Friday, March 3, 2017

San Diego: 30 kilos of cocaine seized in Chula Vista

30 kilos of cocaine seized in Chula Vista

The nondescript Mercury Sable sedan made it's way into Chula Vista, getting off the 5 north, coming from the San Ysidro border crossing, winding through the neighborhoods, stoplights,  off the South Bay community, shortly after the sun set, across the horizon.  

Maybe the driver had that feeling, that intuition, the reflexes and instincts that may come with driving nondescript cars with dozens of kilos of cocaine stuffed into hidden compartments.  Nondescript cars under the surveillance of investigators on a task force.  The surveillance team watched as the Mercury pulled into a storage facility in Chula Vista, just before 7:00 PM. 

It was there they made the arrest, dismantled the car, and found a somewhat odd mixture of bundled drug shipments.  The key was the 30 kilos of cocaine, worth 20,000 or so in Tijuana, but there was also just over a half pound of brown heroin, 25 pounds of highly compressed marijuana, and about 24 pounds of crystal meth.  

In all the shipment is worth close to 650,000.  News reports, based on law enforcement briefings, have put it at 1.1 million, which I think is a stretch.  The crystal isn't worth more then 35,000 or so, the marijuana is worth even less, at about 300 a pound X 24.  The heroin is barely 5,000 dollars. You'd have to estimate the cocaine at almost 30,000 to reach 1.1 million.  

Often drug shipments are bundled together, mostly seeing crystal with cocaine, and heroin and crystal together.  Rarely are all three in the same, smaller shipment, even less, 24 pounds of marijuana, and 0.68 pounds of heroin.  There are reasons for this.  This may have been a very specific shipment for an individual or likelier a distribution group, operating in the San Diego area, or anywhere up the corridor, to Los Angeles. 

The individual was not named, and was booked into the county jail, on narcotics charges.  This case is likely linked to an ongoing investigation, and the group tied to the narcotics will be revealed, when the indictment is unsealed.  If the owners were unknown, it would be less likely the driver would have been detained, before he reached his final destination.  Also, it's common for runners to be switched out, along with the car, as they move further north.  The fact it was a storage facility, may lend credence to the theory, that was the drugs final stop however. 

Most major seizures are not accidents, and many are linked to major investigations, that may go unknown to anyone but the authorities and those charged.  Just last week Ricardo Lujan, 42, a San Ysidro native pled guilty to transporting 90 kilos of cocaine, and 68 kilos of crystal, and intending to transfer the shipment to another person.  The load was seized in Oceanside, last November, in very similar circumstances to last nights seizure in Chula Vista. 

Sources:  UT San Diego 


  1. Chapos people is getting hit where it hurts

    1. This is the nail on the coffin for cds

    2. lol
      Por favor raza no digan pendejadas y bb no postien comentarios de gente inepta. How a small seizure like this is the end of cds? Bitch please.

    3. That little stuff aint gonna hurt them. These are people that have weathered 5-10 up to 25 ton Coke loses. 30 keys is just gonna fuck up whoever was responsible for that load because they will be paying off the load that fell for ever. Now they will be indentured servants. Half the people in us pushing dope are here without a choice?

    4. I think dude was joking, chill out.

  2. 30k a key is about right for the Pacific Northwest . Just outta curiosity if claimed worth 20k in Tijuana than how much would it be worth where it fell in the San Diego area?

    1. 24-25k in San Diego

    2. I can get it for 15k US dollars for one kilo good coke in Puerto Penasco, Sonora, Eh!

  3. Her in cali a kilo of cocaine is roughly 30k.

    1. What part of Cali north Cali Bay Area,sac or southern cal los angles Area, or border Cali San Diego where fell?

    2. Tas loco 23 tops

    3. Cali Is a big state. So he could be taking about different part of Cali being 30. What part of Cali is 23 tops?

    4. 20k for agents and 30k for the low level dealers depending on the county in Cali

    5. 23-24-24.5 in los angeles area and depending on how much it has been stepped on, the farther north of los angeles the more ir increases but still not in the 30k range... anyone know any agents is that has them for 20k ? Thanks :)

    6. whats this talk about federal "agents" having for 20 are you implying that agents are the ones pushing the dope?

    7. By the time it gets up here to us in Calgary it's 40k to 50k per kilo, Eh!

    8. TSA has improved the checking up process for people coming into the US, hands and fingers will get busy, but that for air traffick only, they could give people a scanning and check real good for them Little bags, and the chichis implants too.

    9. @10:23 TSA is a joke, their machines are set for explosive residue only.

