Wednesday, March 15, 2017

El Chapo does not see the light of the Sun, according to his Lawyers

Translated by Otis B Fly-Wheel for Borderland Beat from an Informador.Mx article

Subject Matter: El Chapo Guzman, incarceration conditions
Recommendation: No prior subject matter knowledge required

The Lawyers of Joaquin El Chapo Guzman officially solicited, this Monday to Judge Brian Cogan that the "finish or modify immediately the imprisonment conditions in which the capo lives since he was extradited to the USA on the 19th of January.

In a 24 page letter to which we had access, the defence solicited that they finish that severe isolation in which the ex leader of the Sinaloa Cartel lives, without outside contact to anyone other than his three Lawyers and a translator, with only one hour outside his cell, Monday to Friday.

"We solicit the Court to free Mr Guzman and put him in the general prison population. As an alternative, the Court might modify certain sections and dispositions of the special administration applied to Guzman Loera because of his dangerousness and history that his defence lawyers consider unconstitutional, specially communication restrictions.

As a primary measure we solicit that he is permitted to talk to his wife, Emma Coronel Aispuro, in person or by telephone, so that he may convey his wishes in order to have private counsel for his defence, his current lawyers are public state of New York, as well as to determine which of his assets to use for that purpose. The authorities refuse to do so to "prevent committing, soliciting or conspiring to commit additional criminal activities." The only time he has seen them since the extradition was at a hearing on February the 3rd, when Coronel Aispuro went to witness it.

According to his defence, the prison situation of Guzman Loera violates the rights of the first amendment of the US Constitution, freedom of expression, the fifth, a right to a fair trial, and the sixth, right to an effective defence.

According to his Lawyers this is a day in the life of Guzman Loera

The capo is confined in a small cell with no windows
23 hours a day he is alone
An hour a day he is let out to exercise
Exercise is not allowed on weekends
The only occasion that he briefly sees the light of day is through a small window on the way to visit his Lawyers or the exercise room
Food is served through a slot in the door
The cell lights are always on and the air conditioning is always running
His clock was confiscated without reason which was bought in the jail, taking away from him the ability to discern night from day.

Original article in Spanish at Informador.Mx


  1. There are much better written articles from the USA press out there. Regardless, no one cares about this animals sufferings, not even the judge. One must remember the countless 1000's of people butchered and murdered, raped and dismembered because of him. If you can't do the time, don't do the crime. Our justice system is not for liberals, it is just that. PUNISHMENT -- either waiting for trial and judgment or after conviction. Hopefully he dies in prison or jail before his trial so time, energy and money can be saved. If not, it will be nice to see the bitch spawn cry when convicted and sentenced to multiple consecutive life sentences in his ADX cage.

  2. So this murderous parasite doesn't like bein "in the hizzy?" That sux!

    1. Lil midget should have went out like Don Arturo.

    2. I wonder if he would still like to have that movie made...!!!!!

  3. neither do the people he killed.

    1. This should be the only coment allowed, put it in parénthesis next to the title

  4. Boo Hoo Hoo! Poor baby!

  5. Let Him ROT THERE *** No Tunnels there lol ***
    he deserves no better then what they give hem.....

  6. You know who also never sees the light of sun? All the people Chapo has killed or has ordered to be killed. Enjoy your fluorescent lights Chapo at least you're not dead. Whiny munchkin isn't he?

    1. 12:37 you like the ostrich never see the light either, with your head up your ass, it is a blessing your cell has light

  7. It's quite the adjustment for him.This has never happened to him in 60 years where HE controls the prison.It's frustrating for him as he can't conduct business as his organization falls apart.

  8. He better get used to it..

  9. I feel a little bad for the guy. I mean those conditions should be for muslim terrorists and the like.

    But he laid his bed...

    1. You do realize that narco terrorists are just are brutal as muslim terrorists, right? The only difference between the two is one is doing it in the name of religion and the other is doing it for money. You should have no sympathy for El Chapo just as he had no sympathy for the many, many, many people he has executed or ordered to be executed.

    2. Seriously, how is he different than any other terrorist?

    3. He is a terrorist! 😡

    4. whats to feel bad about? Hes scum pure and simple no ifs no buts he deserves this.

