Paradise is defined otherwise here my fellow tourists.

    1. They probably don't investigate because the funds allocated for that are stolen in advance by the state.

    2. 10:24 coincidentally, sinceexico started engaging in training for "anti-kidnapping squads" and on tactics for "negotiations with kidnappers" including "negotiating ransoms". The motherfacking problem skyrocketted, and according to federal police underchief "Luis Cardenas Palomino's Secret Expedient" he used to be a kidnapping murderer and robber in his youth, one of his gangs last murders, including his boss genarco garcia luna among others, and telephone records that track them all to the pooice offices and Enrique Salinas de Gortari, who by coincidence used to look like Fredo Corleone in photos...
      I blame the federal police, and their state police helpers and sicarios.

    3. Veracruz aka Coahuila 2.0

    4. Yeah. Bunch of low life's. Knowing it's a good market to officially engage in. Being the criminals that they really are. Don't be surprised if the majority of kidnappings taking place now are from these individuals.
      Anything to make a buck!

  5. Keep them buried, it saves on burial plots. Mexico is worse the Rwanda and Cambodia, the land is one vast graveyard where gravediggers and assassins are granted government impunity.

    1. In Rwanda and Cambodia the perpetrators were at least denounced and beaten with help from the outsode. In Mexico and also in Indonesia the perpetratos enjoy total impunity :-(

    2. Mexico is one but many unknown graveyards do exist throughout the world. Just no one has yet to shine a light on it. Sometimes it's best to keep dark secrets for peace to exist.

    3. The world knows mexico is one vast grave site. The government bullshit is over, the world sees the atrocitiies.

    4. 12:33 People excavating secret burial grounds and locating mass graves are volunteers looking for their loved ones, you should check your comments for pendejadas before posting.

  6. More duplicities. Followed by grievances. And the perpetual cynicism seared across 1's mind . It's so easy 2 see why so many lose their effing minds down in Mexico. - Sol Prendido

  7. Mexican law enforcement agencies will not investigate because many of the buried bodies are their victims.

  8. Were they all murdered for a similar reason? For instance, beings related to, or friends with the wrong cartel? Or maybe they refused/couldn't pay protection tax? Seems like a large number of people killed - more than just random occurrences.
    Amazing that the main news media never evens mentions this. They are more concerned with who is staying in Trump's D.C. Hotel...

    1. Thats the problem with the world people just worried bout them till it happens to them then they wanna be all about this movement shit dont stop when a plaza boss is killed ask me i seen it everytime i go to my home town its a new plaza boss every 2 years what happen to fulano de tal quien sabe is wat dey say wow

    2. Chck More than 20 thousand cadavers in one mass grave in La Macarena, in colombia, just outside of a military base, president murderer and drug trafficking RAT associate of the drug trafficking guerrillas was governor of his state and president of colombia when that happened, investigations for 10 years have uncovered nothing.

  9. Hola Chivis and BB staff, check this out.

    Saludos from Los Angeles, El Nemesis-

  10. Such a beautiful people and a sad state of affairs. Thinking about the hard working people of Mexico from Canada.

  11. They found a truck with dismembered body's in a back of a pick up truck in Escobedo, Nuevo Leon with a message against CDG and Z could this be "work" from the CJNG?

  12. Mexican are hard working people. Good hearted and respectful. Unfortunately these bad individuals and their activities of such lately have diminished all sense of hopel . A corruption at its highest level in government and he drug war epidemic. That good natured well manored citizens of Mexico has taken on a new role. A total bad boy whose personality is perceived as uncivilized, lawlessness.
    Definitely a change of role models for its youth and the world.
    Mexico has lost the most fundamental principle as a civilized society, love. To its neighbors and oneself.
    But then again I am sure many citizens everywhere feel the same where they reside.
    Oh , how times have changed!

    1. I have heard a lot of expats that moved to Mexico some time ago that mexico reminded them of America in the 50's and 60's where every know everyone in their community and a lot of neighbourly love.I have always been of the opinion that Mexico is 30 years behind the times north of the border so now it's the 80's in Mexico which was a decade of excess and lots of drug consumption.

    2. You make excellent sense. This is exactly why people support Trump and his wall....people are now " afraid" of having the USA drift in another fuked up Mexico.

    3. Mexico has not lost anything, problem isexico earned some 3 or 4 illion dollars to allow the war on drugs that has been murdering about half a million mexicans to catch about 100 capos del narco, out of a 122 list "full of secret names".
      And a bigger problem is that the US paid for what it bought and will not back off.

    4. @11:52PM I agree with what I think is your point. A LOT of money was spent and a LOT of people died but drug use and trafficking has not decreased. But to be fair, it was not only the 100 capos that were caught, probably at least half of those half a million people killed were sicarios, pushers and traffickers. But still not worth the price paid.

    5. Police chiefs make millions of dollars, governors too, they pay the president and the generales...
      and the murdered are 25 year old or much younger, narcos?
      Well, yes, according to the mexican criminal police state.
      This is not an adversarial comment, dd, I see you are coming around closer to deeper truths that government propaganda can't evade, yes many of the dead are crimins rivals, most are not buried in secret mass graves, these are almost exclusively military or former military hiding their dirty deeds, police arrest many and deliver them to their murderers, that their "share"

    6. @4:09AM I do not consider your comment to be "adversarial" but almost every sentence is debatable. Start with "Police chiefs make millions of dollars..". While some of the police chiefs in the largest cities may have made or maybe still make millions of dollars, painting "police chiefs" with such a broad brush is an inaccurate statement. There are thousands of police chiefs throughout the country that don't make "millions of dollars". Many don't make any more than their salary.

      "they pay the president and the generals". Surely you don't believe that the half a million a month that might be paid to a top PGR official was paid to a police chief and it went up the ladder to the top official. If any of that 1/2 million changed hands, it went down the ladder to a state official and from there down to a local official. Not the other way around. Big time bribery for protection starts at the top of the ladder.

      In response to your comment to me that I "am coming around to deeper truths that government propaganda can't evade. I don't know what you mean. If you will look back at stories and comments I have written over the last 6 or 7 years about corruption, lies and deceits, cover-ups, etc. I don't think you will find anyone on BB that has been more critical of the Mexican govt. than me.

  13. I ask why girls dont like me in BB to get the perspective from a non-self help site. I just wanted to see what some of the players here had to offer as advice. I promise I wont do it again.

    1. You post on an article about mass graves in Veracruz wondering why girls don't like you in BB? LMFAO son, this is not a dating site.

  14. Mexican senate create a budget for politicians with little limits and lots of incentives for that type public officials.

    When it comes to municipal police, district attorney employees, military, policía federal there you see is extra limited without incentives and no benefits

    How do I know this?

    Policía federal, PGR, y municipal steal from citizens, don't carry more than 10 bullets, don't have a bulletproof vest and their salary is so low they end up working for cartels.

    The military has weapons mounted on choppers however, the pilots are scared to be shutdown or running out of fuel as their fuel is limited just like their raquítico sueldo.

    The district attorney office has very little resources and are not protected by police so, they don't investigate any crimes at all.

    This is why someone else is doing the digging on described on this story

    1. I guess that's one way to control overpopulation.

    2. Mexican police also have to buy their own weapons and bullets, equal to 6 months pay before they see un peso in pay.

    3. 2:24 but the polesias can go and mug people immediately,
      have tortas and chescas for free all day,
      nowhere in the world the polesias have those advantages.

  15. On a semi-related note, there are a few articles indicating Mencho was caught once in Mexico in 2012.

    Does anyone remember this or was it BDN BS?


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