    10. 10:12 I have seen TSA agents taking picshurs with their X rated cameras, everything shows there, but they can see better picshurs when nobody is watching, if you try to cover your ass they take you to the back room for a full "play doctor checkup" the biiig black glove is free,

  4. Vista Is Scandalous To All

  5. I want my coke back

    1. Bet u do. It's comments like this that show your ignorance.

    2. You're on an English website for cartels, and you're talking about intelligence. Lol loser

    3. I read Spanish too. Maybe my wording could have been better stated differently. Just feel strong about this poison on our streets. Definitely leaning on that this website is only meant for readers who are or engage in this activity . With imput being assessed by watchful eyes ( Big Brother). The names and theories of such, painting a picture.

    4. War on drugs is not winnable. The poison on the streets is a necessity just as much as the judges, lawyers, prosecutors, drug agencies and prisons are. It's business. When you decriminalize drugs and move into prevention you'll not only largely eliminate cartels as we know them, but you'll also cause a lot of big businesses to lose money. Not gonna happen. That being said, I want my coke back.

    5. How is the war on drugs going to be won, they are only fighting their ant size trafficking competitors.
      --Culombia, of course, with 7 US melitary bases, is still the champ. Ain' No wall is goin' to stop US military planes.

  6. Assuming the organization behind this load moves 100 metric tons a year, then thats about 300kg/day meaning another 9 nondescript vehicles made it safely accross the border that same day.

  7. Somebody got greedy and fucked up. Shld of split up that shipment in two or three after it crossed the border. Keys can be around 19 20 on the usa side of the border fetching more as it goes north thats 300 grand worth of coke more or less.

    1. 19-20 for who the guy that is recieving all 30 for around 300k cash up front? If on consignment not gonna be 19-20 and defiantly not 19-20 if sold individually.

    2. 19 to 20 is the price in the border where im at on the us side. I hate when in the news they inflate the prices to the max

  8. Garbage off the streets for a bit? Sure there are many other vehicles that did get through. A non stopping business unfortunately.

  9. It takes a team of HSI or ICE agents for a follow threw. These guys are not just waiting at the border to see who is a loaded car. If someone is loaded and decides to flip and the duty ICE agent thinks is a good follow threw, they have little time to get a team ready to follow the car. Sometimes they might even loose a load for bad planning. That driver snitch depending who was watching the load they decided to loose the load. Since nobody show at the drop location the driver is the only one getting arrested. He/she will have to answer to someone beside the DA and judge.

    1. So you're a cop disclosing all this?...
      Who will you answer to?

    2. Ima call OIG!

    3. 8:32 In every case they will tell you how you got busted. You need to pay attention when you go to the esculita. Most people wil say that they are bad ass until the paperwork states otherwise.

  10. 21k in san diego!

  11. 7k for a kilo in culican, sinaloa if you got the hookup

  12. Don't think the flow of drugs will ever stop . An investigation and a scanning of all vehicles would definitely put a hamper to it. Although that's unlikely due the high volume of vehicles crossing every day. Not enough resources and the waiting time would be astronomical .

    1. No vehicles should be crossing the border unless they pay a whole Lotta money, maybe cross back and forth in a rental or a loaner that registers where the car went every minute, and probe check the travelers, at least they can't hide 30 kilos up their ass, just their personal calcetin...

  13. I doubt all this belonged to one person in particular.It was more like los brincadores trying to save money & loading it all up on one trip.This is the type of shady shit that will get you killed.Mixing peoples merchandise is a no-no.That weed couldve been what alerted them to the stash.Food for thought!

    1. Commenting on this is like playing with the 3d rail.

  14. That's alotta dope
    Probably a crooked CBP!!!!!

  15. I had a unit at this location for years. Every few weeks CBP would bring their K-9 around and walk it around all the storage units to see if they hit. Using any storage in Main St. as a stash spot is just plain crazy.

    1. 11:20 Still, the storage is a good spot to surrender, better than going home and deliver the whole operation, these guys seem to be experienced and can smell tail from a hundred miles.

  16. There's no way the gobment would have anyone stop and scan every rig that crosses. It seems that this is a minor loss. Not to the guy that got pinched of course.

  17. Yea guy that lost that load or was responsible for it. Will be in debt so the cartel still doesn't lose because now they have someone as a indentured servant and will take them forever to cover what fell from there hands. There is a bunch of Mexican dope pushers that are basically slaves cause they lose a load.

    1. Correct! Even as far as to rip off there own so hired hand is free. I knew players who engaged in this practice. It's a dirty business. No honesty in this game. Honesty amongst thieves is a practice that has been long gone. Wild Wild West out here now. Bandits craving for more .


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