    5. He deserves what he gets and has. His family now needs to be locked up too for life.

    6. agreed hes scum dont feel sorry for him because he would not have any feeling for you

    7. 8:04, are you aware that ISIS got into its business as soon as Obama slashed the US Dep of Defense? It was a law made in compromise in congress, o ly the other side.did not hire.Al Qaeda to form guerrillas or "supplied them by mistake".
      There are american enemies IN the military, they work for the and industrial Welfare Queens fighting like bitches for theirs, al Qaeda or rusian help? No problem.

  10. The greatest DON!!!

    1. To be the greatest you must avoid death or prison son. Just like El Azul or El Mayo. They're the greatest.

    2. Not so great now . More like the greatest Don the chump! He should have went out swinging than be captured. So have some dignity and remain calm . Contemplating on amending all of the ills you committed would be fitting while awaiting judgment.

    3. nothing great about a mass killer

    4. @ 1:12 & 10:30 No más falta que le regalen el yoyo cabronas. - Sol Prendido

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Just wait after sentencing. Then he will cry at ADX with double doors and get use to the food flap. He will go crazy without human contact. He will dream to eat un taco de carne asada con frijoles y queso. Hacer tamales de doritos.

    1. El güero palmas did not go crazy, and they had to cook some trumped up charges to extradite him somewhere safe, incommunicado, many cabrones muuuy ojetes were affraid of him, still are, miguel angel felix gallardo among them, el güero palmas is still in prison, now in mexico, no charges required...

  12. Shorty should be thankful for what he has. Many people have lost their lives because of his actions. HE has been reduced to a whiny sissy.

  13. Wow....he should have went out blazing!!.cause this life is suitable for no human!!.

    1. You're right, that's torture I believe if a human being is that evil he should be put down like a rabid dog but this is grotesque. Actually I take that back certain scum like child molesters and the Hitler's of the world deserve 23 hour a day lockdown all the other killers and stuff if u feel they're that evil and they truly deserve it then kill them. Save the torture for the sick bastards who harm children and commit mass shootings. Anybody who doesn't understand this doesn't see the big picture

    2. This is Temporary. He shall have his day in court. It is inhuman to be treated the way he is being treated. All other prisoners have visitors.

    3. 1:24 He made his choices just like they all did . Maybe trump will build more prisons to house them . Bet he can "make them pay for it .
      Trump Will Bring Them To Heel

    4. 8:04 chingue su madre donald trump y sus lambegüebos.
      The donal is about to be called officially a liar by the US congress, and impeachment proceedings will follow for his russian ties, conspiring with Bladdermir to steal the election and money laundering with wilbur ross and his russian partners at DEUTSCHE BANK, and no claims of Barack Obama "wire taped me!" Will save his ass, but the way, if you go to any trump tower, beware of the mics and secret cameras, the donal' has it all bugged, not obama.

    5. The "CON DON" Trump is too busy denying he accused obamanos of tapping his wires, denying his government pendejadas, AND HIS TWEETS, denying he is a russian puppet, and that BLADDERMIR PUTIN IS HIS PUPPETEER...and denying his son in law is ten times as.corrupt as him for taking 400 million dollars from the chinese as a loan that does not need to be paid back...
      There that BAAAD, SHAME!!!
      I don't think Moby Dick has time to worry about La Chapa.

  14. Lol that's all inmates there let everyone out also to general population!!!!

    1. Hey chaputo....its called prison, where you lose privileges. C.D.S.


  15. Well atleast he aint getting darker... I hate getting darker from the sun

    1. Dude,i love gettin darker by the sun,your spoilt by havin too much sun.Where i am now hot summers and good sun are pretty shit.Buen dia hermano,i end up lookin like fuckin casper with black hair,the little gimp,be cool now

    2. Ostriches love the shady shade so much they will keep their heads up the ass voluntarily 24/7. La chapa and all the prisoners should be able to see the sun at least on a tv, and available for public speaking tours and interviews.
      Usually their keepers have worse to hide, that why prison ers get kept isolated.
      --DF mayor AMLO had a new yorker former mayor as his top law enforcement chief for a year, for ten million dollars, he survived long hours of suffering on 9/11, what is his name???

    3. I love how my skin gets darker but i rarely sun burn. In the summer my half anglo half Mexican sons turn a color that makes most envious

    4. O:34 I love shrimp, but some pasty white skins that sunburn to look like boiled shrimp are real turn offs...

  16. This type of high profile treatment is normal for inmates that are too high in profile or power. Being released in general population is not going to happen ANY TIME soon until the hype dies down, most likely years after he has been sentenced to life.

    Could you imagine Chapo being released into general pop? 99% of all inmates- white, black asian or hispanic would want to shake his hand out of true respect, however, there would be the 1% that would try to cut his throat. BLO, CJNG or any cartel for that matter could reach him.

    I think it is sad that Chapo is playing this baby role for such a mythical and machismo character in the world of Santa Muerte and real men who die dealing in drugs, money and death. One would expect Chapo to take it all in with an evil grin. That is pathetically, not the case.

    One good thing for Chapo is that all of his family are well taken care of and will never have to work, EVER. They will have to have security, but oh well, it is completely worth it to me. His relatives aren't too worried about anything, obviously, because they still live in Mexico and its not like they are trying too hard to hide from anyone......

    Chapo should just be happy that his family is all good, stop whining and just take the punishment he has brought upon himself....

    1. I bet u would cry one day in jail,it's easy to talk when u haven't done time! Prison breaks a man! IV seen grown men cry like babies!

    2. Prison breaks the weak Don't don't do the crime if you can't do the time..

    3. Can truly say the best way to do time is mentally preparing oneself. Spirituality in some form to bring understanding and peace with oneself. Moreover physically by exercising your body . To be strong mentally and physically is the best medicine.
      Furthermore forgiveness from your God is something one can't have an answer for. But hopefully mercy .

    4. I don't know about anyone else but I love El Chapo and I am pretty sure that many Americans feel the same

    5. Ok . I am usually the first one to ridicule chapo for his whining . I think the little fucker is getting what he earned . But , all these motions and shit are being publicized . Very common , if you have lawyers that are working for you to file all they can to hopefully gain some kind of ground . He is a very high profile that has a reputation for heading the largest drug trafficking network in the world and 2 big time escapes under his belt . He will remain in close custody no matter what . These court appointed attorneys are wrangling for anything they can get . He is very high profile and that makes them high profile . I don't know what their reputation was before they got his case but now its high profile . They better be filing lots of shit or their reputation will be shit .
      A court appointed lawyer for a common person would be different . He might as well complain to a jailer , he would care as much .

  17. Mierda de toro! El chapo is either dead already or free.. stop the lies, please.

    1. Chapo is right here in nyc my friend..although i havent seen him,i have seen the silly comment you wrote.

  18. LOL! If he's allowed in GP (which won't happen!), he'll have the entire prison population at his service!

    1. prison gangs full of lifers will extort Chapo he is nobody to them thats why he is in solitary its for his own protection. even Al Capone was extorted buy lifer prison gangs because they have no one on the street all they have is in prison. truth is without all his money and hired killers Chapo is just a little bitch. i myself have spent almost 1 year locked in solitary under same conditions Chapo is in he not getting out of it any time soon because he will spend his life in ADX because his people tunneled into a prison to break him out and thats that ADX for life.

      remember when Chapo was moved to juarez prison and cried about how he is never alone they always watching him waaa waa waa. well he has plenty of alone time and he crys

      ~~~el spaceio~~~

    2. @ 10:00 AM CDS isn't the Italian Mob. I'm sure CDS has many contacts inside USA prisons and even if they don't they'd be able to hurt these prison gangs or their families on the outside if they tried to extort El Chapo. They are cool with prison gangs most notably the Mexican Mafia.

      Highly unlikely he would get extorted...

    3. 10:10 the more I read from you, the more I get convinced you are a clown.

  19. How about they send him to supermax better,is he gonna complain their also? Better yet,let's take him to dinner at time square and then maybe shopping to fifth avenue

  20. I don't like it. I don't like it one bit. These nigguhs best lighten up on my boy.

  21. Welcome to the Federal Prison system. It's real, Chapo, get used to it.

  22. Imagine how many thousands of people died because of his greet. Those no longer live to take a big breath nor to enjoy family or the sun light.

    If the judge allows him to see his wife or be allowed to jails general population and choco will continue his work through other people.

    1. Can you use an original nickname. That is not you.

    2. Genaro, contrary to what you are saying its the Mexican government who is responsible for many killings. El Chapo was loved in Sinaloa so take that.

    3. 6:42 la chapa is owed for what order was there in sinaloa when he was around, and it did not cost the sinaloa one cent.
      Compare to now and explain the difference.

    4. Genny don't be a pendejo, check some videos that show mexican police kidnapping mexicans and delivering them to "civilians" or military to be murdered, most of them innocent with nothing to do with drug trafficking.
      Former SSP OF MEXICO AND HIS POLICIA FEDERALES went to schools and specialized in "anti-kidnapping", to do their kidnappings more perfect, the case of niño martial and AFI officers and policia judicial federal and comandanta lorena, and her jefe luis cardenas palomino and a facundo rosas, jorge carpizo, rafael leon aragon "el chino" and genarco garcia luna's murdered officers prove the criminals even murdering each other, but the worse criminal was genarco, still the partner of carlos slim helu, who nobody questions since too many billion dollars ago...

  23. This a good example of why a lot criminals go out fighting. In many ways, solitary confinement is worse than death.

    1. It's 100 times worst than death, losing your mind before your body shuts down.. you'll be begging for death's sweet release.

    2. Time to do the prison gym routines, learn to read, and get some prison guards pregnant...

  24. I think I'm going to cry.

  25. Pues no que muy bravo y hombrecito?

  26. Get used to it! That is your life until you die!
    Not so cocky now Chumpo!

  27. Soon you will be getting word your sons have been beheaded!
    It's called karma!

  28. All the people him and his nuthugger hitmen killed don't see the light of day either! Fuck this dude! What a whiny little bitch!

  29. Welcome to the us penal system

  30. All this is the strategy of the US government just like the Mexican government to make him forget of the high ranking members of both government that he was paying for that way they don't cut him no deals and he serves the maximum sentence they don't want to get embarrassed like they were with "El Vicentillo" CIA strategy keep him isolated and with no lights to make him go crazy and have memorie lost

    1. Government officials on both sides of the fence were handsomely paid. Known fact for him to even haven gotten to that status for all those years without interference.
      Regardless of who's on the payroll, denial of such will never be acknowledged.
      It's the way business works

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. Those conditions are no joke. But how many high profile prisoners are treated that same way? And they dont have the platform to complain at least ppl hear his cries

  33. As the song goes..... Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
    It's not warm when she's away
    Ain't no sunshine when she's gone
    And she's always gone too long
    Anytime she goes away.

    1. Nah man,i think this little this guy is hardcore to deal this.The life and respect he had in his world,planes,women,cars,boats,travel,now,to be locked up in jug in the US never seeing his dearest again?Without judging him for his shit,this situation hes in now is naughty to what he had.Man,i think i would rather have gone out than Supermax?

    2. Lol.. well we can see where your mind set is... a hopefull wishers. Keep smoking up pipe dreams. Plus with all the material things you listed that he had. It seems those are things you would want aswell... so I can guess you wouldn't go out shooting.. you would roll over rat out your parents. And hope that one day you can be reunited with all your worldly belongings.

  34. No mames dale su reloj si no como va a saber a q hora es pa ver al Chema al de la gorrita negra tan tan.. I love bb..

    1. 7:44 it used to be prisoners like your shoes, and you give them away, they like your watch, you give it away, they like your ass but you had given it away, expect no mercy.
      Maybe you.could buy.another watch?, how about a ROLEX for 80 times the price? But this will be a chinese knock off fer sure.
      We all know 'thet'...

    2. 9:37 Rolex suck.

    3. 8:50 when all you have ever had is chinese knockoffs, everything sucks.
      Fidel castro gave Rolex watches to his commanders and then kicked them in the ass, el Che Guevara's Rolex was stolen by cuban emigré felix ismael rodriguez who still uses it, fidel and felix moved on to cocaine trafficking through cuback and florida after murdering El Ché, and after a few years, they are all back to it, all over the Atlantic Ocean and d ticking it to mexico again...

  35. There is the hatred Monterrey Zetas have for CDN,the Zetas really have fragmented.Muletas of CDN showing off with ARs and sicarios,then he gets caught and thrown into Topo Chico.The Zetas run Topo Chico and have him suck dick,mopping up and kicking him and his people,wonder if he'll last?This is nothing to what they do in Brasilian jugs,believe me.

    1. Is it true there's a video of that foo muletas in that prison?

    2. As long as you do your job and do it right, you can last until you are the last man forking the papas,
      Send money, "El Muletas" will be grateful and remember you.

    3. Las nalgas del Muletas seran cobradas, los guardias van pagar con sus yoyos, it is not like they didn't know what they was setting up when they sent el muletas to "El Topo Chico."

  36. So what is Emma up to? Is she enjoying New York? Shopping at Saks, while her hubby rots? I'm curious.

    1. She's shopping for a TV deal her makeup and clothing line comes out this year she was smart now is going to get paid

    2. Emma is a shapley hot young woman. Lot of people would love to see her tweak that juicy ass.

  37. Chapo will die this year

    1. He will not but Mayo will.

    2. Looks like he will get killed nobody likes him for snitching

    3. His son will die also

  38. It's just the beginning, you forget to mention showers only 3 times per week, no t. V. Only books, your dog eats better food than what they serve, the bed is concrete or steel, if you go out of your cell for anything exercise or talk to your lawyer when you get back to your cell , you got too bend over spread them and give two good coughs, I can go on and on. Bottom line is (you make the bed you sleep in).

    1. 9:55 wuuuh, I am affraid for the "La Chapa" associate billionaire money laundering partners and banks and billionaire businessmen offshorers of american jobs that took 90% of the drug trafficking profits la chapa produced...
      --What do you have in store for them???

  39. Chapo needs to be advised by his attorneys that his incessant whining is futile in the US Federal system; he is no longer in Mexico.

  40. Chapo much respect!! But never heard osiel Cardenas whine about being in ADX.... suck it up. Could have gone down tirando plomo like escobar, el jefe de jefes or Tony Tormenta but u a snitch

    1. Osiel is a rat thou.

    2. Thats because Osiel is in PC somewhere for being a rat you biggo dumb dumb.

  41. Thats how all capos Will end up eats either die like Arturo Beltrán or end up like el chapó and many other capos even el Mencho was lock up in prisión he run back to México he dont want usa jail pretty soon that coward Will end up like Mr.guzman

  42. Dont wish death or jail to no one.stay strong chapo.

  43. I was in county for a little over a month. I turned into a damn ghost, barely saw the sun for 3 hrs a week, and thats if I wanted to go out in the cold.. All I gotta say is that jail aint worth shit. They try and lock u away for 2 yrs if u have more than 2 lbs on u... some fucking bullshit.. and a fucking headache.

  44. Weak ass dude lol.. All those corridos he has that say he is smart ,tough and brave lol... Can't do the time señor chapo? You shouldn't have done the crime .. Man the fck up n quit your bitching.. You losing credibility with all your bitching lol

  45. What a cry baby
    Juan garcia abrego did 20 years in supermax and didn't cry about nothing
    Guero Palma co.plated his sentence and thus Lil bitch is crying

  46. Also read that he hears music supposedly when no radio is on. Could it be the intro of his eulogy? He's is definitely going bonkers!
    Suggest you find a way to maintain your sanity. Unfortunately there is no way you will have the amenities once were given.

  47. The real man who runs the cartel is in Vermont sitting pretty.....

    1. @6:00AM You have mentioned the man in Vermont several times. Would you care to tell us who it is? By email if you prefer.

    2. V Z current residence ???

    3. I'm not 6:00 am, but you may like to read:
      "The New Face of Heroin: The Epidemic That's Ripping Vermont Apart" by David Amsden in Rolling Stone, Apr/2014
      --I know, it is an old story but some things are here to stay, and I doubt the epidemic is over.
      Why the giys running Vermont have not been caught is a shame on the police department, they must be stained, there is also Purdue Pharma mentioned as the manufacturer of oxy contyn, other drugs, vikes for vicodin and perc-30's...
      millions of prescripons filled many by mail billions of pills, that leave the clients go buy their fix on the street when they get cut off from "their medicines"

  48. Greetings BBC. I'm usually a deeply compassionate person but when I read this I actually smiled. After decades of evil actions to others,he finally has to pay for his crimes. Next stop Supermax,no one deserves it more. Thanks for the update BBC. Many blessings to all.

  49. Donde estan los 300 talibanes que lo van a rescatar?
    Jajaja pendejadas de corridos!!!

  50. and as for the air conditioning that making him cry about being cold. its not air conditioning it's central air has ac and heat and prisons keep it at 71 degrees

  51. He is a low life rat let Him die like one.
    lol no tacos no ladyes no fast cars no band to play for him
    hehe. he will love ADX Florence FOR SURE....
    ADX Florence in Fremont Country houses the most dangerous inmates in the U.S.FEDERAL prison system.
    HE HE no tunnels there

  52. Any updates on Vicente Zambada and Zerafin Zambada ?? ~@~

    1. Vince Z is almost out

    2. El Sera is in the Witsec program, he will never get back to Mex but live under a new name in US. Vincente is sentenced, from the time he did, he is almost out. I don't think, he will come back to Mex either.

    3. @7:36 I heard Vince has no beefs in culiacan, the same can't be said about his underling Chinese anthrax

  53. Neither do the thousands of innocent women children and men who are dead thanks to this scumbag.
    Lock him up in a dark room forever. Even supermax is to nice for this trash.

  54. This is worse than death. He should be given the option live or die.

  55. Those who are willing to give up liberty for security deserve neither. The comments here make me sick. As a red blooded American Vet I believe in the constitution and all the protections it affords ALL people that are on this land. You want swift "justice" go to Russia....they have plenty of that down there.

    1. I fully agree. Chapo deserves his day in court. None of you know all facts. Marijuana is legalized in California anyway

  56. That's SMU for you.. Chapo is not safe in general population, he will never have a cellmate and will never go to a yard with other inmates. There are tens of thousands of inmates in U.S. prisons serving time in special management units for crimes far less than anything he is being accused of. No doubt he will start to lose his mind but this is the consequence he has to accept.

  57. first of all do u guys know 1 innocent person he had killed i dont blame him for making his money i dont blame him for my dad being a herion addict and my brothgers and sisters being pot head its a business if they dont like drug dealers then legallize everything doctors dont go to jail for selling drugs

  58. That's MAX Life For You... Money For Nothin')

  59. f*** him!!! start digging

  60. Y'all can see Deez nutz

  61. El verdadero hombre se hace responsable de las consecuencias de sus actos,sea cual sea el resultado y sin llorar ni poner a nadie.Que importa el poder del que gozaba o que tan valiente se creia durante su reinado o carrera en el mundo del narcotrafico,si al final traicionara a sus amistades y en muchos casos hasta familiares.

  62. Welcome to American prison-whiny little bitch!

    1. Such hatred. People like to comment about something they know nothing about.

    2. 6:57 yeah, I'd like to know how it feels to be a billionaire drug trafficking businessman with billions of drug money laundered for me by all the most powerful banks in the world, but knowing that I am too BIG TO FAIL and that I can claim trillion dollar loses and get my money replaced to me by the US government, at the expense of the american people, is the most priceless "Sucker Card"

  63. Boo boo. Can't see the light of day. Like all the dead. Here's your fucking hero mexico.

  64. The US Constitution doesn't apply, Chapo isn't a US citizen. His status is like the terrorists in Guantanamo.

    1. @6:38 I don't think Clarence Darrow could win that case in court.

      "The Court has repeatedly stated that "the Due Process Clause applies to all 'persons' within the United States, including aliens, whether their presence here is lawful, unlawful, temporary, or permanent." When noncitizens, no matter what their status, are tried for crimes, they are entitled to all of the rights that attach to the criminal process, without any distinction based on their nationality.

      As James Madison himself argued, those subject to the obligations of our legal system ought to be entitled to its protections:


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